[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]560Please respect copyright.PENANAXlfGExUkoN
Disclaimer: The characters of Inuyasha are not mine; they are property of Rumiko Takahashi, Shogakukan, Yomiuri TV, Sunrise, and Viz.560Please respect copyright.PENANACzIETVGqjJ
560Please respect copyright.PENANAAHRo7ASidv
By: Rood bennett
The Lord of He-Gang (Chapter 3)
"Bah! Sheng, I cannot get that blasted bitch out of my head!" Lord Katashi cried.560Please respect copyright.PENANAJykzebsYn5
560Please respect copyright.PENANADjCZ8cCxbn
"My Lord, we will arrive in the West very shortly. You will be able to punish her then. "She is the one who issued a challenge." Sheng replied.560Please respect copyright.PENANA5jRXkUwuHF
560Please respect copyright.PENANARMhrNNNhtD
"It is strange to walk the lands of my forefathers. I come here hoping to make alliances against the Mongols and I get into a spat with a noble's daughter." Katashi said irritated.560Please respect copyright.PENANArv0vnOEkh7
560Please respect copyright.PENANAMj6I6FE4ke
"Think of it this way my Lord, when you win the spar…make her father pay with an alliance." Sheng commented.560Please respect copyright.PENANApEeaNcz5cT
560Please respect copyright.PENANAghNxqtzBu0
"See Sheng, this is why you are my advisor." Katashi said clapping him on the back.560Please respect copyright.PENANA9tzkv3bu9a
560Please respect copyright.PENANAkF5SaXGxqZ
"I live only to serve you my Lord." He said bowing.560Please respect copyright.PENANANkkBCe7G6s
560Please respect copyright.PENANAEd314jqqDM
"Come my man, you are my closet friend and advisor. You live to copulate with beautiful females!" the Lord said playfully.560Please respect copyright.PENANABYOaNvPuvL
560Please respect copyright.PENANANUxtp9y4dv
"That I do my Lord that I do!" Sheng laughed.560Please respect copyright.PENANA6Kbvz5y91W
560Please respect copyright.PENANAmqfUk8TFII
"Tell me what you know of the Western lands." Katashi demanded.560Please respect copyright.PENANAMksYVxLHla
560Please respect copyright.PENANAgsC8FFdpXd
"The current Lord is known as Sesshomaru. His mate is named Augusta. You have met the heir and they also have two sons; Youshiro and Osamu." He replied.560Please respect copyright.PENANAVVnbSuBz4M
560Please respect copyright.PENANA6O1XZ2fHQx
"Killing Perfection…Sesshomaru's sire must have thought a lot of him." Katashi joked.560Please respect copyright.PENANA2BF9zktR0f
560Please respect copyright.PENANANH3SqZxCiQ
"My Lord, I have heard he is like ice. They say he has no feelings and is as dangerous." Sheng said seriously.560Please respect copyright.PENANAtBpEFs8CAH
560Please respect copyright.PENANAwLp46MKqtQ
"Sheng, I am offended! I too am a Taiyouki. I will charm the Western Lord. There will only be the bitch's blood spilt." He said imperiously.560Please respect copyright.PENANAg8ssAj3us7
560Please respect copyright.PENANAl1KZcJe32G
"Do not underestimate her my Lord." Sheng warned.560Please respect copyright.PENANAG0ky5P03Rp
560Please respect copyright.PENANAaKIq83xzHB
"No worries my friend. I would never do that."560Please respect copyright.PENANADxPSgLtPhb
560Please respect copyright.PENANAeqq2tDge2N
"I see the Western Palace my Lord." He commented.560Please respect copyright.PENANA2xbRmbCS5B
560Please respect copyright.PENANAwfKx0EGvZU
"Good. Now I will be able to flex my claws." Katashi said yawning560Please respect copyright.PENANAmt778hKTMB
560Please respect copyright.PENANAkmnNHqhMLS
I cannot wait to sink my claws into her delectable flesh, he thought.560Please respect copyright.PENANANj59SKQQA6
560Please respect copyright.PENANAUXEoqcOYGo
560Please respect copyright.PENANAxKfvSFU6kc
"Daughter, your problem has arrived at the gates." My father said devoid of emotion.560Please respect copyright.PENANAoMq1xU7oGI
560Please respect copyright.PENANAky0j8Bs3Ld
"Yes my Lord." I replied.560Please respect copyright.PENANAfXh7AiX5wy
560Please respect copyright.PENANAIgvBBQwbi0
