It was an aphotic night, as Katherine Price walked through the woods, heading home. She'd been hanging out with Jack and his pack. However, when she was in the heart of the woods, she stopped, feeling something or someone watching her.
A moment later, a brown werewolf lunged from a bush, pinning her to the ground, and bit her arm, when she tried to keep it from snapping at her face.
As soon as Jack, in his wolf form, heard Katherine in pain, he knew she was in danger. And as he raced towards the sounds, he smelled werewolf. Then, as soon as he saw the scene, he rammed into the wolf that had a hold of her arm, making the wolf let go, as it hit the ground on its side.
The brown werewolf got to his paws, growling and snarling. Jack did the same. Then the wolves fought with teeth and claws viciously. The brown wolf seemed to have a little more strength, though. It was strong enough to get Jack to the ground, and then tried to go for Jack's neck. However, Dawn saw the scene and came to the rescue, pulling the brown wolf off Jack.
As Dawn fought the brown werewolf, Jack phased human and, as soon as his clothes were on, he rushed to Katherine's side. Looking at the wound, he knew that she'd been bitten. That meant that she'd be turning on the next full moon. He hadn't wanted that for her, but there was no choice now. She knew it, too.
"Come on. Let's get home."
He put an arm around her, helping her to her feet.
"Gladly," she replied.
An hour later, Katherine and Jack arrived home.
Later, after he'd taken care of her wound, they had a talk about what she'd have to go through from now on. Though she was okay with the situation, he had to make sure that she understood completely. Being bitten was different from being in a werewolf bloodline.