Scene 4 opens with Mr. Sylus in his office, stressing out while sitting at his desk late at night
Mr. Sylus: *groans sadly* Fuck! Why did this year have to be the year where something bad happens?!
Ms. Nancy: *knocks on the office door and walks in* Sylus, sir?
Mr. Sylus: Please tell me you have some good news, Nancy.
Ms. Nancy: I’m afraid not. Officer Rick will be on his way down here tomorrow morning since other officers have been called to duty more often than usual.
Mr. Sylus: My word…
Ms. Nancy: Oh yeah, believe me when I say you’re not the one who’s stressing out here.
Mr. Sylus: I know. *sighs sadly*
Ms. Nancy: Everything will be fine.
Mr. Sylus: I’m not so sure anymore… just tonight I thought I was hearing things. A whole bunch of ruckus! But then I took one of my pills, and the noise went away. I swear I’m losing my fucking mind.
Ms. Nancy: Well once Officer Rick gets here in the morning, everything will be okay and we can guarantee no more students will get hurt.
Mr. Sylus: I just hope my wife won’t be worried too much about me when I tell her about what’s going on.
Ms. Nancy: Well… maybe I can help you get all of this stress off your mind.
Mr. Sylus: *gives Nancy a look* How so?
Ms. Nancy: *climbs onto Mr. Sylus’s desk suggestively and winks at him* I think you know.
Mr. Sylus: *grins slightly* Come to papa!
(camera pans to shot outside of Mr. Sylus’s office)
Ms. Nancy: *exclaims with excitement*
Mr. Sylus: *snarls aggressively before chuckling giddily*
Hank: *kisses Eleanor passionately*
Eleanor: *kisses Hank passionately back*
Hank: *stops kissing Eleanor and gazes deeply into your eyes*
Eleanor: *gazes back at Hank*
Hank: I love you.
Eleanor: I love you too.
Hank: Elle… those meds that I’ve been taking…
Eleanor: What about them?
Hank: They’ve been wearing off faster than normal…
Eleanor: Oh, honey…
Hank: I… I don’t know what I’m supposed to do.
Eleanor: And you’re not supposed to take them more often than before?
Hank: The side effects will outweigh the healing, which is fucking stupid if you ask me. *sighs sadly*
Eleanor: We’ll figure something out so that your head doesn’t have to keep suffering like this.
Hank: Yeah, if my head gets outta control, it’ll not be a pretty sight.
Eleanor: *scoffs* I believe that.
Hank: I just wanna figure something out before the show at the end of this week.
Eleanor: We’ll find something. I promise.
Hank: Yeah. Thanks, hon.
Fernando: *slowly wakes up and grabs his head, then winces before looking at his hand, which has some blood on it* Oh geez… *slowly stands up and walks back into the sanctuary*
(a light pant is heard from the green room)
Fernando: *faces the direction from which the noise came and quickly follows it into the green room, then spots Carrie*
Carrie: *cries out muffled*
Fernando: Carrie! *runs over to Carrie, slowly pulls the tape off of her mouth, then undoes the rope from her hands*
Carrie: *pulls her hands up and gives Fernando a hug* Thank you! *stops hugging*
Fernando: No problem. But we need to get outta here, like now!
Carrie: Wait! We can’t leave with the killer still out there!
Fernando: *pauses for a moment* You’re right. Let’s go get Vince.
Both: *run backstage but find Vince’s dead body with a pool of blood by his head*
Carrie: What the fuck…! *covers her mouth and tears up*
Fernando: *covers his mouth and looks away*
Carrie: We’re gonna catch this fucking psychopath… we’re gonna take him down!
Fernando: Let’s get the others first.
Both: *run off together to get the other students*
Carrie: Should we go get Hank and Eleanor first?
Fernando: Yeah, that’s a good idea.
Both: *run to Eleanor’s room*
Carrie: *opens the door to see Hank and Eleanor talking*
Hank and Eleanor: *stop talking and look at Fernando and Carrie*
Carrie: Guys, we need your help!
Eleanor: *stands up* What’s going on?
Fernando: We’re gonna find the killer, whoever he is. And we’re gonna take him down!