I seated myself to my father's right at the banquet table in the Great Hall. My mother was to his left and my brothers to the right and across from me. Several members of the court were also present. An inu guard showed Lord Katashi's group into the hall. I looked at him as he entered and I wished he had dressed less splendidly. There were four including Katashi and they were all inugami. I stared Katashi straight in the eye and did not waver. My father stood up and inclined his head to the foreign lord and I followed suit.560Please respect copyright.PENANApQRbzPUqzX
560Please respect copyright.PENANAX9hOCmyCD8
"Lord Sesshomaru, I am Katashi, Lord of He Gang. This is my advisor Sheng." Katashi said with a bow.560Please respect copyright.PENANArJBshejn8S
560Please respect copyright.PENANArUm8dkFqHc
"Lord Katashi, what do you want of this Sesshomaru?" Father asked directly.560Please respect copyright.PENANAeS19eLFn1t
560Please respect copyright.PENANA2YUIZfadjh
"Well to the point, I like a youkai who speaks his mind." Katashi said amused.560Please respect copyright.PENANA72FDdqW6dY
560Please respect copyright.PENANAL44kvNelMF
My father started growling very softly and narrowed his glacial eyes.560Please respect copyright.PENANAapnFdITV3t
560Please respect copyright.PENANAe8gMK5pN46
"While in my lands you will address this Sesshomaru with the correct honorific. Do not use such familiarity." He commanded.560Please respect copyright.PENANAB56l6FEw4f
560Please respect copyright.PENANAjpSoXZk75h
I smirked at Katashi and his obvious shock at my father's command. His own eyes took on a cold, haughty look.560Please respect copyright.PENANAHK87KHtAMR
560Please respect copyright.PENANAp7mG1CsGxR
"Well like sire like bitch." He said softly.560Please respect copyright.PENANAdvnhpc68tx
560Please respect copyright.PENANAz3dsN3gNQs
In a blur of movement, my father had Katashi lifted off the floor, by the throat. His eyes were scarlet and his marks jagged on his cheeks.560Please respect copyright.PENANAlCPQFhB5Y7
560Please respect copyright.PENANAW1lXzPZB8Y
"Perhaps this Sesshomaru will take the opportunity to spill your intestines on this floor. Do not speak unless spoken to." He snarled.560Please respect copyright.PENANA3gZDhSWG8k
560Please respect copyright.PENANAARSgoiKKLe
"Put me down you over grown mutt." Katashi snarled in return.560Please respect copyright.PENANAzirrTZi0IG
560Please respect copyright.PENANAzXlImgclQa
Father threw Katashi over the table against a wall. The advisor, Sheng pulled his katana ready to strike.560Please respect copyright.PENANApXKW3kreuj
560Please respect copyright.PENANA8WOJOCq47z
"You will be dead before you could lift that sword." I said from behind Sheng.560Please respect copyright.PENANAF9gy7sKjBr
560Please respect copyright.PENANA0XhIuXUCq1
My left hand was lifted and my claws glowing green from my Dakkasou. He dropped the katana and stared at me with pure hatred. Katashi picked himself up and stared at my father with anger.560Please respect copyright.PENANADQchrqKRZb
560Please respect copyright.PENANA3PEW7KlWWW
"I am here to finish what was started by your heir. If I win her life is mine." He snarled.560Please respect copyright.PENANAhuKlzQadXi
560Please respect copyright.PENANA422C9b9oJs
"Hn." He said.560Please respect copyright.PENANA3Sfb9nyhru
560Please respect copyright.PENANAf0WWrxTnk1
"I apologize for my outburst Sesshomaru-SAMA. I will be mindful of my manners." Katashi sneered.560Please respect copyright.PENANABxNTpzobHd
560Please respect copyright.PENANABCnf5AX6ZL
"You will be shown to your chambers now." Father said.560Please respect copyright.PENANARPllfiImz9
560Please respect copyright.PENANArTIRlLov34
I lowered my hand and my Dakkasou receded. My father nodded to me and I motioned for the foreigners to follow me. Katashi's yoki was ominous and suffocating and his man Sheng was willing me to the fires of Hell.560Please respect copyright.PENANAy1MyYpwWcx
560Please respect copyright.PENANA1q4tMpZ8lu
"This is your chambers while you stay Lord Katashi." I said glacially.560Please respect copyright.PENANA8xdUR8ggxH
560Please respect copyright.PENANARnfL6gaqZ4
"I will wipe that look off your face bitch. I came here in good humor and your sire attacks me. I will bring you to your knees and you will beg me for death." He snarled at me.560Please respect copyright.PENANAIC1G9Fqug9
560Please respect copyright.PENANA3oqS45qRkx
"We shall see. You have made an enemy of the Lord of the West. He may decide to challenge you himself.560Please respect copyright.PENANA2YoT3yrbCu
