This was it. The moment I had been waiting for my whole life, and I was going to screw it all up by dying.
I was a Prince from the kingdom of Amohlid, sent by my father to kill a dragon and save a princess from our neighboring country, Veinsai, and unite the two kingdoms into one. Also, I'm pretty sure my dad wants to kill me, so my brother can have the throne, and my whole family hates me because they call me a coward. Basically, they took advantage of my dreams and made them a death wish.
You can imagine the Christmas dinners, I'm sure.
Anyway. I'm here, riding on my horse, and I see the dragon guarding her lair, glaring at me. "Who dares come steal my greatest treasure today, hm?"
I swallowed, and couldn't find my words. "I am the Prince of Amohlid, here to request the return of the princess of Veinsai, for her family deeply worries about her, and my family wishes to make a treaty with theirs, which cannot happen without the princess." Well, honesty is always the best policy, right?
"And should I refuse?" the dragon asked, flame peeking out from her mouth.
Hoo, boy. I hoped this would work..."No harm will come by you. I will return to my land, and allow someone else to try and rescue the fair maiden. I am not stupid, I know that if I were to fight you, I would die."
"You are very shrewd," the dragon laughed. "And you do not insult me for being a woman?"
"Why should I? You clearly have shown your strength, keeping the princess here for so long. You have proved yourself stronger than any mortal man."
The dragon's eyes widened. Then, she started to laugh. "I think this one's a keeper, what about you, Betty?" she asked.
"Sounds good to me, Lyohlid! Thank you!" a voice called from inside the lair, and out ran the princess. "I am Princess Betty, of Veinsai, though you know that already. Lyohlid and I have been looking for someone proper to marry me for years now, judging their strength and seeing who I would accept as a fair and noble husband. And, unlikely as it may seem, you are honest, and wise, and treat people with respect. You are the kindest man who has ever come to my 'rescue,' and you didn't even threaten Lyohlid. You may have my hand in marriage, should you wish it."
"I know my family wishes it, m'lady, but with respect, I can hardly say whether or not I should like you as a wife yet. Perhaps we can talk on the way back to your kingdom?"
"And they say chivalry is dead!" Betty laughed. "Yes, of course, let's get to know each other. We're a day or so's travel out from my kingdom, let alone the castle!"
"Well then, after you m'lady," I said, helping her up onto my horse. "Thank you, fair Lyohlid, for helping keep the princess safe," I told the dragon.
She just smiled and flew off.