Hank: *stands up* I’m down! The last thing we need here at camp is a killer to ruin our week. I’m sure as hell not gonna let that happen!
Carrie: Neither am I!
Eleanor: Do we have any suspects on who the killer could be though?
Fernando: It’s not Tristan since he was killed yesterday, and Carrie and I just found Vince’s dead body backstage…
Hank: Holy shit…
Carrie: Yeah… I’m not sure if it could be any of the students. For all we know, it could even be Mr. Sylus.
Eleanor: That’s true.
Hank: I don’t know why Mr. Sylus would do something like that though.
Fernando: I know that the theatre business has been stressful from I’ve heard from him. Although, I know that there’s a group of shady kids that like to hang out around this time, they’re not exactly smart enough to pull off a murder or anything.
Carrie: I have an idea. Maybe Eleanor and I will cover on end of the building while you two cover the other end and see what we can find because I doubt the killer will try to take on two people at once.
Hank: Not bad, but we’ll definitely have to keep our eyes peeled.
Eleanor: Yeah, but I like the idea.
Fernando: Okay, Hank and I will take the front end of the building. You guys can take the far end.
Carrie: Sounds like a plan.
Eleanor: *walks into the green room with Carrie* What exactly happened back here, Carrie?
Carrie: Fernando and I were keeping watch to see if we could find any suspicious activity. I was on my way to use the restroom. That’s when the killer came up from behind me and drugged me with chloroform. I was passed out for who knows how long, but then Fernando saved me and now here we are.
Eleanor: That’s fucking crazy.
Carrie: You’re telling me. I’m surprised, and glad, that he didn’t kill me when he had the chance.
Eleanor: Sounds pretty lucky if you ask me.
Carrie: Or as Fernando would say ‘blessed.’
Eleanor: Yeah. He said he’s Christian, right?
Carrie: Yeah, he’s Christian.
Eleanor: *shrugs* Well, I can’t say that I am.
Carrie: I don’t know what to think in that case.
Eleanor: Oh well. All we can worry about right now is watching our fucking backs and not getting killed.
Carrie: Yeah, you’re right.
Eleanor: I honestly am not really worried because I took a few self-defense classes last year.
Carrie: That’s relieving to hear.
Eleanor: Well, as relieving as it can be considering we’re going up against a killer here.
Carrie: *scoffs then chuckles briefly* That’s true.
Eleanor: By the way, I didn’t wanna ask in front of the guys, but are you and Fernando… a thing?
Carrie: Wait, what the fuck are you talking about?
Eleanor: Well, he clearly has a crush on you. I just didn’t know if you guys both liked each other or not.
Carrie: I mean, I guess I do kinda like him. He’s actually really sweet.
Eleanor: Yeah, he is. Hank’s the same way. He’s always been such a gentleman since the day I met him and we got together.
Carrie: Aw.
Eleanor: Yeah, like our first date was a bit awkward, but he was the cutest thing.
Carrie: What’d you guys do?
Eleanor: Well, we went to dinner at a fancy Italian restaurant, then we went to go watch a new romantic comedy movie, which was wonderful. And afterward… well, let’s just say we had a whole lotta fun in his car.
Carrie: *gives Eleanor a surprised look* You guys had sex?!
Eleanor: No, no, no! We didn’t have sex. Do you really wanna hear what happened?
Carrie: I won’t be bothered.
Eleanor: I’ll just say that we got in his car, I held him down, and he kissed all over me.
Carrie: Sounds like you guys had a good time.
Eleanor: It was so amazing!
Carrie: I wish I could say I’ve had the same experience, but my ex was a total douchebag.
Eleanor: How? If you don’t mind me asking.
Carrie: He was a man whore. Just wanted me for sex.
Eleanor: Oh geez. I’m sorry to hear that.
Carrie: I’m just glad I don’t have to deal with him anymore.
Eleanor: Yeah, I bet.
Fernando: *walks down a hallway near the entrance with Hank* So, how’d you and Eleanor meet?
Hank: We met at a high school event for Biology. Students from different schools got together and everyone had to be paired up with someone from a different school.
