Monsters gathered along the street, their various eyes wide in surprise at the sight of not one, but two humans walking through the streets of New Home led by Alphys, flanked by the Magnificent Sans and Papyrus, and followed by Undyne. Glen smiled and waved at the monsters. Some waved back, looking slightly dazed.
As they continued through the streets, Papyrus edged closer to Glen and asked, "You really think you can bring the barrier down?"
"You kidding? That barrier's goin' down." Glancing around at the crowd, Glen said in a louder voice, "And it's going down today."
Glen felt a cool hand touch her shoulder as murmurs ran through the crowds.
"Miss Glen," Undyne whispered, "I admire your optimism, but is it fair to get everyone's hopes up?"
"Well, if I can't get rid of the barrier," Glen said, "I know people who can. If there's no one on this planet who can do it, I'll just go to Vinta and get help from the Centers of Knowledge, and the people there will definitely have a solution. Take my word for it, we'll get that barrier down one way or the other. At most, it might take me a little extra time to nail down the teleport to Vinta; it's been awhile, and I might accidentally end up in Rinoa Lake ... again."
"Can ... can I go too?" Chara asked, looking up at Glen with wide eyes.
"You kidding?" Glen picked Chara up easily and let her ride on her shoulders. "I always wanted a companion. Friend of mine was crazy about having companions; half the fun of seeing the universe is bringing your friends along for the ride."
Papyrus raised an eyeridge at her. "You mean you coulda just teleported all this time?"
"Well ... there are risks. This is another universe, after all, and the little changes could cause complications." Perking up, Glen said, "But that won't stop me from trying ... if I can't bring the barrier down myself, that is."
Besides, she didn't add, Sans wanted me to see something, something that would offer a clue as to the location of the Inverse Harmonius fragment. Until she knew what that was, she was prepared to go through hundreds of other realities.
The Temmie Knights stood guard outside Dreemurr Castle as the procession drew near the gates. The small dog-like creatures wore shining armor complete with metal claws that looked capable of doing quite a bit of damage. They were stern-faced as Undyne approached them.
"At ease." Alphys barked. "We are here to see the queen."
"Understood. Proceed inside with your human captives."
"They aren't captives." Alphys paused and shook her head. "Can't believe I'm saying that."
The group moved into the castle. It looked much the same as it did in the other reality, at least to Glen; wide corridors, flaming sconces, and thick carpets. There was one difference, however: the paintings. Every wall had at least one, sometimes several artfully arranged. Some were still-lifes, others were pictures of monsters, but most of the paintings were landscapes of the surface. Wide sweeping plains, thick forests, arid deserts, and snowy tundras covered the walls, some so lifelike that they looked more like windows into other worlds.
"Wow." Glen said, looking at a fine painting of a small wooden bridge over a flowing stream of water. "Nice brushwork."
"Ah, yes; most of these are the work of the old king." Undyne said, adjusting her glasses. "He had quite the eye. Spent years wandering the surface before the war."
"Ah, right." Glen said, nodding. "I shoulda realized. Asgore's an artist in my reality too ... more of a sculptor than a painter, but that's differing realities for you."
Chara slumped over Glen's head, her hands hugging Glen's cheeks.
"There there, kid." Glen said, reaching up and teasing the little girl's hair. "I'm sure he's fine. Once we get the barrier down, we'll go get him."
"You know the king?" Papyrus said, giving the kid a curious look.
"Y-yes. He lives in the Ruins ... past that big door at the end of the Snowdin Ruins."
"The door ... wait, that's who I've been tradin' jokes with for the past three years?' Papyus rubbed the back of his skull, looking a little embarrassed. "Wow. I had no idea I was speaking to royalty."
They reached the chapel. The sight of the room with its wide sun windows and tall pillars brought with it memories of the last chapel Glen passed through.
The Temmie Knights posted there saluted Captain Alphys. "Captain!"
"At ease." Alphys said, giving them a quick salute. Turning to Glen and company, Alphys said, "All right, look; the queen sees you, she's gonna fling a trident through your chest. Just stay here while I try and explain things."
"I'll go too." Undyne said.
"Good." Alphys said as Undyne hurried to her side. "'Cause I ain't sure how I'm gonna break the news of two humans coming here willingly."
"Don't worry." Undyne said, "I'm sure together we can help her see the logic of giving Miss Glenda a chance."
"That's the spirit!" Alphys said with a grin, giving Undyne a light smack on her shapely backside.
Glen watched them depart; while she was no stranger to the antics of Alphys and Undyne, seeing the roles reversed was oddly amusing.
"I'm gonna head out too." Papyrus said, putting out his cigarette. "There's someone I'd like to have a quick word with, and I should probably talk with Rahnna too, let her know what's going on. I'll be back in a few minutes."
"Who are you going to see?" Magnificent asked curiously. "Papyrus? Papyrus!'
