“Imperial Brother left a message.” Lin Xie Ni looked at her360Please respect copyright.PENANAVTV0JeiYl3
younger sister. “He wishes to meet with his nephew and niece.”
Lin Xie Ya’s eyes turned several degrees colder. “I360Please respect copyright.PENANAu0YskBuSfV
“That’s good.” Lin Xie Ni smiled.
At this moment, Lin Xie Ya was not in the mood to care about360Please respect copyright.PENANAqr4oL1Clwk
Lin Xie Ni’s provocation. She was indeed worried that her older brother would360Please respect copyright.PENANAdWW1dnngBr
kill her son. So far, her son was the only male in the younger generation as360Please respect copyright.PENANAkMHUEhw4mp
her brother didn’t have a son yet.
Thus, she was worried that her brother would try to target360Please respect copyright.PENANACW6gTTd716
her son because he didn’t want to hand the throne over.
Lin Xie Ni looked at the two children. “Feng Quan, Feng360Please respect copyright.PENANAVOm79w5r8S
Ning. This is the first time I meet you, so I have prepared present for you.”
“Thank you Imperial Aunt.”
The two girls stepped forward and took the red packets from360Please respect copyright.PENANALTOzcH920Z
the servant. Feng Ning tucked the red packet away because she knew how impolite360Please respect copyright.PENANA1zUGmyTtVC
it would be to open it here. On the other hand, Feng Quan looked at the red360Please respect copyright.PENANAysPICeSWqp
packet as she was debating whether she could open it here now or not.
Feng Ning silently observed her older sister. Feng Quan was360Please respect copyright.PENANAXA4QgEIrYc
five years or so older than her. Right now, she was already 10 years old and360Please respect copyright.PENANAfQ6aK4eKW9
had exquisite appearance. Those from the Imperial Family were always very good360Please respect copyright.PENANASRKM6xdOr4
That is, after several generations.
“Quan, you can keep it first.” Lin Xie Ya was a bit360Please respect copyright.PENANAEYbqqVZILf
displeased at her daughter’s reaction.
“Yes, Imperial Mother.”
Lin Xie Ni smiled mirthlessly when she saw the two children.360Please respect copyright.PENANAqqkV3Fqg5X
Looking at how different they behaved, she could guess many things but chose360Please respect copyright.PENANAv3M5UmoRzi
not to say anything. “I’ll be going now, Mei Mei.”
“Take care on your way, Jie Jie.”
“I will.”
Lin Xie Ya still sat on her chair before she looked at her360Please respect copyright.PENANAai9QNpjOXJ
two daughters. Her eyes turned a shade colder. “From tomorrow, Teacher Xi will360Please respect copyright.PENANANbbFc9JAIW
start to teach you the etiquette for palace banquet. I expect you to remember360Please respect copyright.PENANAEkIlLKcy1s
everything before the end of the year.”
“Yes, Imperial Mother.”
“You’re dismissed.”
First time meeting and the result was being despised.
Feng Ning began to wonder how Lin Xie Ya planned to handle360Please respect copyright.PENANAO4zQvSogXX
the young prince’s twin sister. If Princess Lin Xie Ya still acted so cold like360Please respect copyright.PENANAQzkjJetnCf
this to the young princess but very warm to the prince, wouldn’t the brat360Please respect copyright.PENANA7lvkYjG5HQ
garnered so much hate?
Thinking about that, Feng Ning’s eyes lowered slightly but360Please respect copyright.PENANA3EE9PlFFMe
said nothing.
As they walked out, Feng Quan glared at Feng Ning then360Please respect copyright.PENANA03Norkrv5V
walked away. The servants were watching them intently, so she couldn’t do360Please respect copyright.PENANAewcpJ1QRE6
anything. However, it was not far before there was a scream and shouts.
“Miss?” Xiao Yu was looking at the back with confusion.
Feng Ning turned around and showed a concerned and worried360Please respect copyright.PENANAp6oJMyd0sN
expression. “Check on Imperial Sister Quan. I’m worried for her.”
Xiao Yu nodded. “Yes, Miss.”
Standing on her place, Feng Ning could see that Feng Quan360Please respect copyright.PENANAoLlcWBP8RD
tripped on the rock and cried loudly. Her eyes narrowed a bit as she could360Please respect copyright.PENANAhZ2nB8u9Rm
guess that Feng Quan was trying hard to gain her mother and father’s affection.
