Long ago, a universe blew up into the existence. You call it the Big Bang. They call it the flowering flame. It is still expanding the universe.
With the explosion, came the three realms. Heaven, Hell, and the overworld. Along with two all-powerful gods. The god of good and the god of evil.
Together, they helped created earth into the living planet it is, and they gave the other realms a living species of their own.
The god of good created the angels. The sorta passive creatures who toke care of all life.
The god of evil created the demons. Cheeky creature who only care about self-benefit.
They looked over all the realms with care and compassion. They made sure the earth was healthy. That heaven was peaceful. And hell wasn’t setting the realms aflame.
Over time, more gods started appearing as the species evolved. The god of animals looked over the wildlife. The god of water toke care of the ocean. The god of intelligence made sure the realms were ready for the evolution of humanity. And so many more.
However, the god of good and the god of evil still reigned over all. They kept the realms apart for so many years to keep war from setting out.