Fernando: So, you and Eleanor got paired up?
Hank: Fuck no. We got paired with two random people. We ended up bumping into each other at the end when people were getting ready to leave and she showed me her Biology presentation, and it blew me away. And we pretty much started our relationship there.
Fernando: Huh, nice.
Hank: Yeah. What about you and Carrie?
Fernando: *blushes lightly and stammers* I have no idea what you’re getting at.
Hank: Bullshit. Of course, you do!
Fernando: I mean, I really like her, but I don’t know if she likes me back or not.
Hank: You never know until you ask.
Fernando: That’s what I’m afraid of… her telling me she wants nothing to do with me.
Hank: I’m pretty sure she won’t do that. She doesn’t seem like that kind of person, especially since she started hanging out with you. I think you’re really having an impact on her.
Fernando: *lightens up* You really think so?
Hank: Heck, I know so, man.
Fernando: Oh goodness. That’s awesome! I can’t believe I’m actually doing something like this!
Hank: You haven’t impacted someone like this before?
Fernando: I impacted my parents, but not in a good way in their eyes.
Hank: Ah.
Fernando: But, holy cow!
Hank: I’m happy for you, dude.
Fernando: Thanks. You know, at the beginning of this week, I never thought I’d be where I am right now. How about you? *turns towards where Hank stood* Hank? Where’d you go?
(a thud and groan come from a nearby room)
Fernando: Hank?
The Understudy: *bursts out from the room and faces Fernando before hitting him in the head with a microphone, knocking him out*
Fernando: *falls to the ground, unconscious*
The Understudy: *growls* I’m losing my fucking patience with you assholes. *drags Fernando away*
Eleanor: It’s kinda weird that we don’t know who the killer is still.
Carrie: Yeah. You think we would’ve found out by now, but still nothing.
Eleanor: I just think it’s weird because in a bunch of movies I’ve seen, they find out who the killer is either at the beginning of the movie, after the killer’s dead in the news or something, or they don’t find out at all.
Carrie: You’re right! I don’t get why they’re like that.
Eleanor: Me neither, but some people don’t give a shit.
Carrie: *scoffs* Right?
Eleanor: *stops suddenly*
Carrie: *looks at Eleanor* You hear something?
Eleanor: *quietly* Yeah. I think so.
Carrie: *listens carefully for any noise*
Eleanor: Of course, now that I mention it, there’s nothing.
(a sudden light rumble comes from a large mirror placed in front of a hallway)
Both: *quickly look over at the mirror*
Eleanor: What the hell was that?
Carrie: *slowly walks over to the mirror*
The Understudy: *suddenly smashes through the mirror and tackles Carrie down*
Eleanor: *screams*
The Understudy: *backhands Carrie and shoves her aside*
Carrie: *groans in pain*
Eleanor: *charges at the Understudy and swings her leg at him*
The Understudy: *catches Eleanor’s leg and stabs her with a shard of glass*
Eleanor: *cries out in pain and grabs her bleeding leg*
The Understudy: *swings Eleanor aside*
Eleanor: *hits the ground hard and groans in pain*
The Understudy: *gets to his feet* I’m done playing these fucking games!
Eleanor: *slowly gets to her feet*
The Understudy: Looky here. Tough girl wants to play hero.
Eleanor: We’re gonna kick your sorry ass.
The Understudy: Sure you are.
Eleanor: *lunges at the Understudy*
The Understudy: *quickly slashes Eleanor in the cheek with the same shard of glass*
Eleanor: *cries in pain and holds one hand to her bleeding cheek*
The Understudy: *throws the shard of glass down and grabs Eleanor by the neck* I’m assuming you won’t remember me either. Or that time when you stole my high school Chemistry project and claimed it as your own! You were offered fucking scholarships for it!
Eleanor: *struggling to breathe* What… the fuck… are you… talking about?!
The Understudy: *shoves Eleanor aside and grabs Carrie by the hair*
Carrie: *winces as she stands up and grabs the Understudy’s arm*
The Understudy: You should know exactly what I’m talking about!
Eleanor: *pulls out a pocket knife from her pocket*
The Understudy: *scoffs* Isn’t that cute?
