Conner liked sleeping in, when he awoke at about 11:13 am, he smelled bacon hoping it was all a dream. Then he remembered they bought bacon and a skillet at the camping store.
”Morning sleepyhead!” Zoe said.
”Morning mom” Conner responded.
He noticed the setup of where everyone was had changed. Raynn, Mason, Jack, and Lili were riding in Kayaks. Grace was wearing the flippers and swimming around with Cooper, his twin sister, Cayden, was on the inner tube paddling. His aunt Tess was on the jet ski, the Jenkins’ parents were on one of the canoes and his parents were on the inflatable unicorn cooking bacon.
“Where do I go?” He asked.
“You can go on the inner tube with Cayden, make sure you get one of the paddles we bought.” Lance responded.
“How will we be eating breakfast and moving fast at the same time?” Grace asked.
“We can eat in shifts” Tess said with a somewhat guilty look on her face.
”My arms are so tired, and I’ve only been paddling for an hour! I’m going to take a break and get some photos.” Jack said.
”Me too, I’m going to record the next video in my vlog, hopefully our dilemma will at least get me more viewers.” Lili added.
“Well if you’re taking a break you might as well be in the first eating shift, the bacon’s ready.” Zoe said.
“How come they get to eat first? I thought you said “only one break if it’s not bathroom or eating”” Cayden asked.
”Yes, but on their breaks they could’ve stayed in the kayaks, it would have only been a minute, and breakfast is ready anyway.” Zoe responded.
”Why are you cooking the bacon in a big crate?” Raynn asked.”
”The generator isn’t waterproof, so we need to put it in here to insure it doesn’t get wet.” Lance said.
”What are we having with the bacon?” Lili asked.
”We’re trying to ration food, so nothing. But if we fish before lunch you can have some fruit as a snack later.” Zoe said.
Everyone ate up, Lili and Jack in the first shift, Conner and Cayden in the second shift, Grace, Raynn, and Cooper in the third shift. Mason, Zoe, and Tess in the fourth shift, Lance, Frank, and Clarissa in the fifth shift.
The arrangement of everything tied together was very weird. The jet ski was in the lead traveling at 6 mph, the kayaks were following behind. The canoes were in the middle by the inflatable unicorn. Cooper was laying on a dog pool float so he was still in the water but wasn’t swimming. Grace was swimming while holding onto the dog pool float. Them as well as Conner and Cayden were next to the canoes. And the raft with all of the luggage was in the back.
Everyone was very exhausted, and it was only the first day. Clarissa looked at her phone, trying to find somewhere to get an actual boat.
”I can’t find anything” Clarissa said in an exhausted tone.
”Can I look?” Lili asked.
”Sure sweetie” Clarissa responded.
Lili took the phone and google searched “engined raft stores near me.” She found a family selling their inflatable island for $399, and it had an engine that ran on water.
”Look mom! It’s 112 miles away! I’m just surprised this was listed as ‘near me’” Lili said enthusiastically.
Before Clarissa could even respond, an ad for spider removal popped up on her phone, with a picture of a furry tarantula. The one thing that Lili is terrified of, spiders. She screamed “Spider” and threw the phone into the water.
To be continued in chapter 4...