On my break, I uber to Olive Garden. My phone dialing a number before I sat down. "Corporate." I say to a computer system and wait. Mr. Pierce's time is up. He'll lose his job with the video copy I made from the camera footage. I know there were millions of more sexist bosses, but taking down one is good enough for me. Fucking pig. "How may I help you, miss?"
"Hi, good evening, I will have the chicken alfredo, breadsticks, extra butter, and raspberry lemonade."
"Corporate." A man's voice said from the phone...they control everything don't they?
"No problem, I'll get your order to you as soon as possible."
"Thank you, take your time." I smile at her...it fades when I answer the guy on the phone. "May I speak with a female agent?"
There is a pause. "I am capable of answering your claim."
"I'd prefer a woman, thank you."
A long huff follows. "One second." The hold music plays. Classical piano. A text hits my line. Jim: Are you okay? I ignore him. "Kathy Rose, how may I help you today, miss?"
"Hello, Kathy. I'm calling to file a sexual harassment claim against a Mr. Pierce of Strive Treat."
"Oh..." Her tone goes a bit doubtful. "Well I will let you know that he has the best lawyers in the state so the case will be tough."
"I have evidence...I have camera footage, there's no doubt that it's him and his own words."
"Please hold." Music plays again.
I slip my feet out of my flats, bending them. From across the street I spot a black and yellow motorcycle parked at a gym. Chained up. The waitress brings my breadsticks and butter and my drink. "Your main course will be ready in a few, we serve with care instead of quickness."
"I appreciate that." The music plays on. An hour passes, when I finish my meal. Still the music plays. Wow...I guess Kathy Rose is eye candy under the tongue of corporate. I hang up the phone. Outside, the motorcycle is still parked. It keeps drawing my attention for some reason. I wasn't even into bikes, they're so dangerous and have the worse crashes ever. I wait for my uber which is six minutes away. Traffic lights blink, yellow, green, red. People cross a side street of Downtown Seattle. My fingers scratch at my legs that have numerous bites. Ugh, great. So...now, it seems like I got to go out of my way and take down my boss. He seems protected. I need a lawyer...an affordable one.
The sky is dark above me as I head to my dorm. Maya, Kristin, and Yasmine are the names of my roommates. I rarely see them, only when I have to sleep. I may seem like a bitch to them, a quiet, mean girl, but I wasn't making friends again, not after a certain bad event in high school that scarred me. Yet, I manage a slight smile once in a while, even if it's cold...that was good enough. In bed, I pull the covers up to my chin...too thoughtful to sleep. How will I get a lawyer? Who's motorcycle was that?