(The Understudy’s Second Strike starts playing)
The Understudy: Coming to play with the bad guy? To me, that sounds like suicide! Risking your life to save her own?! Not today, this is my home! Are your feelings oh-so-strong?! Think you’re tough enough, well, you’re wrong! I’m the one who’s gonna own the night! I’m not letting you take my spotlight! Coming to play with the bad guy? To me, that sounds like suicide! Risking your life to save her own?! Not today, this is my home! Are your feelings oh-so-strong?! Think you’re tough enough, well, you’re wrong! I’m the one who’s gonna own the night! I’m not letting you take my spotlight! The pretty girl over here is my hostage! She’s turning out to be a pile of wastage! You can try your best to save her life! Do you think you can stop me with a fucking pocket knife?! You know how it goes, “an eye for an eye!” It’d be a shame for either of you to die! You destroyed my past and I’ll make you remember! Even if it means she gets dismembered! The pretty girl over here is my hostage! She’s turning out to be a pile of wastage! You can try your best to save her life! Do you think you can stop me with a fucking pocket knife?! You know how it goes, “an eye for an eye!” It’d be a shame for either of you to die! You destroyed my past and I’ll make you remember! Even if it means she gets dismembered! Coming to play with the bad guy? To me, that sounds like suicide! Risking your life to save her own?! Not today, this is my home! Are your feelings oh-so-strong?! Think you’re tough enough, well, you’re wrong! I’m the one who’s gonna own the night! I’m not letting you take my spotlight! Coming to play with the bad guy? To me, that sounds like suicide! Risking your life to save her own?! Not today, this is my home! Are your feelings oh-so-strong?! Think you’re tough enough, well, you’re wrong! I’m the one who’s gonna own the night! I’m not letting you take my spotlight! The pretty girl over here is my hostage! She’s turning out to be a pile of wastage! You can try your best to save her life! Do you think you can stop me with a fucking pocket knife?! You know how it goes, “an eye for an eye!” It’d be a shame for either of you to die! You destroyed my past and I’ll make you remember! Even if it means she gets dismembered! The pretty girl over here is my hostage! She’s turning out to be a pile of wastage! You can try your best to save her life! Do you think you can stop me with a fucking pocket knife?! You know how it goes, “an eye for an eye!” It’d be a shame for either of you to die! You destroyed my past and I’ll make you remember! Even if it means she gets dismembered!
(The Understudy’s Second Strike stops playing)
Eleanor: *breathes heavily from fear and holds the pocket knife up at the Understudy*
The Understudy: You can do whatever you want to try and stop me, Eleanor, but you’re gonna fail miserably.
Eleanor: *lunges at the Understudy*
The Understudy: *headbutts Eleanor as she approaches him*
Eleanor: *falls to the ground, unconscious*
The Understudy: *growls* You’re coming with me! *pulls Carrie as he walks her onto the stage in the sanctuary, where an unconscious Fernando is seen tied up to a chair*
Carrie: Fernando…!
The Understudy: Don’t worry. Your boyfriend isn’t dead yet.
Carrie: If you do anything to hurt him…
The Understudy: Shut the fuck up! *aggressively sets Carrie in a chair next to Fernando and ties her up*
Carrie: *shakily* Why are you doing this?
The Understudy: No one remembers me. Even after all of the shit that they did to me…
Carrie: What are you talking about?!
The Understudy: Fernando here. Got me expelled from a school for wrongly accusing me of plagiarism and scandals.
Carrie: Fernando would never do such a thing!
The Understudy: You don’t know him as I do.
Carrie: Fine then. What did I ever do to you?!
The Understudy: What you did was the worst of everyone here. Humiliating me all over social media for your own stupid fucking pleasure…
Carrie: I don’t ever remember doing such a thing!
The Understudy: You didn’t think it was such a big deal! As long as you were getting likes and shares and comments and all that shit! You put into such a deep fucking depression that my parents put me on medications for it! And the side effects have been fucking with my head! It feels like hell!
Carrie: I…
The Understudy: No, Carrie! I don’t wanna hear a damn thing that comes outta your mouth.
Carrie: I wanna know who you really are!