560Please respect copyright.PENANAeYwTk9s5qi
I promise you now that is one match you would not survive." I sneered.560Please respect copyright.PENANAjVjM81AoZW
560Please respect copyright.PENANAQHXIPqg5CN
"I shall see you in the morrow. Be prepared." He said entering the chambers and slamming the shoji screen.560Please respect copyright.PENANAZOzFoZygLZ
560Please respect copyright.PENANAEDBQOljVHM
I turned on my heel and followed the same path that I had treaded just moments earlier. I entered the Great Hall and bowed to my father.560Please respect copyright.PENANAhpvCCAjqas
560Please respect copyright.PENANAZTdnGsi5t6
"Daughter you showed much restraint in not killing that vermin sooner." My father uttered in sheer anger.560Please respect copyright.PENANAVhHcXcjSJW
560Please respect copyright.PENANAUj87LB2wzi
"I am pleased that you see the situation my Lord." I said.560Please respect copyright.PENANA5ylEjoeD6m
560Please respect copyright.PENANAyUXtRO9tHN
"You will follow this Sesshomaru into the dojo. You will win tomorrow." He commanded.560Please respect copyright.PENANAMM5pObueDm
560Please respect copyright.PENANA6xfZMHQ1wk
"Hai!" I said following.560Please respect copyright.PENANAA9vjtyrd35
560Please respect copyright.PENANAlqjzRyYOMj
I had a fine sheen of perspiration on me and I was breathing heavily. Father was using a regular katana as was I. He was a wonder with a sword and it took everything in me to block his attacks. He came at me with his demonic speed and knocked me back five feet. I managed to stay upright and he charged me again, our katana clashed and I back flipped to dodge an upswing of his katana. He nicked my upper right arm and then took a downward stroke that I blocked while holding the katana in both hands while I went to one knee. I whirled on him and struck him in his side. His eyes were narrowed and he had a ghost of a smile. I could tell he was pleased with this spar. I was panting to fill my lungs with air and he had barely broken a sweat. I had changed into a plain white haori and hakamas and father was just in his hakamas.560Please respect copyright.PENANAKsSzcaUrZF
560Please respect copyright.PENANAwo9rQSPNXd
"I am well pleased. I have every faith that you will win this little contest." He said complimenting me.560Please respect copyright.PENANAx4yWSsCOrV
560Please respect copyright.PENANAB6lA9y4KAe
"I thank you my Lord." I said bowing.560Please respect copyright.PENANAAumTSICklj
560Please respect copyright.PENANAanPJcg5r4a
When Father was just among his family, he would drop his tendency to use the third person. When he was dealing with the court and others outside our family he would refer to himself in third person.560Please respect copyright.PENANAoAf9oOqipk
560Please respect copyright.PENANA82fvw8R4E2
"I am going to freshen myself and retire. I bid you good evening.560Please respect copyright.PENANAnoUxbObxPW
560Please respect copyright.PENANAaLtod5NfMg
"Hai. Meet me in my study in the morning after breakfast." He said.560Please respect copyright.PENANAX90vd7DEDk
560Please respect copyright.PENANATt5MOun5Yd
"Hai sir." I bowed again and then left the dojo.560Please respect copyright.PENANALOp3sMlExj
560Please respect copyright.PENANAwE1OgMDjLg
560Please respect copyright.PENANAZeb1UvHIof
I was soaking in the family's private hot spring and resting. My arm had already healed and the skin was pink from where I had been nicked. I had scrubbed my hair clean moments earlier and it was fanned out behind my head on the side of the spring. My limbs felt heavy as well as my eyes. I closed them and I slipped into a light sleep. I was startled awake by a knocking on the screen.560Please respect copyright.PENANAF5bRRy0u11
560Please respect copyright.PENANA8aHZZi4y4m
"Who bothers me?" I yelled.560Please respect copyright.PENANAMfWD86EwJq
560Please respect copyright.PENANAiW9q2TsH3e
"Osamu. Cover up so I can talk with you."560Please respect copyright.PENANAXMSM6qmcFn
560Please respect copyright.PENANALAjgRSZRJ1
"Hai. Give me a moment." I said slipping out of the water and putting on a plain black sleeping yukata.560Please respect copyright.PENANAIueLbofvYG
