Well… *pulls at my collar* this is going to be interesting. My views and values are my own. I am not bullying, targeting or forcing my own ideals onto anyone. If I wanted to bible bash anyone I’d buy a bigger bible then my pocket sized edition and your sexual orientation will not and does not affect how I judge competitions now or in the future.
Am I covered?
Hopefully. You said you wanted controversial. It’s all well and good when you follow society, but what happens when you’re on the other side?
I’m against homosexuality.
Am I afraid of them? Hardly. I treat them as people – as individuals with rights. I am not a “homophobe,” I don’t find them repulsive or inhuman. I don’t go all 1700’s Catholic Church on their arses. But I don’t agree with them.
I don’t agree they should be married. “Gay marriage” I believe simply shouldn’t be an argument. Have your own law, have your own pact, create a new regulation where everyone can come and celebrate your union if that’s what you want. Have the trappings of gowns and dinners, share a last name. I understand that those (especially soldiers) should have equal rights to contact, that hospitals should include the other partner in the affairs.
But leave marriage out of it. Stop persecuting Christians for not allowing your ceremony in their churches. Would you sit in the middle of a synagogue and eat bacon in the middle of the service? … I seriously don’t encourage it. You’re not dealing with groups of people who “share a common interest,” who come for the free shot of wine every now and again.
You’re dealing with faith. You’re dealing with who I am. Who we are. There are different degrees of course, as there are kinds of music. I know there are probably many Christians around the world who don’t mind homosexuality.
But bible based Christians – I’d even argue true Christians, (if I don’t get sawed in half) don’t agree with homosexuality. I don’t need to provide bible texts because you know them. Or I’m sure a simple google search could suffice. In many cultures across time there has been writings of those who fall for the same sex. I recognise this. In some Native American colonies it’s been reported there were gay men who lived separate lives to his fellows and helped the women. I’m sure history could provide insight into these findings.
But does it make it right? There are text books filled with murders – does that mean I should do it too? Now, I’m not saying they are on equal moral standing, but hopefully you see my point. Since gay marriage has coated society, we have seen a huge outbreak of it. Was all of western culture hiding in the closet? Were they biding their time till someone opened the door? Part of me suspects it’s a bit of a domino effect, it’s in, and it’s hip. Everyone wants to support it. The tsunami is coming and I’m going to watch it wash over my home. But when the water returns back to where it came from, I wonder what will be left behind.
Love. The love argument in all its forms is a cruel and strange one. If we have the right to love who we want, who will stop people from loving their animals a little too much? Why is Jeremy going down to the morgue more often? Why is four year old Lucy with that strange man? Where do we draw the line? More accurately, when? The door is open not just for same sex love – but all forms. Because the argument is very much the same. The ideal is good – there is not denying that. Love is a glorious and important thing that shapes us into the people we are. But what shape are you going to choose? Because pretty soon there’s going to be a variety to choose from.
Yes. You’re right, Christian’s are called to love. But that in no way means I have to agree with you. That’s like saying because I’m in love with a smoker I have to love their smoking habits. It’s a flawed argument. I will love the person you are, I will love your smile and your laugh. I will learn about you, be kind to you. But I will not agree with your actions. I will respect you and your rights. I will love you, I will sacrifice my life for you if need be. But can I expect it back?
Unlikely. Not impossible. But unlikely.
Those who don’t agree are bullied on and offline. I have been shoved and verbally abused for not sharing in the gay ideal. Too many times have I seen comment after comment of people slamming Christians – not only for not agreeing, but for loving Christ. For stating their own opinion. Homosexuals are in power right now, you only have to look at the profile pictures of your friends to recognise it. But demand respect in a disrespectful way and I promise you I will not stand by and watch. I should not be afraid of my beliefs. I am not a bigot – ironically it is those for same sex marriage that are often (not always) trying to belittle me. If respect is what you want, perhaps think about how your harsh words are not only uncalled for, but cruel. Yes. Homosexuals are people. Yes you have rights.
But so do I.
We’re all human here.
Note: I understand we all have our own stories, and yours may be a hard one. I am simply coming from a side rarely spoken up for, not trying to fight you in any way.