Word Count: 1728
"With every step she took, the princess drew colder with understanding of what was happening." Thea rubbed her arms against a false chill, shivering visibly. "She had been tricked. How gullible she was! How naive! She had trusted, fallen, and in return, she was to be destroyed." A finger, crossing sharply over her throat. "She ran down the endless hall, determined to postpone her death for as long as she could. She would not go out without a fight.
"The Goblin approached from the end of the hall she raced away from. His steps were slow, precise, elegant,"-Thea took a few steps on the toes of her feet, making no noise,"-and yet he closed the distance between them briskly, as though he had been running to her. Goosbumps rose when his hand closed around the Princess's arm, pulling her to him.
" 'Love,' he whispered. Despite the deep betrayal she felt, the Princess's heart still tremored at the simple word. 'I won't hurt you.' "Thea's voice softened. "His words were sweet, even with the evil intentions that he held, and the princess found herself locked in his charm once more.
" 'My Goblin.' She fell into him and kissed him once more. The passion that they held was undeniable, and the Princess once more forgot of what the Goblin really was. At that moment, he was just the beautiful Goblin boy who had stolen her heart and ignited her fire within. He was the boy in the cloak, the boy with music, the boy with a heart.
" 'So I will make this quick and painless.' He whispered, and suddenly, her body went numb. She collapsed onto him, the Goblin, the boy, the music. The world spun until she could make nothing out except his vibrant green eyes.
"Then, it was all gone. She could tell herself that he was simply the Goblin boy, but it was not true. He was something else. He had betrayed her, used her.
" 'I love you, Princess.' Goblin whispered as he laid her body down. The words came from a boy with a heart, but a heart made of stone. He did not truely know what love was." Thea spun, her back to everyone, and began to walk away. "The Princess was gone, and so was the Goblin boy.
"The goblin that walked away knew nothing of a princess. Just a tragic death, and a boy who once was."
Thea stilled in her position, back turned, body stiff, until applause broke through the silence. The grief that had riddled her face while performing disappeared when she turned, replaced by a large smile. She curtsied, giggling.
"Thank you!"
She stepped into the crowd, towards where Calida stood with their parents. Thea's blonde curcles popped up infront of her, her lips pulled in a grin.
"How was that, Father?"
Their father stepped forward and swept Thea into a hug. Bitterness flooded through Calida at the sight, but she held it in. It had been so long since her father had ever held her like that, and a menacing feeling was coursing through her blood.
"It was beautiful, Anthea! Stunning! I'm so proud of you. My beautiful girl is so talented!"
"Happy birthday, darling." Their mother came up to grasp her hands. "You are of age now. You do know what this means?"
Thea nodded, stepping out of their father's embrace. "Yes. I'll find someone, mother." Excitememt glimmered in her expression, and her eyes searched the crowd.
Their mother squeezed her hands before sneaking a glance at Calida, who was watching the exchange coldly, a grim expression set on her face.
"I'm sure you will have less difficulties than... Others." Her mother's words stung her, and Calida turned away. She skirted around people, pushing through the crowd, until she broke free of the claustrophobic swarm, all surrounding Thea to wish her a happy birthday.
"Calida." A voice called out to her.
She froze in her tracks. Everyone had been paying attention to Thea, and she was so sure no one besides her family would notice her slipping away. Calida turned to a flash of shocking blond hair.
The boy grinned, lighting up his face. He was handsome, she could not deny, but any person who chose to acquaintance themselves with her sister was not someone she desired to be around. Besides, Thea clearly fancied him. It was obvious in the way her eyes searched when she had been talking with their parents- she had been searching for him.
"So you remember my name?"
"It would be coarse of me to forget someone whom my sister shows interest in?"
Lucien completely eluded the hint she had gifted him. "As your reputation stands, you aren't the most amiable person, I assume."
If he had meant to humor her with his words, his attempt was fruitless. She only stared back coldly at him, no humor in her expression. "I am not obligated to act benevolent towards people who are not benevolent to me."