560Please respect copyright.PENANAAvy18KCk0Q
"Come in brother." I said.560Please respect copyright.PENANAJ4aE3TTgvD
560Please respect copyright.PENANAYZ7gaUClN5
My twin brother slid the screen open and came in. He slipped his clogs off and put his feet in the spring. He looked up at me standing over him and grinned like an idiot. Osamu was more interested in art, females, and traveling. He showed from an early age that he shared no interest in helping to rule the West. I adored my brother but at times he was annoying.560Please respect copyright.PENANAF8DmtmFIIC
560Please respect copyright.PENANAjExNcyqv3w
"Sister you have gotten yourself in quite the quagmire." He said grinning openly.560Please respect copyright.PENANAvi1Rtngk6f
560Please respect copyright.PENANAog4dsaq1eU
"As usual you state the obvious. What do you want?" I asked irritated.560Please respect copyright.PENANApJDkDgAYYO
560Please respect copyright.PENANATEFhoTuesC
"Are you going to be able to defeat this cur tomorrow?" he asked in concern.560Please respect copyright.PENANAD7KtKVGVDd
560Please respect copyright.PENANAmldDv1DeR5
"Do you honestly doubt my skill?" I asked astonished.560Please respect copyright.PENANAVz9nQDjikf
560Please respect copyright.PENANAVqnMWE8vEu
"No I do not but I have as yet to see his." He said seriously.560Please respect copyright.PENANAeySfXq1Mj8
560Please respect copyright.PENANA9H4pd2WtYf
"He is strong but he has not the training of the Killing Perfection." I said smiling.560Please respect copyright.PENANAIyVZjlde8s
560Please respect copyright.PENANAA8gtIu0zkI
"You and Father are too much alike. You really are an arrogant female Sister." He said staring at me.560Please respect copyright.PENANAznuVhZW1m9
560Please respect copyright.PENANAPA7u186wLy
"What do you care about it? As long as it does not affect a rut or a trip, why do you care?" I asked insulted.560Please respect copyright.PENANA2wBj2VEwd0
560Please respect copyright.PENANAltdTMbecAA
"Little things are what bother you Asuna. Occasionally, if you saw situations from a different perspective. I saw the way he looked at you. He was devouring you with his eyes." he said in a serious tone.560Please respect copyright.PENANAdUtxIjm2qX
560Please respect copyright.PENANAhCvLljvFlt
"Osamu, my honor has been affronted and it will be rectified." I said with a growl.560Please respect copyright.PENANALQYxt2dcRB
560Please respect copyright.PENANAarqEgEnwVv
"I am not the enemy beloved Sister. I worry for you is all." He said getting up.560Please respect copyright.PENANADXtXkDcgPQ
560Please respect copyright.PENANABjJpe1FlhN
"Worry for your next feminine conquest Brother. I have everything under control." I said lightly.560Please respect copyright.PENANAHc184cLnPQ
560Please respect copyright.PENANAXFfx4TH0um
"Hai Sister. I will do that and you watch your pompous back." He said sliding open the screen and leaving.560Please respect copyright.PENANAXuhfF2rGzv
560Please respect copyright.PENANA1LJQCNlm3F
I watched him leave with a mixture of annoyance and affection. He was more pragmatic like our mother. My other brother was still very young as he was only forty two summers.560Please respect copyright.PENANAMkREFUIWW3
560Please respect copyright.PENANAbNwiBmKvTl
I walked out of the enclosed spring and went in the direction of my chambers. They were on the south side of the palace and I was in my own mind. I was just outside of my door when I was grabbed by my waist and spun around. I was shoved up against the wall and I was staring into a pair of now, familiar emerald eyes. My hands were behind my back and Katashi was exerting a lot of pressure against my body to keep me in place. He placed his knee between my legs and spread them some for leverage.560Please respect copyright.PENANA16zihwvDLs
560Please respect copyright.PENANAxV8WavQ6QF
"You are a troublesome wench." He whispered.560Please respect copyright.PENANA5kDNrJukq9
560Please respect copyright.PENANAY4bWlzKPvd
His breath was hot on my neck and I shuddered. He looked at me with a ghost of a smile on his lips. He ran his tongue along my jaw and I instantly hissed in pleasure.560Please respect copyright.PENANA3jnftV2CdV
560Please respect copyright.PENANAPwezb9NGKi
