At a young age in life, I had all the money I needed to buy the world, and all I had to do was to get in position to steal it. At age 21, I had finished college a year early and didn’t bother attending my graduation, for that same day was the first day I took control of my late father’s company. Now with the business day over, I sat practically alone in my estate. After firing all but one of my company’s board members that my father handpicked, I felt I had done enough for the day. I was going to use the rest of the night to get ready to bring my new team together for tomorrow, but I was disturbed…
“Excuse me sir, but Mr. Brooks is here to speak with you.”
“Mr. Brooks?” I asked forgetting momentarily who he was.
“Yes sir, one of the board members. He apologizes for calling on you so late in the evening.”
It took me only a moment to remember. “Oh! Albert Brooks. George, have Mr. Brooks wait in my study.”
“As you wish sir.”
For no apparent reason I waited some 15 minutes before I went in. “Sorry to keep you waiting Mr. Brooks. What brings you to my home?”
This short little old man stood up and started screaming, “Listen here, junior! Your father is rolling in his grave watching the way you are dismantling his life’s work.”
I couldn’t believe the nerve of this guy raising his voice to me. Doesn’t he know who I am? I shouted, “Mr. Brooks, I suggest that you watch your tone and that you address me properly. You are back to being the V.P. I am the CEO now! The name on the building belongs to me!”
Albert continued with a smug attitude. “Alexander, after the way you were firing everybody, I know my job is no longer secure. I have just come here so we can get this over with. Why don’t you just say it?”
In a calm voice I said, “I can’t just fire you Mr. Brooks. You know all my father’s secrets.”
“So what does that have to do with any of this? Besides, I signed a nondisclosure agreement.”
As he was talking I went over to my desk and opened a small door. I reached in the drawer and removed the safety from what it was that I was looking for. “Well, knowing my father’s secrets means you know my secrets, and I just can’t have that.”
I revealed to him what it was that I obtained from my desk, and it took just a brief moment for the sweat and fear to attach itself to the face of this decrepit millionaire.
“Alexander, please! Put the gun down. You don’t have to do this.”
“Oh, I know. But I want to do this.” I was about to squeeze the trigger. “Oh, one more thing Mr. Brooks, I hate the name Alexander. My father’s is Alexander and mine is Lex, rather Mr. Luthor to you.”
“No, wai...!”
I had fired one shot in his chest, and he dropped to the floor with his eyes wide open. Footsteps came running down the hall and my door swung open, “Is everything alright, Mr. Luthor?” Frederick looked all around the room with his gun close to his chest and pointed up, “We thought we heard…”
“You did, Frederick. I thought I’d keep my security on their toes.” From the look Frederick gave me, I don’t think he liked the surprise very much. “Have Ursula clean this mess up and have your men dispose of Mr. Brooks.”
“In the same means as the others, sir?”
“Why not? And Frederick, when you’re through, I want the furnace cleaned out thoroughly. There’s not to be a single strand of DNA.”
I left my men to do their tasks and poured myself a drink.