The Understudy: *pauses momentarily* You wanna know who I really am, do you? Fine then. *pulls his mask off and glares at Carrie*
Carrie: *gasps lightly* …Hank?
Hank: Don’t get all sympathetic on me now. You’ve had your fucking chances to make things right. Now… it’s my turn!
Carrie: …How?
Hank: Hank’s not here right now. I’m The Understudy. Hank works the day shift, and I work the nights! I’m a second personality if you will.
Carrie: You don’t have to do this, Hank.
Hank: You can eat your fucking words, Carrie! You don’t have any right to negotiate! Now *puts his mask back on* I believe I have some unfinished business. *unties Fernando, grabs a noose and puts it around Fernando’s neck*
Carrie: No… don’t!
(The Understudy Takes the Stage starts playing)
Hank: You people had better watch out for me because I’m gonna make you scream! All of you who are gonna be performing up here are the ones who have to fear! You people had better watch out for me because I’m gonna make you scream! All of you who are gonna be performing up here are the ones who have to fear! Watch out, tonight! Be filled with fear, filled with fright! This stage is mine! No one else can shine! Watch out, tonight! Be filled with fear, filled with fright! This stage is mine! No one else can shine! No one can dance, no talent to bring! No one has a chance to come up and sing! Everything I had, all was taken! I’m always mad, my heart breaking! No one can dance, no talent to bring! No one has a chance to come up and sing! Everything I had, all was taken! I’m always mad, my heart breaking! You people had better watch out for me because I’m gonna make you scream! All of you who are gonna be performing up here are the ones who have to fear! You people had better watch out for me because I’m gonna make you scream! All of you who are gonna be performing up here are the ones who have to fear! Watch out, tonight! Be filled with fear, filled with fright! This stage is mine! No one else can shine! Watch out, tonight! Be filled with fear, filled with fright! This stage is mine! No one else can shine! No one can dance, no talent to bring! No one has a chance to come up and sing! Everything I had, all was taken! I’m always mad, my heart breaking! No one can dance, no talent to bring! No one has a chance to come up and sing! Everything I had, all was taken! I’m always mad, my heart breaking!
(The Understudy Takes the Stage stops playing)
Hank: *throws the other end of the noose over the stage light above and starts pulling on them hard, lifting Fernando by the neck and choking him*
Fernando: *awakens and struggles to breathe and break free* Lord… help me!
Carrie: No! *struggles to get her hands free*
Hank: *struggles to pull Fernando up*
Eleanor: *runs out from the green room, runs over to Fernando, jumps up, grabs the rope, and powerfully pulls it down*
Hank: No! *flies up with the rope, hits his face on the stage lights, and falls onto his back before groaning in pain*
Eleanor: *cuts the rope on Carrie’s hands with her pocket knife*
Fernando: *pulls the noose off of his neck and breathes heavily*
(Ain’t No Grave by Bethel Music starts playing)
Carrie: Shame is a prison as cruel as a grave. Shame is a robber and he’s come to take my name. Love is my redeemer lifting me up from the ground. Love is the power where my freedom song is found. There ain’t no grave gonna hold my body down. There ain’t no grave gonna hold my body down. When I hear that trumpet sound, I’m gonna rise up out of the ground. There ain’t no grave gonna hold my body down. Fear is a liar with a smooth and velvet tongue. Fear is a tyrant, he’s always telling me to run. Love is resurrection and love is a trumpet sound. Love is my weapon, I’m gonna take my giants down. There was a battle, a war between death and life. There on a tree, the Lamb of God was crucified. He went on down to Hell, He took back every key. He rose up as a lion and He’s setting all the captives free. There ain’t no grave could hold His body down. There ain’t no grave could hold His body down. When He heard the trumpet sound, He rose up out of the ground. There ain’t no grave could hold His body down. There ain’t no grave could hold His body down. There ain’t no grave could hold my body down. There ain’t no grave could hold my body down. If You walked out of the grave, I’m walkin’ too.