"You want me as much as I want you." He murmured as he placed feather light licks underneath my chin.560Please respect copyright.PENANA1fMgvfR3TN
560Please respect copyright.PENANACugZN6vqUO
"Stop." I said trying to sound displeased. The command sounded hollow even to my own ears.560Please respect copyright.PENANAqXfunpXQp6
560Please respect copyright.PENANADsMpSCgl7l
"No. By the Kami's I have wanted to taste you." He whispered again.560Please respect copyright.PENANA1G79EzgBa9
560Please respect copyright.PENANAdh7QVVeO6i
He moved his scorching lips and tongue to my collar bone and I moaned. He ran his claw up my hip from to underneath my breast and cupped it.560Please respect copyright.PENANAUNpIrRDzZ4
560Please respect copyright.PENANAbjFhJhqZU6
"I hate you." I hissed through clenched teeth. I was trying to ignore the fires he was raising in me.560Please respect copyright.PENANA1C4RRneKAi
560Please respect copyright.PENANAvhX23LepC0
"Do you? Do you hate me when I touch you like this?" he queried.560Please respect copyright.PENANACcfsMDuuKX
560Please respect copyright.PENANAUwTIDItkcy
"I said stop." I uttered weakly.560Please respect copyright.PENANA041jxhPpad
560Please respect copyright.PENANAULPRnjne2o
He shifted me higher up the wall so that I would have to wrap my legs around his hips to keep from falling. He bent his head and captured my nipple through my yukata and nibbled it. I kept myself from moaning loudly and closed my eyes. I felt his desire for me pressed against my center. A feral growl rippled through his chest and my eyes snapped open. He lifted his head and I saw his eyes were starting to redden around the iris. He stared at me for just a moment and then he captured my lips. His lips were crushing mine in a passionate caress. His tongue demanded entrance and I succumbed. He explored my mouth thoroughly and sucked on my own. I was moaning uncontrollably against his mouth. The things he was doing with his tongue had me going wild and I ground my hips against his.560Please respect copyright.PENANAXSqkxu89jI
560Please respect copyright.PENANALgS9pXGktC
"Let my hands free." I replied against his mouth.560Please respect copyright.PENANAUMu3I6ayWH
560Please respect copyright.PENANA7HYz6XbVzt
He released some pressure against me and I took my hands from behind me and grabbed both sides of his head and continued the passionate kiss. My own eyes were bleeding crimson and I was fisting my hands in his silken hair. He tore his lips from mine and pressed his mouth to the pulse point at the juncture of my neck and shoulder. He was sucking on it and I knew he was fighting his beast from biting down.560Please respect copyright.PENANAczcIKNngXj
560Please respect copyright.PENANAelvS2xtM7C
"No." I hissed.560Please respect copyright.PENANA9W8fHOBnaq
560Please respect copyright.PENANA4QBgAA8kkf
"Don't speak." He hissed back.560Please respect copyright.PENANArhBd72ELPR
560Please respect copyright.PENANAfflsm6VtQ7
I was angered and impassioned but I was acting recklessly.560Please respect copyright.PENANAh9eWorkoet
560Please respect copyright.PENANA62tc4WP8Xq
"Take me into my chambers." I cried quietly.560Please respect copyright.PENANA39vwgCnbqt
560Please respect copyright.PENANAisxk3z7qPQ
He pulled away from the wall and I continued to have my legs around his hips. He yanked the shoji screen open and slid it shut quickly. He was wearing a plain cream colored haori and short hakamas. My yukata was bunched around my pale legs, exposing all the way up to my thighs. Lust had taken over any good sense that I had and I pointed to my lavish futon. He laid me atop my heavy silk coverlet and covered my lips again with his own. My hands seemed to be moving on their own and I was untying his haori and I ran my hands over his sculpted chest. I ran my claws lightly over his skin and I tore my lips from his. His chest was vibrating with continuous growls. I skimmed my lips lightly over his own pulse point and worked the side of his neck to his chest.560Please respect copyright.PENANAhMGw3xw9C3
