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Age is an issue of mind of matter. If you don't mind, it doesn't matter
356Please respect copyright.PENANAObonlhfyNE
I lived in the Lighters Towers, not that it was much of an option. Ever since Dex found out about my superpowers, that faithful night when I’d reached rock bottom, he’d given me a place to stay. A room in the Lighters penthouse, at the top of the main HQ building, overlooking the city. Despite it being such a small apartment, it was cosy, and the sights were magnificent. Dex resided in the apartment across, in his own side of the penthouse. I didn’t have a problem with any of it – at this point, Dex was practically an older brother to be. Or like an uncle.
I woke up earlier this morning for school, compared to my usual, nearly – miss – first – period, so I took my time and enjoyed a hot cup of coffee. Nursing the warm mug in my cold hands (why is it that girl’s fingers were always so icy?), I ambled around the little kitchen to the breakfast nook. I kept two stools there, one for myself and one for non-existent visitors, whilst I left the rest of the set in the balcony.
Dex had given me the chance to refurbish the place. I did my best.
The dining table, a small narrow white thing, was pushed up against the wall, next to the opening of the lounge. I turned it into a study desk, because really, one person didn’t need that much place to eat.
“News of the hour, coming live to you this morning at seven am,” I heard the television blare and I swivel in my seat towards the chirpy, over the top tone of a news presenter.
Honesty how did they manage to be so perky this early in the day? I was barely awake, my eyes are half shut and I yawned so many times, I’ve lost count. I have to blink twice to clear my misty vison and I focus my gaze on the plasma screen TV built on the wall.
“Last night, around nine pm the supervillain Chasm had been apprehended after numerous attempts of –”
The news didn’t faze me, not in the least bit. News channels and the general media were always trying to catch the biggest scoop on my team and my ‘heroic’ feats. If it wasn’t for Dex recruiting us as affiliates of the Lighters, our cover would’ve been blown a long time ago. We would be had no privacy whatsoever. Thank God the Skylight city law dictates that no members of security personal may have their identity revealed to the public without proper consent.
I take a sip of my coffee, letting the bitter drink scald my tongue, the freshly brewed smell filling up my nostrils. A blonde lady appears on screen, dressed in a tight blouse, and fitted skirt, her make up done to a tee. She has a mic in one hand as she reports more on last night’s news, and a small video appears in the corner of the screen highlighting the fight in the central district.
“We will now head over to the scene of the crime to give you a closer look of the havoc caused last night,” She says, and I sense a tone of chagrin. “Not only did the villain manage to destroy two vehicles but the so-called superhero squad also wrecked damage”
My hold on the coffee mug clenches and my lips form a tight line. How dare she imply that we caused all that damage? Shows what she knows – if it weren’t for my alpha squad this city would be in shreds right now. I shut of the TV, stabbing my finger on the remote buttons, and cutting off that stupid woman’s voice. She has no right to assume anything.
I drain the remanets of my coffee angrily and shrug on my jacket. As soon as I head for the door, someone knocks.
“Yes Dex,” I sigh, nearly throwing off the door’s hinges.
“Kourtney, hey,” He smiles guilty, already prepped in a suit and tie. I don’t know how he can look so put together so untimely.
Glancing down, I register my black t-shirt, ripped jeans, and purple leather jacket. I shrug. It’s not the scruffiest thing I’ve ever worn. Good enough for school anyway.
“Do you need a lift to ahool?” Dex asks after a beat – oh – he wanted me to let him in.
Too late now conscience.
Honestly, my manners suck, big time.
“What do you want Dex?” I curve an eyebrow.
His face falls. “What makes you think I want something?”
“Really Dex? Really? You never offer to drive me to school,” I contend, leaning against the doorframe. “So what is it that you want?”
“I don’t –,” He sighs at the expression my face. “Fine, I need some help with Ms Tydal”
“No, ew, why,” I mock shudder. “Why?”
“Kortney, help me out here,” He pleads. “I’ll get you that new gaming system you so desperately want”
I shake my head in disgust. “Waste of Lighters funds, misuse of finance. I’m disappointed”
“No, I –”
Too easy, this guy.
“I’m kidding,” I burst into laughter, patting Dex on the shoulder. “There’s a nice seafood place that opened next to that weird antique store. It’s flashy place but not to extravagant and the prices are on discount because its new”
Dex beams at me. “Perfect for a date! Thanks Kourtney, you’re a lifesaver”
“Yeah, yeah,” I roll my eyes, but I’m smiling. “But I still want that gaming set”
“You got it,” He winks, stepping back. “Still want that ride?”
I gesture at the skateboard leaning against the wall. “Nah, I’m covered”
“Alright. Have a good day ats school,” He says and his eyes dart away. “And don’t –”
“Expose my powers. Yeah, I know,” I wave him off, watching him get into the elevator.
Dex thinks I skate to school. He thinks I’m ‘a good kid with a few rough edges’ (his words, not mine). Well, he’s a bit naïve to actually assume I won’t use my superpowers out of my costume. Because I totally do.
I mean if you don’t teleport to school, how on Earth do you get there on time?
Weird people who get up early.
I swing the skateboard in my hand, holding it for show as I pass the carpark and climb up the steps.
“Dude, nice car!” I hear the holler of one of the most popular guys in school, Ezra Cassidy announce.
