Gabi was wearing a short, black dress, perfect for Vegas. During the walk to Caesar Palace she was a diva among all the perfect girls in the street, I'm sorry that her bestie, me, seemed a clumsy, giant, pink sweet to her side.317Please respect copyright.PENANAn3HMj0d6cK
We had no time to explore the city, but all I have seen since now was incredibly awesome to my sensitive eyes. When we arrived in the luxury hotel, we overslept in a room bigger than my home, decorated with blinding jewelry and cream objects that made the atmosphere relaxing with the warm lights and when we woke up we didn't lose time and we ran to buy some expensive dresses, cosmetics, shoes and jewelry; Gabi has a well-payed job and I never spend a lot of money since I always stays at home, waiting for a new bestseller to buy on internet, so luckily today we won't feel poor as we are. Gabi chose everything for me; my mother always chose my clothes so I don't have a good taste for them, but Gabi, she's an expert, or as she says, I'm a hella bitch! Now, considering we have to wear clothes, makeup and go to the party, we are still late... so we will have a bath in our private Jacuzzi.
«I can't wait to run like a drunk girl on the heels!» I yell at Gabi that is in the kitchen. I put a foot in the hot water and I spontaneusly close my eyes, a shiver of pleasure run through my body.
«Girl, I can't believe we're here together. This is a dream.» She says, handing me a cocktail before entering the bath with me. I can see the joy in her eyes bright with tears. «Tonight we will conquer the world.»
«Thanks, but I just need to find someone that makes me happy.»
«Then what?» Her question confuses me. What am I really searching for? Someone to love, someone that can change my life for the better or just some fun and relax? Maybe everything, maybe I can have these all.
«We'll see.»
Gabi smirks, lifting her drink. «Cheers.»
I give her my natural innocent smile. «Cheers, but I will spit every sip of this drink, whatever it is.»
She laughs and I hope I will like its taste, so I won't have to drink water at an adult party.
I admire myself at the giant mirror in the bedroom: the heels are matched to the long dark red dress with the slit on a side, the dark red lipstick and the black mascara are magic on my pale white skin and the silver necklace I wear is a classy touch to the outfit.
«Are you ready for the party, honey?» She wears a short, loose green dress. It won't be hard to find her among the people, I don't think I will see another dress so gaudy tonight.
«You bet!» I answer with enthusiasm.
«Good. Take your mask, the party started ten minutes ago, I hope you're a fast runner.»
I wear my black lace mask, the last piece of the puzzle to make me become the most elegant person I've ever seen. I feel someone else. Or maybe I'm feeling myself for the first time in my life. Yes, my elegant, delicate, warm-hearted nature is finally free. I smile at my reflection.
Gabi takes my arm, pulling me. I fall on her. «Stop staring at my art, you breathtaking nerd. Let's go!»
«No way!» I worry, my body shaking.
Gabi shakes her head, her hands on her hips. «Come on, there are just some photographers, maybe a dozen journalists...»
«No Gabriela, there is a fucking population of people with cameras!»
«Wow, you swore. The situation is serious.»
«It is.» I whimper, trying to hold my tears to save the makeup from my anxiety.
She takes my hands, her eyes search for mines. «Listen: we'll give the tickets to the guard and as soon as he moves the rope barriers we run in the villa, ok?»
«What if I fall?»
«Well, nobody will see you, with this dress you can easily become part of the carpet.»
I chuckle. I hope I won't regret this. I look in the hazel eyes of my blonde bestie and I nod.
We walk to the robotic guard, holding our heads high. Gabi gives him the tickets and the guard watches these, his face doesn't show any emotion. I gulp, waiting for his next move.
He looks at us. «Your name, please?»
A thousand eyes are on us, people are chatting and I hope Gabi has a plan B while my cheeks become warm and my legs weak.
She takes the tickets. «Haven't you read the passes? We are special guests, our names are not on the list, idiot.» She looks at him from head to toe, moving like a sexy chick. Meanwhile, the journalists heard us and the chats became louder. I sigh, trying to hide the panic.
«Sorry, ladies, I didn't read it. I immediately take you to the masquerade party.» He turns towards the villa, bending his arms. Gabi put her arm on his and I imitate her, then another guard moves a barrier and, as our heels touch the carpet, the journalists start yelling, crammed together, their flashes dazzling me and their screams hurting my ears and my head. I try to smile them, hoping to not appear on the first page of a journal. As we enter the villa, a pacific silence welcomes us as we walk up the stairs.
«Excuse me ladies, I need to know your names.» The guard asks politely, this time he seems happy, his robotic part disappeared as we entered the place.
Gabi talks for both. «Sure. I'm Miss. Rea and she's Miss. Dobra.»
I glare at her 'cause she gave him our real surnames, but she doesn't even look at me.
