"That's an interesting theory, Fo but, I don't think a bouquet of magical flowers will stop Wrill from destroying the island," Bennela rudely informed Fo.
"Well, if you could kindly let me finish, you'd understand what I'm trying to say."
The faerie narrowed her eyes at Fo, but stayed quiet.
"As you know, I spent a lot of time in the library as a child. While I was there, I came across a collection of tales centered on Mersenne, Sorrel's daughter. Naturally, it contained a lot of pictures, and in every one of those pictures, Mersenne had an amaryllis somewhere around her. Look at the flower beside her picture. That's an amaryllis. I think that the power is passed down to anyone who has Sorrel's blood running through their veins." Fo paused and glanced at Bennela.
"Based on the stories of Mersenne and Sorrel, I have concluded that the flowers match the personalities and abilities of their wielders. For example, Mersenne and her amaryllis. Amaryllis signifies determination, and from all the stories in Mersenne's book, I've gathered that she never gave up on anything she wanted to do.
"So? What exactly does it prove?"
"If the plant is chosen based on the personality of the wielder, there is a high possibility that you'll be controlling something very unpleasant or deadly."
"How are you so sure?"
"To put it bluntly, you're not nice. At all."
Bennela gazed at the hegde.
"Why do the flowers stop appearing?"
"I was waiting for you to ask that question. I'm not sure why the power stopped appearing after the sixteenth generation, but, we might be able to bring it back if we pay the dragon at Nuachez a quick visit.
Bennela looked up at the elf.
"Fo, I want you to give me one good reason to leave my homeland when a war is about to begin, and look for a dragon who is possibly dead as we speak."
"One good reason? Here's one, no one will survive Wrill's attack if we don't have a way to defend ourselves, and currently, I don't see any other genius ideas that have the potential to save us. Is that good enough for you, Your Majesty?
The young queen glared at her adviser and stormed out of the room.
She returned two minutes later with a scowl marring her elegant face.
"We're leaving at noon tomorrow."
Fo grinned and sketched a bow at Bennela, who slammed the door behind her.