"Beatrice, who did this to you?" She held me by my shoulders, not allowing me to move into my room,
"Please mom..." I teared up, "Leave me alone."
"No. Who did it?"
"It doesn't even matter, no one will do anything about it."
"If I throw enough of a hissy fit, I'm sure they will." She gave me a stern look, "Bea-"
"Stop. Just stop!"
"Stop!" I screamed, and she let go of me. I quickly shoved myself into my room, and locked the door, moving my desk to barricade my door shut,
"Beatrice! Open the door!"
"No! Go away!"
"What is your problem?!" She asked, making me go silent, "Beatrice!"
"That's my problem! Right there! My name isn't Beatrice!"
"What are you on about? Are you on drugs? If you're on drugs, I swear to god Bea-"
"I just said that isn't my name!" I collapsed onto the floor, digging my nails into my cheeks, "I'm not on drugs!"
"How isn't it your name?"
"I'm... I'm... I'm..."
"You're what?" Her tone softened,
"Mom, I'm a guy."
"Okay... Can you open the door?"
"Y-Yeah." I took a deep breath, and removed the desk, allowing her to open the door. She wiped her tears away, and pulled me into a hug,
"I love you."
"I love you too mom... I'm sorry."
"Your face... Did it happen because your transgender?" She asked, and I simply nodded, "Okay... Is there any way I can support you?"
"Just... refer to me as your son... and a haircut and a chest binder would be nice."
"Okay. I'll do that. You said that... um, your not name isn't your name... What is your name?"
"I don't know."
"That's a weird name..."
"I don't mean it literally mom." I laughed, "I can't really decide on any names. Keith and I were coming up with some, and so far we have Felix, Grayson, Jasper, and Nathan."
"Personally I like Jasper... I was gonna name you Jasper, actually."
"Yeah, Keith said he liked Jasper too."
"Do you like it?"
"Well, yeah, otherwise I wouldn't have said it."
"Oh, right." Mom released me from her hug, and smiled at me, "Okay, you want to go measure yourself up to get your binder, and get that haircut you want sir?"
"Yeah, please."
"Alrighty then, let's go.
"Holy shit." I watched as my face lit up at the sight of my now short hair, "Thank you so much mom."
"Don't worry about it."
"God, I-" I pulled my phone out, originally planning to call Keith, but slid it back in my pocket when I remembered our previous argument.
"You what?"
"Nevermind," I smiled at her, and she smiled back, tears slipping from her eyes, "What?"
"Nothing... It's just... this is the first time you've looked happy in a while." She scanned over my face, "You should invite Keith over for dinner to celebrate, or something."
"Actually... Um, we got into a fight."
"What? You guys never fight!"
"I know. I was kind of... a jackass to him earlier."
"Well then invite him over so you can apologize!"
"Uh, I don't know."
"C'mon, you and Keith have been best friends since sixth grade! You can't just leave him! You guys are best friend goals, don't make me cry!"
"Gee, okay. I will." I unlocked my phone, and typed in his phone number, giving him a call, "Hey, um... I'm sorry."
"It's okay B... Bro. I get it."
"You do? Because I don't." I stated, making him chuckle,
"Yeah, you were in pain, Xavier was being a dick, and well, I misgendered you accidentally, then got upset and proceeded to use your birthname as a weapon against you, when I shouldn't have." He sighed, "Thank you for apologizing though."
"Yeah, uh, also, my mom wants to know if you want to come over for dinner or something?"
"I don't think I can."
"Why not?"
"I um... Well..."
"My dumbass is um... in quite a bit of trouble right now."
"For what this time?"
"Uhhhh, I don't think you want to know."
"Oh, um, you'll be okay atleast?"
"Yeah, I should be, but... It's kinda unknown. I'll see you tomorrow."
"Probably not. My mom doesn't want me going to school tomorrow because of... him."
"I can see why. Well, then I'll see you the day after tomorrow."
"That's Saturday."
"No shit sherlock. I usually come over on Saturdays!"
"No you don't..."
"Well, I do now!"
"Whatever, I'll see you Saturday." I sighed,
"Yep, see ya dude." Keith ended the call, and I put my phone away,
"See? It wasn't bad."
"Yeah, I know... I was just nervous."
"Why's that?"
"I don't know."
"So is he coming over or...?"
"Nah, he's not. He has some shit to deal with from his parents."
"Oh... Poor Kei-" The phone rang, making her reach for her phone, fumbling with it a few times, before finally picking it up, and answering, "Hello? ...Woah, woah, suspended?! Why?! ...That is bullshit... No, have a fucking terrible day!" Mom hung up, cursing.
"What just happened?"
"You're suspended for the next week because apparently you're a fucking delinquent who beat the shit out of this Xavier kid! Your principal is a dick!"
"I'm aware... That's why I told you it was a waste of time to call them."
"I'm going to have a word with this Xavier boy's parents! Is this the kid who has been harassing you for the last two years?"
"Yeah, he is, but his parents won't do jack shit about it, because they're the ones who taught him this."
"Why would they do such a thing?"
"I don't know why exactly, but I'm pretty sure they're Catholic, since Xavier never shuts up about how I'll be burning in hell for eternity."
"Ugh, I hate people who don't even know their own religion."
"Me too mom, me too."