“Thanks man.” Skye responds and I peer over my shoulder at the group of boys surrounding a sunny yellow Mustang, their red and white letterman jackets labelling them as football jocks.
Skye leans against the beauty of a car, aviators perched on the bridge of his nose. Ezra is talking animatedly near him and the whole group bursts into laughter, slapping each other on the shoulders. Of course, it would take Ezra’s abnormally cute grin and Skye’s wicked charm to make the most popular group of boys’ chortle like a pack of hyenas.
I shake my head, hitching my bag higher on my shoulder as their voices fade away and I’m striding into the bustling school hallways. A rush of chaos greets me, the noisy chatter of students, the squeak of shoes against the floors. My locker swings open as I stuff my skateboard inside and replace it with an armful of notebooks. I’m done just in time for Penelope and her posse to make their appearance.
They hang off the locker, waiting for their ringleader to finish pucker her lips in the mirror for the hundredth time, before applying another layer of lip-gloss. I crinkle my nose in disgust. I could light a match just with the air around them. That’s how much perfume they were.
“How do you I look?” Penelope asks Riley as she bats her fake, spider like eyelashes.
Riley smiles and its faker than the eyelashes. “Fab as always Penny. Harry won’t be able to take his eyes off you”
“Neither will Skye,” Willow adds with a sly smile.
Penelope slams her locker shut with a flourishing spin. “You’re right, they’ll both love it!”
Riley nods. “Defo. Unlike that freak who just walked passed”
The whole group not so subtly turn their heads to where Riley is gesturing. I want to bash her pretty little head for being so insensitive. These girls have a cutting remark for everyone.
“Look at those shoes!”
“OMG right!”
“They’re so last year!”
When they burst into giggles, I glance over at the girl, giving her a supportive smile. She’s dressed head to toe in black. From her tank top to her short skirt and fishnet stockings. What the group is really making fun of however is the girl’s silver tipped combat boots. I feel my fists clenching at my sides. It would be so, so easy to make Riley slip ‘accidently’ and watch her make a fool of herself ss she facepalms the floor.
I can already imagine the picture in my head. All it takes is one swipe of telekinesis.
It’s been a while since I’ve caused some havoc. The thought makes my lips curl darkly.
“She’s so emo,” Penelope drawls, her focus on her manicured nails. The self-obsessed brat. “I mean Halloween is only in October”
I honestly have no idea how her personality becomes so dual. As princess puma, the girl is so much nicer. Real. And what’s more, is as part of our hero costumes, we wear silver tipped combat boots. The irony is nearly laughable.
Losing interest in their conversations before I lose my temper, I head towards the bane of my existence. The demon of all subjects. The class from hell itself. Chemistry. My old enemy.
“Today we will be discussing stochiometric calculations,” Mrs Lewis announces at the whole class groans like a creaky door in a horror movie. Instantly there’s a resonance of books slamming ad pages flipping harshly. It doesn’t deter Mrs Lewis one bit and I’ll give her kudos for that.
“Please open your textbooks to page thirty,” She continues, disregarding the hate spewing at her like lava. “Threes an experiment we will be doing tomorrow, and the theory section is explained there”
I pull out my books, rifling through uninterestedly. My energy is almost entirely spent because using my powers generally takes a toll on my body. Usually it’s not instant but a couple hours later my adrenaline wears out and I’m left for the dead. Perks of being a night vigilante, I guess.
Night Vigilante, now that a good superhero name.
Is it too late to change mind? Is there some kind of rule for superhero names that once it’s given it isn’t interchangeable?
I fold my arms over each other in the table, resting my chin on them. It’s a dangerous move – I could sleep away at any moment in this comfortable spot (cold wooden tables are very comfortable compared to what I’ve slept under, you’d be surprised). As it is my eyes are already droopy and the class falls in and out of blurry, indistinct images that makes my head spin.
“Mrs!” Skye’s effervescent voice catches the attention of the class, including myself. “Can we discuss last night’s news?”
Only he can say something like that and get away with it.
Sometimes I wonder if Skye has a special ability other than strength. Because the way he’s able to charm people is highly unnatural. I think of his question as a last-minute attempt of a distraction to get away with not completing the homework we’d been assigned yesterday. He’s just lucky Mrs Lewis loves to talk. A lot.
“Why of course!” The woman beams, starting the discussion promptly. Her eyes are bright with enthusiasm, already fallen under the haze of Skye’s spell. “Would anyone like to contribute?”
Multiple hands shoot into the air, like arrows released from a bow. From my peripheral, I see Skye cross his arms behind his back, relaxed into his seat. A satisfied smile play on his lips, and I turn away.
“I heard Chasm destroyed four news helicopters and the heroes had to cover it up!” Someone blurts out and I groan.
Where do people get such incorrect information from? There were no helicopters present last night.
Not since the incident with Rapidfire, another big-time supervillain.
“No way!” A girl near my left shrieks. “What about the underground sewerage? I heard the whole thing exploded!”
The class bursts into hoots and laughter at her proclamation. She ducks her head with a blush. The guy next to her rests a hand on her shoulder and chimes in with his own story, successfully redirecting the attention. I scan my eyes over the class, watching them excitably discuss the Lighters and of course, the city’s local celebrities – the alpha squad. Because we are the talk of town. Four mysterious young adults saving Skylight from evil always makes for a good cover story.
My eyes land on Skye again and this time, his shimmering gaze catches my own.
I look away quickly, heat prickling my neck.
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