After the accident, it was as if the world has opened all its doors before Dymitria's eyes.
With perspectives anew, opinions redefined and the very foundation of life altered into the perfect blend of history, society and destiny, she found herself in constant wonder as she traversed her life taken only seconds away from death's hands. Filled with passion and a quest to find an Ultimate Solution, she embarks on the most mentally and emotionally stimulating journey to ever be encountered.
But she must be careful.
She finds enemies at every turn, her friends and own family proving themselves otherwise, and even involving authorities in their will to stop her mission.
She will not be stopped, though. She had to fulfill what she was meant to do.
Exhaustion had taken over, and determination to protect their only daughter has driven Dmitri and Cornelia to the brink of their own existence. Asking for help in all places they could reach and seeking governmental assistance was futile - they had only succeeded in fueling her to distance herself continually until she could be found no longer.
Even when the search encompassed the whole of the country, they were doubtful of success. The only difference between Dymitria and a madman was that she was no man.