Papyrus stepped around the corner. Magnificent hurried after him only to stop right at the corner.
"Dang it!" Magnificent said, clenching his blue-gloved fists.
"Gone again?" Glen asked, unable to keep the smile from her face.
"It's so weird; you'd think someone who sleeps on the job as much as he does wouldn't be able to move so fast." Magnificent shook his head and said, "Well, never you worry; the Magnificent Sans will remain here with you to ensure your safety!"
"Thank you, Magnificent." Glen said, Chara giggling. "I feel safer already."
Time passed. Perhaps it was Glen's eagerness to see the barrier, or simple anticipation of the meeting with Queen Toriel, but the minutes seemed to creep slowly by. The Temmie Knights stood at attention at the entrance and along regular intervals.
Glen coughed and said, "So, Magnificent; your brother's got Rahnna. You got anyone special in your life?"
"Well ... not really." Magnificent perked up a moment later. "But a good guard has no time for romantic entanglements! A good guard must remain completely focused!"
"Apparently Alphys didn't get the memo." is what Glen wanted to say, but she kept it to herself. No reason to make the little blueberry feel sad.
Glen turned her attention to Chara. Whatever question was in her mind died when she saw the child's frightened face.
"Hey." Glen said, kneeling down beside her. "What's wrong? You're shaking all over. Relax; no matter how this goes, I promise you won't be hurt."'
"I-it's them." Chara whispered, pointing at the Temmie Knights. "I ... I've seen them before."
Glen frowned at the Temmie Knights. While the armor was hardy, the claws were nothing to sniff at, and the silver helmets gave them a certain air befitting a palace guard, their faces, though stern, did not exactly inspire fear.
"Bah." Glen said, "Don't worry about them."
"It's not them." Chara whispered. "W-when I was in the ruins ... t-there was a t-temmie ... he ... he was scary."
"Scary?" Magnificent said, looking perplexed. "A scary temmie? I mean, yeah, they're pretty stern at times, but they don't mean any harm. Besides, they've taken an oath not to harm anyone ... not even humans. Isn't that right, Archibald?"
"That's right sir!" Said the temmie standing to the right of the passage that led into the palace. "The Temmie Knights have pledged to be protectors of the Underground. We only attack in the defense of another. The first duty of a Temmie ..."
Every Temmie in earshot shouted in perfect unison, "Is to protect and serve the Underground!"
Chara didn't seem relieved in the slightest. She hugged Glen's leg as though trying to hide.
"The Temmie in the Ruins ... he looked different." Chara said. "Frisk warned me about him, but I-"
"Frisk?" Glen said, alarmed. "You saw Frisk?"
"N-no," Chara said, "But I heard her. She talked to me when I was alone and scared ... helped me feel less scared."
"She would." Glen said, mentally sending thanks to the spirit of Frisk. "She warned you about the Temmie?"
"She said he was her friend, but something got in him. Something dark. His face was so scary!"
"Wait," Glen said, "Something dark in him? Was it dripping from his eyes and mouth like some kinda black sludge?"
She nodded. Someone let out a soft giggle moments later that made Chara's eyes widen. "He's here!"
Glen spun about; there were ten Temmie Knights in the room, with another four in both passages leading from the chapel. There were eighteen Temmie Knights, one of which was trouble.
"Magnificent." Glen said, "Go get Undyne."
"W-what's wrong?"
"I suggest you hurry." Glen said, eyes moving from Temmie Knight to Temmie Knight looking for signs of ichor. When Magnificent still didn't move, Glen shouted, "NOW!"
Magnificent took off running as fast as his short legs could carry him ... which was surprisingly fast, it turns out. He may have been near her Sans's size, but he was obviously in better shape ... whatever that meant to a skeleton anyway.
Alone and surrounded by Temmie Knights, Glen and Chara waited in silence.
"Frisk tell you anything else?" Glen asked, eyes still darting about.
"N-no. She said it used to be her brother, but ... but that he died."
The story of Monster Kidd and Frisk flashed through Glen's head. Monster Kidd took the form of a Temmie the same way Asriel took the form of Flowey, possibly due to the location their remains ended up. Given the nature of that universe, the way people seemed swapped, it wasn't unreasonable to assume that it was Chara and Asriel who joined souls in Glen's universe, and that Chara's spirit encountered Frisk in some way. The pieces were falling into place ... but not all of them. How did the ichor factor into it? How did it infect Frisk in one Universe, and the reborn Monster Kidd in this one?
"First things first." Glen said, "Come on out, whoever ... or whatever you are."
No Temmie stepped forward.
"Small surprise." Glen muttered. An idea suddenly hit her.
Coughing, Glen called out, "A Temmie Knight's first duty ..."
The Temmie Knights shouted, "is to Protect and serve the Underground!"
Glen froze; they were standing in the middle of the room, yet she could clearly hear the shouting was quieter to her left. Keeping one hand on Chara's shoulder, Glen again said, "A Temmie Knight's first duty ..."
