Captain's Log, Stardate 61038.3: A slight wrinkle has presented itself in our dealings with the Jetiteans. I am attempting to deal with the situation in a Fleet-prescribed manner of diligence and patience.
First Officer's Personal Log, Stardate 61038.3: We are faced with a somewhat disastrous situation. We have brought four dozen refugees to the planet Jetitea, at the invitation of the Jetiteans, who agreed to give them shelter. However, the Jetiteans are now using the innocent refugees in a bizarre power play. This is a classic D-6 hostage scenario that calls for careful handling, but Captain Rush has displayed nothing but intransigence. If Nicholas Rush thinks he can just write off the lives of four dozen hostages---and follow it up by bombarding a planet---I'm just going to have to set him straight on that. And if I fail, then God help me, I may have to try and assume leadership of the Universe on the basis that Nick is simply unfit for command.619Please respect copyright.PENANAaU5Hply2AR