Hank: *gets to his feet*
Carrie: *simultaneously with singing* *walks over to Hank*
Hank: *shouts angrily and throws a punch*
Carrie: *dodges Hank’s fist and kicks him backward*
Hank: *stumbles briefly*
Carrie: *walks closer to Hank*
Hank: *pulls out a microphone from his pocket and swings it at Carrie*
Carrie: *catches the microphone, jabs Hank in the face, and uppercuts him*
Hank: *grunts in pain and grabs his chin*
Fernando: *walks up to Hank and punches him across the face*
Hank: *groans in pain and kicks Fernando in the leg*
Fernando: *cries out in pain and grabs his leg*
Hank: *kicks Fernando down*
Fernando: *grunts in pain and winces*
Carrie: *grabs a chair and hits Hank in the head*
Hank: *shouts in pain and grabs his head as he drops to his knees*
Carrie: *drops the chair and kneels down in front of Hank*
Hank: *growls and glares at Carrie*
Carrie: *kicks Hank down*
Hank: *falls onto his back and breathes faintly*
Carrie: *turns away from Hank*
Hank: *slowly gets to his feet and walks towards Carrie*
Eleanor: *charges at Hank and swings her knife at him*
Hank: *catches Eleanor’s arm and growls*
Carrie: *turns back around and faces them*
Eleanor: *pushes against Hank’s arm*
Hank: *pushes her arm down and grabs her by the neck and starts choking her*
Carrie: *puts Hank in a chokehold and pulls him back*
Hank: *releases Eleanor and struggles to get Carrie to let him go*
Carrie: *continues to pull Hank back*
Eleanor: *punches Hank in the stomach hard*
Hank: *grunts in pain loudly*
Eleanor: *punches Hank again*
Hank: *grunts in pain before kicking Eleanor backward, pushing off the ground and slamming Carrie against a wall*
Carrie: *releases Hank from the chokehold*
Hank: *catches his breath*
Fernando: *gets back on his feet, runs into the green room, and comes out with a 5-lb weight lift*
Hank: *looks at Fernando and glares*
Fernando: *walks towards Hank*
Hank: *charges at Fernando*
Fernando: *uppercuts Hank with the weight lift*
Hank: *groans weakly in pain before falling onto the ground*
Fernando: *drops the weight lift*
(Ain’t No Grave by Bethel Music stops playing)
Eleanor: *walks over to Hank*
Hank: *breathes faintly as he struggles to get back on his feet*
Fernando: It’s over.
Hank: It’s over when I say it is! *jabs Fernando in the throat*
Fernando: *gasps and coughs as he grabs his throat*
Hank: *backhands Carrie*
Carrie: *groans in pain*
Hank: *kicks Eleanor backward*
Eleanor: *stumbles backward and grunts in pain*
Carrie: *punches Hank across the face*
Hank: *shouts in pain and grabs Carrie by the neck, choking her*
Carrie: *struggles to breathe and break free*
Hank: I told you, this isn’t over until I say it is! *grasps Carrie’s neck harder*
Eleanor: *shouts angrily and charges at Hank*
Hank: *turns his head to see Eleanor out of the corner of his eye*
Eleanor: *swings her pocket knife at Hank and stabs him in the side*
Hank: *cries out in pain, releases Carrie, and grabs his bleeding side* You motherfucker! *winces and cries*
Carrie: Holy shit… Eleanor…
Hank: *drops to his knees and breathes heavily*
Eleanor: *takes Hank’s mask off and gasps lightly* What the fuck… Hank?
Hank: Hank… told you… about his medicine… *winces and coughs*
Eleanor: Oh, no… *holds her hands over her mouth, tears up, and then tightly hugs Hank* I’m so sorry, honey… *starts crying*
Hank: You don’t need to apologize to me… I’m a fucking maniac, I’m Hank’s bad side at its worst… *sighs* I’m… the Understudy…
Eleanor: I should’ve been a better girlfriend… I should’ve done more to help you, Hank…
Hank: This isn’t your… fault. *gets light-headed* Ah, fuck… *slumps his head down*
Eleanor: No no no no no! Don’t die on me, Hank! Please don’t go. *kisses Hank on the cheek*
Fernando: What… just… happened?
Carrie: I have no fucking clue.
Scene 4 ends