"Here, Sir Thomas, is the room you shall use for the duration of your stay. Please ring if you have any need of assistance," the butler said, depositing Thomas's backpack on his bed and backing out of the room.
"Thank you." He grinned and turned to take in his opulent surroundings. A massive silver-framed bed took up one wall, while another wall was entirely made of glass and led out to a private balcony. The walls were pure white, and frosted french doors opened into a marble-filled bathroom. For a second, he wondered if he had a small pool in his bathroom, but then realized that that was his gigantic marble bathtub.
"Dang," he whispered, throwing open the balcony doors. He stepped outside into the biting Yellowknife air, his shaggy, honey-colored hair blowing in the slight wind.
He leaned over the railing to see Charisma on the path below.
"Thomas! Come join me!"
He shook his head, grinning, then ran downstairs, sliding down banisters as he went. At the bottom of the stairs, he nearly ran smack into Charisma's father, Joshua Samuel Rale.
"Thomas Seaton Wilson! Long time no see, my boy!" the man said, pulling Thomas into an embrace.
"Uncle Josh!" Thomas yelled and returned the hug. "How's Auntie?"
"Quite pleased that you are home, where you belong. And your mother?"
Thomas's face darkened. "I'd rather not talk about her."
"I see. Well, you are welcome here. But you knew that already, didn't you? Charisma must be waiting for you, Thomas. Run along then. I'll tell Auntie that you'll see her at dinner."
"Okay, thanks Uncle Josh! Bye!" He waved and disappeared around a corner. Even though he'd never been in this house before, the layout was a near perfect replica of the mansion in France, so he found his way to the gardens pretty easily.
Charisma was in a beautiful pale pink gown that barely kissed the gravel beneath her feet. The sleeves were long and the neckline was modest. Thomas knew that, as soon as his measurements were taken, brand new suits would soon be hanging in his massive walk-in closet.
"Charisma," Thomas called in a sing-song voice.
"Thomas!" She jumped up and threw herself into his arms. "Forget everything my tutors have ever taught me about decorum! Oh, Thomas we'll have such fun together, just like we used to! Except, now that we're older, we can host balls, attend banquets, stay up late, anything we want!"
Thomas held the girl to his chest, his nose just above her head, and inhaled the sweet smell radiating off of her.
Oh, how he had missed her.