The guard opens a big wooden door and he walks in the enormous room, on a little balcony. I can only see the dark yellow ceiling and the warm lights in the sophisticated chandeliers, I wonder how many people are at the party.
«Ladies and Gentlemen, please welcome our special guests, Miss. Rea and Miss. Dobra.» The guard turns to us, smiling. I hear people applauding in the room.
I glare at Gabi that winks at me and goes on the balcony. I let out a groan. I would like to scream, asking myself why did I come here and when did I become so crazy, but there's no time. I walk on the little balcony and I look down: a thousand gorgeous people are cheering us. It's full of rich, important men and women... I shouldn't be here. I shake my hand, trying to smile: we are the special guests in a private party and we didn't even get invited; I would like to hope Gabi has an idea to run away before the party organizer find us, but the cruel reality is this: we're fucked up.
I walk down the stairs and I easily reach the bar, those people seem really good at keeping their living space. I need to get drunk before getting arrested, maybe I'll order a cocktail from the menu. I take a look around and I notice that the colors of the girls' dresses are very bright; good, I'm the black sheep among the white ones. It won't be hard for the villa owner to find me. Gabi is still talking with two men in smoking, she doesn't understand how grave the situation is.
I jump, on the stool, turning around to see where this voice comes from.
Someone clears his throat. «Behind you.»
I turn and I see a handsome boy, probably he's less than thirty. «Uhm, hi.»
We look at each other in embarrassing silence. He breaks it after a minute. «You're a special guest, and a beautiful girl, I couldn't ignore you when I saw you alone.»
My brain fights with my heart as I try to think of a sensible answer. «Thanks.» It's all I can say.
«I'm Jordan.» He smiles.
«I'm Katrina.» I try my best to seem enthusiast.
He gives me his hand, his palm facing up. I take it, I turn it on the side and I shake it. He gives me a side-eye.
«Ok, uhm... Let me offer you a drink.»
I nod and he orders two cocktails. I take a sip of mine and I curl my lips, trying not to spit the disgusting liquid. If I don't drink, I surely have to talk.
«Who's the party organizer? I been invited by a friend we have in common, but I don't know him.» I say, bothered.
He smiles to me, his teeth are so bright that I could see them in the night. I notice that his canines move; before I can ask myself if I have hallucinations, he talks. «He's just an asshole.» His angry tone leaves me stunned. «He organized this party to honor a deal that he never respected and never will.» I listen to him, drinking the cocktail without even noticing his horrible flavor. Jordan seems always more absorbed in his thoughts, and I am in his words. «He tells us he wants peace in our world as we all do, but he says this just because his enemies are too many to be fought all together. Accepting this stupid agreement means giving him the time to eliminate the rebels one by one and make the others bow down to him. He's a King, he craves power, his empire is getting bigger; it seems everybody's blind, or they just don't care about their freedom and the people they love, otherwise they would have come here to destroy this place.»
After a long silence, I try to organize my thoughts. «I guess you're talking about an economic war.»
He seems to come back to the real world, his smile comes back with him. «Yes, exactly.»
«If you're against this deal, why are you here?»
«'Cause my group is here too.»
«It's not wrong to have a different opinion from your friend. Why didn't you oppose to them and stayed at home?»
He let out a melancholy chuckle. «I don't wanna die.»
His answer seems so serious that I don't know if it would be opportune to laugh or stay silent.
«There's anything else you want to know?» He asks.
When will this party end? «Why don't you tell me about you?»
«Sure! I'm a...» He starts yakking and my mind drives away.
I notice that my glass is empty, I drank all the disgusting liquid without even noticing it. Good, but I'm not tipsy yet, not enough to get arrested in Las Vegas for entering a stupid party without invitations. I came here to find a kind of price and I can't really complain about the handsomeness of the men in this place, but I can't meet nor date all the guys here, I'm not like Gabi. I can't even go home alone and drunk. I take a look around and I just see good-looking men, nothing special, nothing attracts my attention. I order another cocktail and when I turn towards the crowd again I see something, someone. Two grey eyes hypnotize me, they seem to glow, but their light is limited by the big black limbal rings. I study their owner: he's high and well built, I would like to run my hand through his short, curled dirty blonde hair and kiss his delicate yet masculine face. He's wearing a long black coat, I think it's called frock and it was used in the victorian era, this is another wonderful detail that makes him stand out from the crowd. I watch the elegant woman he's talking with, she's the only one I've seen with a modest black dress and two long white gloves of lace. She's definitely more beautiful than you, Katrina. I roll my eyes and when I look at him again, his intense gaze is on me. I immediately look down.
«Are you ok?» Jordan takes me back to reality.
«Yes. I was just lost in thought... I think I saw someone that I know.» I lie, smiling. I feel the urgent need to know more about that man; he's different, we have this in common, maybe I can use this information to get to know him.