"It's not very lady-like."
"It's human."
Lucien laughed as if terribly humored by her words. She scowled at him and turned back around to walk away.
"Why is it, then, that you are not very kind towards me?"
She laughed once, humorlessly. "I do not have to be nice to you. My sister may like you, but she had always fallen for charm easily." Calida raised the eyebrow that was not shielded by her hair. "I am not enticed quite as easily."
"But I have been nothing but kind to you."
Calida shook her head and looked over her shoulder, where he stood, a smile of amusement on his face. "No. You have been absolutely wonderful to my sister." She pointed behind her. "Said sister is somewhere in the center of the crowd, so you may go find her now. She's rather fond of you."
Lucien cocked his head. "Who's to say I was looking for her?"
Calida shook her head. "It's her birthday, and you are standing by the crowd that was watching her perform. Why else would you be here?"
He laughed again, then straightened. "You caught me. I'm looking for your sister."
"And I am leaving."
The smell of smoke choked Calida, and her heart began to race. Her mind began to conjure flashes of the accident, until her breathing came out in shallow gasps and she swayed on her feet.
She blinked hard, trying to rid herself of the memories to no prevail.
Her skin began to prick, bothered by the bonfire before her.
Her vision blurred, and she gripped the ends of her sweater tightly.
Calida took a large step back, her body trembling. Her head spun in circles, matching the pace of the images as they appreared and disappeared. She felt herself falling, the scar on her face burning.
A grip on her shoulder brought her back, the nails digging painfully into her flesh. She gasped and blinked away the haze to find herself staring up into her father's hard gaze.
"Sing." He growled lowly, before releasing her and returning a smile to his face.
She blinked, looking around. No one was watching her-all eyes were on Thea, who stood on the other side of the fire. She wore the new pale pink dress she and their mother had bought the day before at Talia's. After Calida had told her that she would not be going, Thea had went to their mother, and they went to the market together.
Everyone was singing.
Calida stepped back, away from the fire, testing her father's attention. When he did not turn towards her and yell, she completely turned her back from the fire and bolted for the forest. No one noticed as she left, and she soon found herself surrounded by thickets of trees. The fresh air calmed her, away from the smoke and the crowds of people. She leaned against a tree and shut her eyes, inhaling deeply.
A tap on her right shoulder startled her, and she opened her eyes, her fist already swinging.
Lucien caught her hand effortlessly, a brow cocked at her. His touch was incredibly warm, almost hot, and it sent a tremor through her. Fear engulfed her, and she breathlessly yanked her hand out of his grip, brushing it off on her pants. His eyes seemed to glow in the darkness of the forest. Staring up at him coldly, she asked,
"Are you following me?"
He shrugged, "When you see someone run away from their own sister's party into the woods at night, there's bound to be a little bit of curiosity."
He had seen? She was so sure no one was watching. However, Calida didn't recall seeing Lucien at the fire at all. She had simply assumed he was hidden somewhere in the crowd, though he was taller than most of the folk.
"Excuse me, but I ran away to be secluded from others, and seeing as you are here now, I am unable to attain that solitude."
Raising his hands in surrender, he grinned. "I only followed to make sure the lady was okay."
"Six hours ago you called me unlady-like."
Lucien tapped his chin with his index finger, tilting his head as if deep in thought. "Did I? I don't recall acting so... Coarse towards a lady."
Huffing out a breath, Calida turned to head back towards the fire. "Though I never recalled any act of benevelonce towards me either."
"Calida." Lucien called as she began to walk away. "I am only joking. Stay. I will leave."
Once more, he came up behind her, and she felt his heat. He was unnaturally hot, and she felt as if she were still standing by the bonfire, crammed between two strangers who adore her sister.
"Come to the party, Calida. Three days from now." With that, he was gone.
It seemed that he had taken all warmth and light with him, and Caluda stood alone in the darkness, shivering as a cool wind blew through the material of her sweater. The forest seemed almost sinister then, and she pushed herself against the tree, listening to the distance sound of people singing.