I wrapped my lips around one of his flat nipples and bit and tugged aggressively. I ran my tongue over the abused piece of flesh and I heard him snarl. I released it and looked up at him with a passionate glance. Unspoken emotions crossed his features as he grabbed my yukata and yanked it over my head. I was naked and his eyes were roaming over me with hunger. I placed my hands at the ties to his hakamas and started untying them. I pushed them down past his hips. 560Please respect copyright.PENANAgi1vjV1B4r
He was fully aroused as I revealed him. I ran my hands over his buttocks and he closed his eyes in bliss. I grasped his erection and slid my hand back and forth. He gasped in air and let it out in a hiss. He pushed me back against the coverlet and spread my legs. He leaned against me and watched me with hooded eyes as he ran a finger up and down my opening. I was wet and aching. I shook when he inserted a finger into me. He continued to watch me as he added another and moved them in and out of me. His thumb grazed my clitoris and I let out a scream. I was squirming beneath him and his own face was contorting in pleasure.560Please respect copyright.PENANALIGtMftpst
560Please respect copyright.PENANATMj0qnq8xk
"Take me." I demanded of him in a haze.560Please respect copyright.PENANAdlrmWDsDGW
560Please respect copyright.PENANA1fs8UG9yv8
"No not yet." He purred.560Please respect copyright.PENANAJBvhvdaFj4
560Please respect copyright.PENANAv4VLLwNwgj
"Damn you." I growled.560Please respect copyright.PENANAoTVT9NhyqG
560Please respect copyright.PENANAg5cXXr5Uzk
He applied more pressure to my clitoris and inserted another finger. I moaned loudly and my head thrashed from side to side. I grabbed his manhood and started stroking him to pay him back for denying me. His breathing was coming quicker as was mine and he pumped his fingers inside of me quicker. He pulled himself away from my grasp and lowered his head to my breasts and savagely started sucking my nipples. A delicious pressure was building in me and I was completely lost to it. I knew I was begging but I did not care. He removed his fingers and I lifted my head and snarled viciously at him.560Please respect copyright.PENANAxHKiAJdorH
560Please respect copyright.PENANACU4E8igQ07
"Look at me." He demanded quietly.560Please respect copyright.PENANA38ri44TZJz
560Please respect copyright.PENANAjE0jmgoHw9
I looked at him and snapped my fangs. His eyes were completely red and he licked his fingers clean of my wetness. My breaths were coming fast and he lowered his head to my center and took my clitoris into his mouth. I bucked my hips as he sucked me hard and reinserted his fingers. The pressure exploded in my nether regions and I screamed my release. He withdrew his lips and fingers and slid up my body. Our bodies were pressed together and he lowered his mouth to mine and I attacked them. Instead of satiating me, I was more aroused than before. I tasted myself on his lips and he devoured me. I bit into his tongue to taste his blood and he groaned. I pressed my hips against his urgently and he took his knee and spread my legs a little. I felt him at my entrance and my breathing became erratic. He pushed into me and I arched my back.560Please respect copyright.PENANAZqBpownFxi
560Please respect copyright.PENANAJfXQVCwhgm
"Kami, you are so tight." He groaned against my ear.560Please respect copyright.PENANAGTUvqvMET2
560Please respect copyright.PENANAJKAvdWLMUt
He met my maidenhead and he stopped.560Please respect copyright.PENANAQ2zunqhZSD
560Please respect copyright.PENANA9E1awwxDAC
"You are untouched?" he asked in shock.560Please respect copyright.PENANAz2B22kSE28
560Please respect copyright.PENANAfAaxKEnkFK
"This shocks you? You did not scent my purity?" I answered thickly.560Please respect copyright.PENANAPFRnsXZPiF
560Please respect copyright.PENANA5SQsyXr2XY
"No. I should have. You and I have been too busy trying to tear each others throats out." He replied groaning as I thrust my hips shallowly.560Please respect copyright.PENANAXFtUodhL0y
560Please respect copyright.PENANA1JiPOL7AZR
"Finish this." I demanded nuzzling his neck.560Please respect copyright.PENANAaLbvsVQ39C
560Please respect copyright.PENANA3vxuk4xP0o
"Kami…no I should not." He said quietly.560Please respect copyright.PENANA6UMF4n5p2J
560Please respect copyright.PENANAhJbzcxmSqe