At least, in front of others, Lin Xie Ya and Feng Hou Zheng360Please respect copyright.PENANAIHK9UBFVeO
would have no other choice but to play along.
‘The idea itself is not bad. But do you really think that360Please respect copyright.PENANAWr5ZxCcDoX
they’ll have good impression of you if you do something like this?’
Feng Ning had already known that Feng Hou Zheng and Lin Xie360Please respect copyright.PENANARkerINscIl
Ya worked so hard to make children because they wanted their son to become the next360Please respect copyright.PENANA8fwuRLkBrk
emperor. As for the princesses?
They would be married away when they were no longer needed.
Feng Quan wanted to curry favor with them and have them360Please respect copyright.PENANA3DJ4gPyL7v
pamper her.
However, Feng Ning had already experienced her previous360Please respect copyright.PENANAP2fqF0smUZ
world’s parents’ pampering. Even if they were not rich back then, it was very360Please respect copyright.PENANA0Sd4keO7H1
warm and comforting.
Compared to this ugly place with power and money placed at360Please respect copyright.PENANA92NYvYgEP1
the very top, Feng Ning never had any intention of giving out her heart to360Please respect copyright.PENANAUqsxOnRMOw
“Miss, First Princess Quan fell down and twist her ankle.360Please respect copyright.PENANAtxKTbJ1ADc
Would you like to see her?”
“Can I help her?” Feng Ning asked softly. She then waved her360Please respect copyright.PENANAKojlYonv0Y
hand. “Send some medicine for Elder Sister. I’ll take a look.”
“Yes, Miss.”
Even though Feng Ning didn’t like to act and put on a360Please respect copyright.PENANArOFwooA3Aq
pretense, she knew that she would have to put on a mask if she wished to360Please respect copyright.PENANAZKF7hkaSXG
survive. This was not the modern world where she would be able to stay holed in360Please respect copyright.PENANAeRT1KOycvy
her room and still make a living.
There was no such convenience.
For anything she wanted, she would have to step forward to360Please respect copyright.PENANAnunJaxE1RF
get it with her own hand.
Watching Feng Quan cried and their parents coaxed her, Feng360Please respect copyright.PENANAJmaLDK0JQd
Ning was watching from a distance with worried expression. However, her heart360Please respect copyright.PENANAxvMFX6GV9O
was cold. She would only act as necessary and made sure that they would not360Please respect copyright.PENANAHLVOs9oclK
dispose of her so quickly.
That was all she wanted.
As for her future?
Probably she wouldn’t even be able to do anything but to be360Please respect copyright.PENANAhhiMiL3mjD
getting a political marriage later on.
After the short episode that challenged one’s acting skill,360Please respect copyright.PENANAFmOAbncDhC
Feng Ning spent her days quietly. Xiao Yu still gave her some news regarding360Please respect copyright.PENANAq0rpLlnal2
her older sister’s attempt to attract their parents’ attention. In Xiao Yu’s360Please respect copyright.PENANAV5IOCojS2O
words, it sounded as if Feng Quan was desperate enough to make sure their360Please respect copyright.PENANABDSBnqDjIE
parents would never leave her.
“Teacher Xi will teach Miss and First Miss, do you think360Please respect copyright.PENANATmPt9YC3m3
that you’ll be able to do well, Miss?” Xiao Yu was worried.360Please respect copyright.PENANAx6K35ycwrP
360Please respect copyright.PENANAm96iGAxH9g
Feng Ning raised her head slightly and nodded. She was young and it was obvious360Please respect copyright.PENANASnDSq6wP2Q
that her teacher wouldn’t be as strict to her as she was to her older sister.360Please respect copyright.PENANA9hkvoO2vHy
However, it was unknown what Feng Quan would do.
“Let’s go.”
Because they were going to study together, the two girls360Please respect copyright.PENANAuP9qayLjmK
gathered in the side hall that had been prepared specifically. Feng Quan was360Please respect copyright.PENANAXsR1RimsNy
already there and looked at her younger sister as a light flashed within her360Please respect copyright.PENANANl0IoWtxWN
“Jie Jie,” Feng Ning greeted.