«That guy with the...» As I turn, I notice that my shot is disappeared. «Nevermind.» I say, his eyes still impressed in my heart. What makes him so special to my sensitive inner eyes? There was something in his grey ones... a light trapped in two dark circles, a soul that found his perfect balance, an evil that protects an angel. This is… amazing. Suddenly a violin starts playing a motivational, dramatic melody. (see the notes for the song)
«Wanna dance, madame?» He bows to me.
I look at the couples, dancing and moving without even brush who steps close to them. «I'm sorry, I'm not a good dancer.»
«Ok. We can go to the garden for a breath of fresh air.»
«Good idea.» I take my disgusting cocktail and I follow him as he guides me out of this enormous hall. I really want to get out of here, but I can't stop myself to turn and search for two grey eyes before the cold wind caresses my skin and Jordan closes the door behind me.
The garden is wonderful, but all I see is the difference between the memory of the joyful crowd under the warm lights and the artistic nature hiding in the darkness in front of me, under a full moon which light gives this place a dark fascination. I crouch down to smell a white rose, trying to relax.
As I stand up, Jordan hugs me from behind. «We are alone, there's nobody here that can see us.»
«So what?» I ask, more nervously than I wanted. I need to find those eyes, I feel he's the right one, my sixth sense never wrong. I have no time for this poor guy.
«We can have fun.»
«Sorry, I'm... married.» I lie, but when I try to move his grip around my body becomes tighter.
«Poor girl. I didn't mean what you think.» He kisses my neck.
«What are you doing? I want to go back in.» I try to get free flinging my arms and my legs, but he's too strong.
«Please...» I beg him and immediately after I freeze. Two red eyes behind a bush are staring at us. «I think there's an animal.» I turn my head to look at him, but he pushes it on a side, totally baring my neck under his mouth. When I look at the bush again, there's nothing. I frenetically move my eyes, searching for something undefined, but a sharp pain distracts me.
«Jordan, what...» Another sharp twinge of pain that starts in my neck and runs in my whole body silences me and the cocktail falls from my shaking hand. My body is becoming rigid, my veins seem hot iron, I can't speak as a warm liquid keep falling on my skin and something pricks me.
«Katrina.» A deep, loud voice calls my name.
Jordan frees me and turn. «What the... oh. Is there any problem? How can I help you?»
«She's mine.» The voice growls.
«I-I'm so s-sorry. I had n-no idea.» Jordan stammers behind me and I just watch the moon and listen as the pain slowly fades away. The sounds of nature try to distract me, but I sense a strong fear close to me and it keeps me on the lookout.
«Go back to the party.» The voice order. I hear Jordan's fast steps, but he stops before opening the door. «And please Jordan, keep badmouthing me, I need more reasons to... how did you phrase it? Eliminate you.» The mysterious man beamed, I can hear the joy in his tone. It's so creepy that it makes me shiver. I hear Jordan run away, I don't know if I should thank the stranger behind me or be afraid of him.
I turn toward the man, I have no choice. As I see him, my heart starts beating faster and harder.
«Miss. Dobra.» He smiles, his grey eyes hiding another emotion, something dark and scary. In a few steps he's so close to me that I should raise my head to meet his hypnotic gaze. «I don't think I've ever had the pleasure to know you.»
«You didn't, sir. It's hard to know every single person in a...»
«So why are you at my party?» He asks politely, his smile gives way to an angry face.
The frock to be different, his angry look... As soon as I realize he's the party organizer, I panic. «I'm a friend of a guest.»
«Really?» He shows me the fake tickets of Gabi with a reproachful gaze. «You're not so clever.»
I hang my head in shame. «I'm sorry sir.»
He caresses my cheek. «Maybe you can save the night with a dance.»
I don't know how to dance, but if some casual moves can solve the problem I have to try. I nod.
«Good. Now, let's start again. I'm Mikael Blake.» He gives me his hand, his palm facing up. I take it, turn it on the side and shake it. He laughs.
«I didn't know handshakes were funny.» I state.
He shakes his head, smiling, then he gently grabs my chin to raise my head, forcing me to meet his eyes. He puts my hand on his and he kisses it. I feel an idiot as his amused gaze makes me blush.
«May I have the honor to dance with you, madame?» He asks, every trace of anger is disappeared from his face.
I nod.
«I didn't heard your answer, Miss. Dobra.»
This is the worst night of my life, I hope it won't get worse, but it surely will, 'cause I am me. I sigh. «Yes, sir.»317Please respect copyright.PENANA2tuSThcjg5
He gives me a proud smile, opening the door.
As a writer, I would like to kill Jordan in a horrible way for insulting the guy that will become our favorite psychopath of the story... but he's just a minor character, we have no time to waste with him! Let's focus on the first meeting of the reasonably worried Katrina and the cruel King Mikael.
Note: the music the violin plays in my mind is "Lux Aeterna" !! performed by Kate Chruscicka. !!