There you go again, decorating Han in insults for not putting the trays on the shelf faster:
“Come on, boy! Pick up the pace.”
“I-I’m almost done.” He stutters, picking up another tray of gluten-free chocolate cakes with his brown hands – soft and untouched by hard labour – and sliding it into the shelf much too slow.
You sigh and turn away, hiding the limp as best as you can, and walk over to your other employee in the Prep Room. Ling is taking her sweet time preparing today’s handmade special!
“Are you done yet?” You ask, not bothering to hide your annoyance when you enter the hot room, no thanks to that stove!
“Uh, just about!” She replies quickly, placing a pan into the crowded sink. What are left on the table are two trays of what look to be yellow and green tarts.
“What are those?” Handmade specials are a unique idea for your food shop, which you let the employees make, so long as the choice isn’t junk food.
“It’s called Quinoa Egg and Spinach Scramble.” She squeaks. “This tray has pork, while the other is vegetarian. Han told me the recipe.” Han did?
“Okay.” You say gruffly when your right thigh tenses up. “Put them out.” She nods, taking one tray and ducking past you, out of the room and towards a green table at the front of the store. You look back to see the other tray. Normally, you help both of them out with morning preparations-
“Ah.” You gasp, feeling another spasm. You turn and carefully go to your office to sit down… for the rest of the long day.
~After Lunchtime~
“So…” Your voice catches Han’s attention from the counter. “This was your idea?” You hold up the hand-sized Quinoa Scramble.
“Yeah...” He responds, gaze shifting around the empty shop. “My older sister is pregnant, so I looked up some healthy and easy recipes for her.”
“How’s that working out?”
“Good.” He walks out from behind the counter and approaches the table. “Yeah, these really help with her cravings and morning sickness. All the ingredients are here, so it was easy for me to show Ling.” You nod.
“Mind if I…?”
“Go ahead.” He smiles.
“Mmm…” You hum when you take a bite, savouring the chewy egg and crunchy bits of onion and quinoa. “These are good. Maybe I could take a fresh one when Ling’s done making more in the Prep Room.”
“Yeah…” You catch him looking you over. “Um, is there something wrong? You’ve been walking funny.”
“It’s a pulled hamstring.” You sigh. Of course you couldn’t hide it from them. “I got it yesterday when taking the stairs.”
“… I got got some stuff that could help, if you like. My sister’s stomach gets sore sometimes.”
“Really? Thanks.” You finish the Quinoa Scramble. “You’ll make a great uncle, Han.”
"Thank you." He smiles and his eyes brighten.