Amira sighed as she sat down at the kitchen table across from her mom, Angelina. She had a lot to tell her, but she wasn’t sure where to start.
“So,” Angelina said, taking a sip of her tea. “How was your day?”
Amira took a deep breath. “It was…interesting,” she said. “I met a new kid at school today.”
Angelina raised an eyebrow. “Oh?” she said. “And what’s he like?”
“He’s… not bad” Amira said. “He’s kind of cold and mysterious, but he’s also really smart and funny. And his dad is a famous inventor.”
Angelina’s eyes widened. “A famous inventor?” she said. “That’s amazing! What does he invent?”
“All sorts of things,” Amira said. “He’s invented a new type of phone that’s really popular right now. It’s called the Snow AI Phone.”
“I’ve heard of those. They’re really expensive, aren’t they?”
“Yeah,” Amira replied. “But his dad made this one especially for him. It’s really cool.”
“I bet it is,” Angelina said. “So, what happened with this new kid?”
“We talked for a while,” Amira said. “But then we bumped into each other in the hallway, and I accidentally broke his phone.”
Angelina gasped. “You broke his phone?! That’s terrible!”
“I know,” Amira said. “I feel terrible about it. He was really mad at me.”
“I can imagine,” Angelina said. “Those phones are really expensive…”
“I know,” Amira said. “I offered to pay for it later that day, but he said it wasn’t necessary.”
“That’s kind of him,” Angelina said. “But I’m sure he’s still mad at you.”
“I know,” Amira said. “I don’t know what to do.”
“Well, you could try apologizing again,” Angelina said. “And maybe offer to take him out to dinner or something.”
“That’s a good idea,” Amira said. “I’ll do that.”
“Good,” Angelina said. “And don’t worry, I’m sure he’ll forgive you eventually.”
Amira smiled. “Thanks, Mom,” she said. “I’m glad you’re on my side.”
“Of course I’m on your side,” Angelina said. “You’re my daughter.”
Amira hugged her mom. “I love you,” she said.
“I love you too,” Angelina said.
Amira and Angelina finished their tea and went on with their day. But Amira couldn’t stop thinking about the new kid. She hoped that she would see him again tomorrow, and get a chance to apologize properly.
Ash and Draco were relaxing on the couch, watching a movie, drinking some juice.
“So,” Ash said, taking a sip of his apple juice. “How was your day at school?”
Draco shrugged. “It was okay,” he said. “Nothing much.”
“Nothing much?” his father asked. “You met a new girl today, didn’t you?”
Draco’s eyes widened. “How did you know that?” he asked.
“I’m your dad,” Ash said, taking another sip. “I know everything.”
Draco sighed, too tired to argue. “Yeah, I met this girl,” he said. “Her name is Amira. She’s kind of cool, but… really annoying. I can’t stand her…”
“Good that you met someone new, But, what happened with Amira?” he asked, raising his eyebrow.
“She ran into me on the way to art class,” Draco admitted. “And my phone cracked.”
“Oh no,” Ash said, his eyes widening. “That’s awful.”
“Yeah, I’m really, really sorry…” Draco muttered. “But it was her fault!”
“I understand… but you know, you shouldn’t have been on your phone while walking around.”
“I know…”
“Don’t worry about the phone. Show me what happened, and I can try and get it fixed.” Ash said, with a caring look in his eyes.
Draco took out the cracked phone from his pocket, and gave it to his father, who looked at it for a while. “Yeah,” he said. “It can be fixed.”
“I hope so…”
“You got that fiery spirit from her. I never had that much courage or confidence to speak my mind so boldly. If I were you I’d have shrugged it off.”
“I know… but that’s a bad thing, right?”
“Not always… you have to be confident in life to achieve your goals. And you are. I’m proud of you for it.” Ash said, hugging his son.
“Thanks dad… but how do I deal with her?”
“You shouldn’t be angry at her for this. It’s just a phone.”
“Just a phone?!” Draco exclaimed. “The Snow AI Phone is the best phone in the world!”
“I get that you love your phone, Draco, but it’s not worth getting upset over,” Ash said, trying to calm his son down.
“Maybe she didn’t mean to run into you. Maybe she was just clumsy, or distracted, or in a hurry. Maybe she feels bad about it too. Maybe she’s a nice person, if you give her a chance.When I first met your mother, we didn’t get along either. Well… you know the rest. Maybe you and Amira could be friends too, if you try.”
“I don’t know… but I do kind of feel sorry for her. She lost her father when she was four.” Draco said, his voice deepening slightly.
Ash’s eyes widened. “Oh… that is really sad.”
“Yeah… but let’s watch the movie.”
Later that night…
“Hi, Ash. How are you doing? How’s Draco coping? I really want to see them… Can we arrange the visit soon?”
“Hi, Angie. He’s okay. He met a girl today at school. Her name is Amira…” Ashton said, trying not to laugh.
“Really? That’s… good. Amira met a boy called Draco today. He sounded so familiar, like I’ve heard of him before…” Angie said, dreamily.
“He lost his mom when he was four though…” Ash added.
“Yeah, Amira’s had a hard time too. She lost her dad when she was little. They have so much in common, it’s almost like they’re related. Ah, who am I kidding? I’m so sorry, Ash… I should never have thought we could possibly raise four children, what with our busy jobs and all.”
“It’s not your fault, relax.”
“How about Ashlyn? Is she happy at school?”
“She is. She’s having a sleepover with her friends. And how’s Oliver doing?”
“He’s great. He reminds me of Jay and Leo when they were his age. Always curious and adventurous. I just wish he had more friends…” Angie said, sounding worried and sad, as she always did when they talked on the phone.
“Listen… they need to know their dad, don’t you think? And the other two need to know their mom. We have to arrange a meeting sometime.”
“Okay, but when? I’m really busy. Maybe I can ask–”
“No, you have to be there. Please…” Angie begged. “It’s been eight years… we’ve been planning this for so long.”
“Don’t worry, we’ll figure it out later, okay? Go to sleep. Draco might hear us talking…”
“Why would he–”
“I’ll tell you later… he has insomnia...”
“You can’t just say that and hang up! You have to tell me now!”
“I’m tired. Good night, Angie…” he said, and hung up. He set his own AI Phone on Night Mode, and placed it in its charger.
“Good night, Ash…” she said, with a submissive sigh.