After the battle to defend the village, Yusuki's mother sat next to a burning fire, staring in the ashes while her face drowned in distant ideas. Yusuki approached her quietly, and he sat next to her, trying to gather his courage to talk about what his heart was occupying.
Yusuki: "My mother ... I was thinking a lot about my father and everything he told me before his disappearance. Do you think that he would return one day?"
The mother looked at her son with two eyes full of sadness, then she took a deep breath before she answered him with a calm voice:
Umm Yusuki: "You have an internal force that resembles your father a lot ... but he was not alone in this difficult way. Your father was fighting to protect this place, to protect the village and protect us. One day we may find an answer to his fate."
Yusuki's silence for a moment, then continued hesitating: "I tried to protect the village as my father was doing, but I felt unable to what we faced. I want to become stronger, I want to be ready for what might come yet."
The mother smiled gently, and she was affiliated with his shoulder with tenderness: "It is not only by strength, son, but with courage and faith in the goal. Even if there are things that we do not understand now, the road will explain to us what we need to do."
Odachi, who was silently listened to them, joined them and sat quietly.
Odache: "Yusuki, we have always dreamed of becoming warriors like our fathers, but this battle showed us that we are not yet ready. Have you ever thought of my aunt about what our fathers were planning?"
Yusuki's mother stared at the fire, as if she was seeing a picture of the past, then she answered a nostalgia with a nostalgia: "Odache, your fathers left a great legacy for you, but the warrior path is not easy, they faced things that we were not to understand. Maybe what you need now is training, real training And not just fighting for survival. "
Jossuki think about what his mother said, then he quietly asked her: "My mother, do you think that there is a place where we can learn everything we need?"
Her eyes shined with a new idea, then she indicated towards the old sword that his father had carried. The mother: "Maybe this sword holds an answer. I have suggested that you go towards a large city where there is a school to train warriors, a school that may teach you what you need for the future."
Both Yusuki and Odache viewed each other, feelings of enthusiasm and hesitation applied within them.
Yusuki: "If this school can make us stronger ... I am ready to go."
The mother smiled with optimism, but with caution: "This path will not be easy, but it is the way that will enable you to understand the strength of your fathers, and perhaps find answers to all the questions that are in your minds."
After a long conversation, the whole night took them, Audach's mother felt the desire of her son and Udachi to seek strength and knowledge. However, she had doubts about leaving the village, so she was thinking loudly in front of them.
The mother: "I know that you are enthusiastic, but as I said, the war of the warrior is difficult and not for everyone. The power you need is not just a skill in fighting, but rather requires a wise mind and a steady heart."
Yusuki silently sat while thinking about the mother’s words, but he decided to be frank about his concern.
Yusuki: “My lady, we live under a constant threat. It has not passed a day since that night in which we were forced to face monsters without any real preparation, and I am afraid that a day will come a lot. If we are only here to wait, it is better for us to learn and prepare. "
His words were so sincere that his mother's view turned from hesitation to understanding and nostalgia, but she wanted to make sure that this is not just a passing desire.
Mother: "I understand your fear, Yossuki, but tell me, do you realize the meaning of sacrifice?
Odachi was carefully listening, then interfered with the conversation in a serious tone: "We have seen what it means to be helpless, and I do not want to see my friends and family in danger without being able to do something. We are not looking for glory, we are looking for safety for those we love. "
Odachi touched the heart of his mother, and returned her memory to similar moments with her husband when he was reassuring her despite the dangers he knew she would face.
After a moment of silence, the mother looked at Yusuke and Odache firm resolution."
Yusuki and Odache were surprised by this proposal, and their mother expressed determination to ensure their real preparation for the trip.
The mother: “I will not allow you to start until the basics are learned, so you will train with me and with the wise first. If you prove their strength and courage, I will allow you to go into this adventure.
if follows later