Chapter Two
Jason Voorhees approached the cabins.
He had remembered the day he attacked Ginny Field. She had tricked him with her child psychology; she was like the other woman, Alice Hardy. The old hockey mask was on the wall next to the cabins; he put it on his face. It was better than the potato sack on his head.
He grabbed it, and felt better.
Then he waited for the darkness to arrive.
It was Friday the 13th.
Debbie was making out with Andy.
'I need to go take a shower. Do you need a beer?', Andy asked her.
'Yes', Debbie answered.
'I'll be back soon', Andy said.
As he did a handstand in the hallway, Jason Voorhees raised the knife. He was dead before he knew that the death curse was real.
Shelly heard the sound of footsteps.
'Hello. Is there anyone there? Are you two doing anything I shouldn't see?', he asked. He saw shadows near the toilet; he saw Chuck and Chilli were smoking dope. He didn't think much about the encounter with the gang members. That was the least of his worries. He had left the spear gun near the cabins. He changed into his wetsuit; he would teach Vera a lesson since she had avoided him in the lounge room. Shelly didn't think he was popular like Rick, or Andy.
Vera was the problem.
I got you a date didn't I, Andy told him.
Yeah, right.
None of the Crystal Lake girls wanted to know a Jewish actor, and prankster like him; he didn't think they liked his humor. He decided to look around. Suddenly Jason Voorhees raised his knife, and Shelly's life drained away.
Vera was thinking that she was being too harsh.
No ne of her dates were glad to see her. It was her fiery Spanish heritage. Her Mother was yelling at her; her father yelled because it was their way of communicating. She walked to the edge of the bridge; she screamed as Shelly burst out of the deep water earlier on in the day. 'Told you you'd be afraid', he said. She gasped, as she saw the spear gun in his right hand.
'Cut it out, Shelly', Vera said.
Sadly, she didn't know he would be dead an hour later.
She saw Shelly's wallet in the water.
She grabbed it, and saw Jason Voorhees.
Vera frowned.
'Who are you?', she asked the stranger.
She screamed as the knife came towards her, and her memories of death culminated in the horror that swept over Higgins Haven, which was near Camp Crystal Lake.
Chilli was thinking about Chuck.
'I need to go, babe'.
'Fine, but hurry up'.
Sheriff Earl Tierney was enjoying his retirement. His wife was cooking dinner. The conversation between them was covering the death of Steve Christy. 'Bad karma', the former Sheriff said. 'Is it?', Essie Tierney asked her. 'Yes, besides, Tammy, Karen, and Maddie, are married now', he answered. She nodded. The color television news was on.
'In breaking news, three members of The Skulls motorcycle gang accosted two camping teenagers in town. They're armed, and extremely dangerous...'. He rang Sheriff Olsen Kincaid's office. And he told him to deal with them. It was the start of the trouble that was in the town that wasn't over until Friday the 13th had ended.
Debbie was grabbing her robe.
She gazed at the cabin.
Something was wrong.
Terribly wrong.
'Chris! Chris!', she yelled.
'What is it?', Chris asked her.
'I have a weird feeling about the place. Someone's here. Maybe it was Jason Voorhees', she answered.
'I'll tell Rick', Chris said.
And she nodded.
Chuck looked at the fuse box.
'It's faulty', Chilli said.
'Jesus. Grab the flashlight. I got one', Chuck said.
He went downstairs to the dim looking basement.
As his feet was drenched in deep water, Jason Voorhees was on the steps. He forced Chuck into the machine, and he was electrocuted. Sparks flickered, and Higgins Haven was in darkness.
Ali, Loco, and Fox, were two hours' earlier, near Rick's van.
'We won't kill them, babe', Ali said.
As he, and Loco, drained the gas from the van, Fox jumped across the bar. Nearby was the old nineteen fifties era barn. She saw the dangling rope. Yellow bales of hay was with other farming instruments. She was almost killed by a pitchfork. 'Shit!', she yelled.
She noticed someone throwing hay up the brown ladder.
'Who is it?', she asked.
The stories about Jason Voorhees was just a horror campfire tale she heard in the mean city of Chicago back in the early 1970's. The grimness of New York, and its urban crime rate, had decimated the African-American families who lived in poverty; Fox, who was twenty, had met Ali and Loco, because the gang was full of blood oaths, and fast cars.
She went up the ladder.
She didn't have time to comprehend the horror as her life ended in the attic in which Barry and Claudette made out back in 1958, a long time ago.
Sheriff Olsen smoked a cigarette.
Crime in the small town of Crystal Lake was down for the first time since Sheriff Earl Tierney's day; Officer Jon Dorf wasn't running around like a mad man looking for Crazy Ralph, who spouted the Apocalypse, doom saying, and curses, and people weren't doomed. Hell, Steve Christy's parents didn't believe in the psychology of the situation; Christy was a victim of fate, karma, bad vibes, or supernatural voices in the dark woods.
He grabbed his .38 Smith & Wesson gun, and was going after one monster: Jason Voorhees.
Loco opened the door.
'Fox. I'm sick of this'.
She was away.
Ali would be angry at him.
In the barn, he had watched her flying from the rope.
Then she disappeared.
Frowning, Loco was attacked by Jason Voorhees.
He died knowing that Camp Crystal Lake was very dangerous indeed.
Ali was nervous.
Revenge was sweet, or so he thought.
'Fox! Loco!'.
He grabbed the gas bottle.
He opened the barn door.
When he saw their bodies, he saw Jason Voorhees.
After a battle, Jason killed him.
Outside, the lake was cold.
Rick was quiet.
'What's the matter?', he asked Chris.
'It's this place. There's a lot of problems when it is quiet. It can be deceiving', she answered.
'What do you mean?'.
'Two years' ago, I was attacked by Jason Voorhees near the oak tree. Our date was ruined', she admitted.
'Jason Voorhees drowned'.
'Did he?'.
'But, I saw him'.
Suddenly the light flickered inside the car.
'Damn, it's out. I know a shortcut back to camp'.
Chris nodded, and she walked away from the scary woods with her boyfriend.
Chili saw the wind was howling.
She was near the loungeroom.
Seconds later, she noticed the door was open.
Shelly was there.
'Cut it out, man'.
But he was dead, like the others.
She raced towards the fireplace.
Jason Voorhees grabbed the poker.
Her screams disturbed the eerie night.
'Andy! Debbie! Are you two here?', Rick asked.
No one answered him.
Higgins Haven was deathly quiet.
Page 3.