Today was the day that I would meet my soulmate. Don't ask me why, but I just knew. I also knew that the moment I met my soulmate, my whole world would crumble. It would be like that sickening Romeo & Juliet story. Again, don't ask how I knew any of this. I just did.
Although I might've known the consequences of things, I didn't know the entire story. The part that seemed to eat me alive. It was like reading a book, but you were only privileged with being forced to skip to the end.
A curly strand of my black hair fell on my face, but I didn't bother to pull it back. I didn't bother to do anything but silently pray to whatever heavenly deities were out there. If not all of them. Hopefully they'd be graceful enough to make me die alone.
I had always hated love, everything about it. It was always too gushy and tragic for my taste. But now that I knew I was supposed to fall in love much like all of those dumb romance books I had despised all my life, I was more than willing to cut off communication from the outside world for a little while.
The thought of my supposed soulmate sent chills down my spine.
The ticking of the stop watch continued. I looked at it, the face indicating just moments until I found the one person that would knock down all of my walls and barriers. The one person that would destroy me, but then rebuild from the ground up.
The ticking had stopped, and there wasn't any indication that the bunker door was being burned down with a blowtorch or knocked out of its hinges with a handsome burly boxer.
I sighed. Maybe my instincts was wrong this time. Maybe I would end up alone.
I stood up from my fetal position and headed for the stairs. I opened the bunker door, walked up my apartment building steps, and into the frigid winter air that was blowing into my apartment. I don't recall opening a window...
I headed for the kitchen and screamed at the sight of a tall man that had somehow gotten stuck in the kitchen window of my second story apartment and the alleyway below. He offered a charming smile, before asking, "Hey, do you have any idea how I might be able to get out of here?"
I guess fate had other ideas for my life.