Samson plodded over to the sofa and sad on his hindquarters. cocking his head at the small canine. Staring directly into the big dog's gray eyes, the fox leaned forward to sniff Samson, yipped happily, and touched noses with him. Samson's tail wagged, beating the wood flooring.
Smiling, Viola pulled out her phone and facetimes her friend Nerizah. On the third ring, a groggy Nerizah answered. ". . Wha-?" Viola laughed. "I'm sorry," she said. "Did I wake you up?" Nerizah rubbed her eyes. ". . . Hunh? . . . Oh. No. No, no, no," she insisted. "It's fine. I needed to get up anyway." Nerizah was a sixteen-year-old African American female. She really was pretty; dark skin, gray-brown eyes, a slim yet extremely curvy figure. She could easily find a boyfriend. That was absolutely no issue. The thing was Nerizah was bisexual, and it was harder to find a girlfriend than it was a boyfriend. Viola was a nineteen-year-old white female, but she was completely straight. Straight as a circle, Nerizah would tease. The difference between Viola and Nerizah was Viola wasn't as adept at finding love. Viola had shoulder-length ginger curls, pale hazel eyes, a slim waist with full hips, and a cupid's bow mouth permanently set in a slight pout. Nerizah consistently insisted she was gorgeous; but if that was true, then shouldn't it be somewhat easier to find a guy to love her? Apparently not. Nerizah had long ago admitted a crush on her, but Viola, not wanting to hurt her friend's feelings, had gently reminded Nerizah that she was by all means straight. Of course, already having known this, Nerizah had just wanted to get it off her chest.
Nerizah had gotten out of bed and was walking around. "SO, what is it you called me for, V?" Viola smiled at her friend. "I wanted to show you something, Riza." Viola changed the camera to outward view. "Look at this," she said, voice filled with excitement. When she pointed the camera at the fox and Samson, she heard a gasp from Nerizah. "Oh, my God! V!" Nerizah's exclamation was filled with a mixture of shock and amazement. "Wha-? How did you- There's a fox in your house!" Viola giggled at her friend's reaction. "Yeah," she tittered. "I believe I noticed." Nerizah narrowed her eyes at Viola and said "You know what I mean. How did it get there? " Viola grinned. "Well, Riza, since you asked, I let it in. Actually, I carried it."
Nerizah gaped at Viola. "You mean to tell me you picked up a wild fox and carried it into your house?" Smiling, Viola nodded. "Yeah, that's what I'm saying," she replied. "Well, to be fair, it's a baby and it's leg is hurt, but it didn't try to stop me from picking it up or petting it." Nerizah continued to gape at the image before her, not really paying attention. Viola knew exactly how to get her friend's attention. A sly grin slowly spread across her face. "I mean, I was going to invite you over to see it, but I guess you don't want to . . . "
Nerizah jolted as if awoken by a nightmare. "What? Oh! Nononono," she exclaimed. "I want to, I do. It's just I'm surprised, is all. But I definitely want to see the little cutie." Her gray-brown eyes glittered with excitement. Viola laughed quietly so as not to frighten the fox. "I knew you would, Riza." She cocked her head at Nerizah. "So you coming, or nah?" Nerizah grinned. "Hell yeah! You know it V," she replied.
Still smiling, Viola looked over at the two animals now romping around the living room. "What time are you going to be here?" Nerizah cocked her head in thought. ". . . Mmm . . . give me about five minutes," she said. "All right," Viola said. "Can't wait to see you." Nerizah smiled at her, adoration shining on her face. "See you in a bit. Love you, bestie." Viola smiled back. "Love you, too, Riza. Bye"