"is to Protect and Serve the Underground!"
Moving toward the slight decrease in sound, she repeated again, "A Temmie Knight's first duty ..."
"is to Protect and Serve the Undergound!" Said all but the Temmie sitting at the pillar nearest the way out of the castle. The visor of the Temmie's helmet was lowered, covering their face.
Glen slowly moved closer despite Chara tugging at the leg of Glen's shorts. "Come on, now; I know it's you."
The Temmie didn't respond. Glen continued approaching, slowly reaching for the Temmie's helmet. Black goo was leaking through the slits in the visor as Glen's hand drew close.
Glen yanked the helmet and stepped back, only to gasp. The remaining eye of the Temmie behind the mask stared back at her in desperation, its lips completely sealed in the foul ichor that was slowly consuming the rest of it.
"Temmie ... Protect Underground ..." The poor creature said, its body already collapsing.
"My God." Glen said, horrified. "I'm sorry ... I'm so sorry ..."
The other Temmie Knights were drawing near. Glen held out an arm, shouting, "Stay back! The ichor's corrosive!"
A ball of blazing fire appeared above the infected Temmie. The afflicted creature had time to say, "Protect Underground." one more time before the fireball slammed down into it, consuming the ichor and turning the Temmie to ash in moments.
"Who did that?" Glen asked, glancing around at the other Temmies. "We might have been able to save-"
"Temmie Knight Raquel protected Underground by stopping herself." Said one of the Knights, sorrow in her voice. "The Temmie Knights will remember Raquel's sacrifice with honor!"
"Temmie Knights remember Raquel with honor!" The other Temmie Knights chanted ... but not all of them. Glen could tell the one near her left leg was silent.
Glen grabbed the Temmie and yanked off the helmet to reveal a monstrous face with a ravenous sharp-toothed mouth dripping with ichor and beady black eyes.
"HOI!" The horrible thing shouted before trying to take a bite out of Glen's shoulder. Glen gasped from the pain; while the teeth couldn't pierce the selenium-thread shirt, the creature had an incredibly strong jaw.
Glen shook it loose and threw it bodily across the room. It was on its feet in an instant, its sharp-toothed mouth twisted in an evil grin.
"Well, well, well!" The Dark Temmie, "You think your gonna be big hero! You think you gonna take down barrier and save monsters! Ha! Monsters gonna be made dead!"
The Temmie Knights moved in front of Glen, forming a small vibrating phalanx of sorts.
"Destroy the abomination!" One of the Temmies shouted, prompting the others to attack. They leapt forward, shining claws slashing at their twisted brethren. The Dark Temmie dodged and shot a burst of ichor into the face of the Temmie Knight. The Temmie Knight fell, screaming as the ichor seeped through the slits of his helmet.
"Long range attacks only!" Said one particularly strong-voiced Temmie. They leapt away from the Dark Temmie, a circle of fire swirling in the air above them. As one, the flying bursts of fire slammed into the Dark Temmie, creating a large circle of flame.
For a few moments, Glen was certain they'd killed the Dark Temmie. In a way, she felt sad; it was the spirit of the Monster Kidd, the same Kidd who just joined the town guard in her home dimension. She didn't know how to properly restore him, but she felt she should've done ... something.
A dark shape grew in the center of the flames. Before Glen could respond, the fire of the circle shot outward, catching many of the nearby Temmie Knights. Glen made a run for the Dark Temmie, only for an intense magic wave of energy to throw her back into one of the pillars.
"Glen!" Chara said, hurrying to her side. "Miss Glen, are you okay?"
"Yeah, I'll live." Glen grumbled as she rose to her feet. "Little pipsqueak's strong."
"Temmie Knights." The Dark Temmie laughed. "Stupid temmies! Will teach about special rule, Kill or be killed!"
The Dark Temmie sank its teeth into one of the Temmies, tearing through gaps in the armor as the Temmie Knights fought to bring the Dark Temmie down.
"Humans run!" Shouted one of the Temmie Knights. "We will do our best to defeat this beast. You must inform the Queen of the threat!"
"I want to help!" Glen said, but her resolve fall as Chara slipped her hand into Glen's. The little girl was terrified ... and besides, Glen had no weapons other than her fists. She certainly had no magic, and the stunt with the mechawyrm made her very skittish about using her Dreamer abilities.
"Then tell the queen!" The Temmie turned to join his friends in the assault. "And ... if this is to be our end ... remember us."
Sighing, Glen nodded and said, "I will. Good Luck."
"Thank you, but luck is not necessary." The Temmie ran forward, shouting, "A TEMMIE KNIGHT'S FIRST DUTY ..."
"IS TO PROTECT AND SERVE THE UNDERGROUND!" Shouted the remaining Temmies even as they fought for their lives.
Glen watched them for a moment before picking up Chara and running out of the chapel.