He tried to withdraw from me but I wrapped my legs around his waist. I braced myself and I thrust again as hard as I could. He slid into me fully and collapsed against me. He growled so fiercely I thought for a moment he might try violence.560Please respect copyright.PENANATedZW3Xb3B
560Please respect copyright.PENANAWCAh1x5S2x
"So tight." He ground out in inu.560Please respect copyright.PENANApx4nR8GI3I
560Please respect copyright.PENANAS3xbKkhji5
The pain was sharp and momentary. I could not believe he wanted to be honorable at this point. I thrust against him again and he met it. He started moving against me slowly and I impatiently tried to make him move faster.560Please respect copyright.PENANApsZEhonUsb
560Please respect copyright.PENANArfOg9JkQTh
"Onna you are insatiable." He moaned.560Please respect copyright.PENANAUTFJHxTL5b
560Please respect copyright.PENANAywH2XdyM7f
"Faster." I cried.560Please respect copyright.PENANAFSFKirfugQ
560Please respect copyright.PENANAgJ3RzC6Txu
He sped up a little and I met him thrust for thrust. The pressure was building again and I was alternately growling and moaning. He would almost completely pull out and thrust into me. We continued with perfectly choreographed movements until I was gasping. He sped up and was pounding into me frantically. My walls gripped him and fluttered around him and I heard him snarling. He was controlling himself from changing as was I. He lowered his lips to my neck and I felt his fangs on my flesh at my pulse point. I let out a soundless scream as I fell into yet another orgasm.560Please respect copyright.PENANA9CfNX2byd8
560Please respect copyright.PENANAEpU7shHvXi
"No, no." I kept moaning, trying to stop him from marking me.560Please respect copyright.PENANAr25T22RZRl
560Please respect copyright.PENANAjM1InM17uK
I felt him thrust into me violently twice more. He stiffened and snarled his release as he spilled his seed. He tried to bite down and I put my hand between my juncture and his fangs. I hissed in pain as he bit into my hand instead of marking me. He released my hand and stared at me angrily.560Please respect copyright.PENANAnpIn6LgqYx
560Please respect copyright.PENANAt8qGSxQ33t
"How dare you stop me?" he seethed.560Please respect copyright.PENANAbggKkkMEjw
560Please respect copyright.PENANAw426T8UXn1
He was still fully seated in me and I bucked my hips to dislodge him.560Please respect copyright.PENANAbJiV8J3ZTG
560Please respect copyright.PENANAZK0K3d99uo
"I dare what I will. Get off of me." I snapped.560Please respect copyright.PENANAs4shu0wBzn
560Please respect copyright.PENANAoEvhyp87g2
"You are mine." He growled dangerously.560Please respect copyright.PENANAQLJNsn1pcJ
560Please respect copyright.PENANANSEH2dwmi1
"I belong to no one. We rutted nothing more." I said in a strangely calm voice.560Please respect copyright.PENANAOWO0ucCTty
560Please respect copyright.PENANAg14Zt6Ta6c
He pulled out of me quickly and dressed himself in his hakamas. He was glaring at me feral and I knew he wanted to throttle me. I was sitting upright on my futon and pulled my yukata back on.560Please respect copyright.PENANAvcuCnEQ2TE
560Please respect copyright.PENANAKAO7GSap5r
"You can leave now. We still have our challenge in the morrow." I stated coldly.560Please respect copyright.PENANAa86w89o7Eu
560Please respect copyright.PENANAH3EyvPvjjQ
"You Lady Asuna are a cold hearted bitch. You gave yourself to me and now you will deny me?" he snapped.560Please respect copyright.PENANAIj9OQ2D172
560Please respect copyright.PENANAzrYTCn9d3q
"Hai. Now leave before I have a hundred guards here and drag you out." I said disdainfully.560Please respect copyright.PENANAln7HWcxZ5u
560Please respect copyright.PENANAfypjuXzNe2
"This is not over." He said vehemently.560Please respect copyright.PENANA4IXxGTilBh
560Please respect copyright.PENANAql5aCMXU3e
"Oh hai it is." I replied.560Please respect copyright.PENANAOZGVH1yFVI
560Please respect copyright.PENANAsFk3xqhaqA
He grabbed his haori and stormed out of my chambers. He ripped the shoji from the frame in his anger. I stared after him dispassionately. I refused to acknowledge any feelings toward him at all. I went to my father's study and fell asleep there. I knew I had made matters much worse!560Please respect copyright.PENANAWOQZcJF3Hy