You know who I am. After all, you know me as well as you know yourself. But if you still haven't worked it out yet, I'll give you a clue.
we look identical.
you don't have a twin. You have no siblings, apart from your brother off at university. But yet we are more related than you two will ever be.
We both have the same dull brown hair, the edge chopped off crudely as a desperate attempt to avoid going to the hairdressers. Our eyes, which used to sparkle brightly, have now lost their glow.
Another fact for you to know:
i live in the mirror.
Every time you pass something that shines in the light, I know you get a shiver, like someone's watching you. Just to verify - they are. I am always watching. You can't escape me.
I think I have made it clear now, but if I know you (and I do) you will need something really obvious to get this tiny fact into your thick head:
get it now?