Feng Quan nodded. “Mei Mei.”
“Jie Jie, how’s your leg? I heard that it’s quite bad,” Feng360Please respect copyright.PENANAcoOGF9Lidv
Ning took the initiative to ask.
Feng Quan furrowed her eyebrows but she still looked like a360Please respect copyright.PENANAzWEegP952r
gentle and refined young lady. A smile formed naturally on her beautiful place.360Please respect copyright.PENANAXqdEXJJwxA
“Mei Mei shouldn’t worry, my wound is not so serious.”
“I’m glad.” Feng Ning smiled brightly like an innocent young360Please respect copyright.PENANAcreCvrx6oK
Seeing how easily Feng Ning expressed her thoughts, disdain360Please respect copyright.PENANAASSkCL6Yt8
flashed within Feng Quan’s eyes. She had learned for a longer period of time360Please respect copyright.PENANAjT4vCXF7SF
with her teacher, so she was better when it came to concealing what she truly360Please respect copyright.PENANAFA18pHeb9M
felt. Looking at her innocent little sister, Feng Quan’s eyes flashed with360Please respect copyright.PENANAUeCKT29cZa
She didn’t want to share her parents with anyone.
When she was born, her parents’ attention was only her and360Please respect copyright.PENANACBgUCg3KBt
her alone. But after her sisters and brother came, they no longer paid any attention360Please respect copyright.PENANAjcJqElAOM5
to her. She had to think of countless ways to turn their attention to her.
“Mei Mei, have you learnt the basic etiquette for banquet?360Please respect copyright.PENANAzHQTKfxyAU
There are several things you have to remember.”
“I haven’t.” Feng Ning’s crystal clear eyes widened but she360Please respect copyright.PENANAEKdtsGEVDT
still put on the same innocent look. However, her heart was watching her older360Please respect copyright.PENANAN0fSWanQTM
sister with wariness. As she knew that the peace like the past five years would360Please respect copyright.PENANAh2DAySmDdr
be a pipe dream in the future.
Well. It was not exactly peace… she had to bear with the360Please respect copyright.PENANA5iyu1HEizC
shame of having other people taking care of her without being able to do360Please respect copyright.PENANAfF1Bqr7jVB
She didn’t want to repeat that.
“In that case, I’ll teach you some basic skills, Mei Mei.”360Please respect copyright.PENANAyaqqGpYW4c
Feng Quan smiled kindly. “If you want to be able to do well, you have to listen360Please respect copyright.PENANAkdk3OK4Slg
to me.”
Listening to what Feng Quan said, Feng Ning’s eyes turned360Please respect copyright.PENANA8JEeP8YBGt
cold. She could hear that Feng Quan was saying the opposite of what Teacher Xi360Please respect copyright.PENANABoc9BUun8b
said. They should wear glamorous dress so that they could stand out of the360Please respect copyright.PENANAWlpC8vm4Zf
Were they trying to court death?
It would be fine when she was young, but if she did that360Please respect copyright.PENANAgkkpcGz0SP
when she was older, it was clear that the Emperor would pick to kill her first.
“Is that true, Sister?” Feng Ning expressed her doubts.
Feng Quan nodded. She looked at her stupid younger sister360Please respect copyright.PENANA9o4VdGqwqD
and sneered. “Of course, what I said is the truth. When you’re entering a360Please respect copyright.PENANAFZxFU7FHRZ
banquet, you have to pick the best dress because it’ll showcase your360Please respect copyright.PENANAWkvKilDMDg
“But I’m so small.”
“It doesn’t matter. If you’re already so attractive from360Please respect copyright.PENANAKuLy0iXXAY
young age, there will be a lot of people who pay more attention to you.”
Yeah, in terms of mocking.
Feng Ning didn’t show her real emotion and only looked360Please respect copyright.PENANAbfNJEmSuF2
troubled. She was thinking of making Feng Quan talked until Teacher Xi came360Please respect copyright.PENANA41oxs6HNma
here, but would the teacher stop at the door and listen to them.
“Don’t you trust me, Mei Mei?” Feng Quan smiled brightly,360Please respect copyright.PENANAN4otpnYaW3
showing the kind sister’s look. However, the eyes she showed was clearly the360Please respect copyright.PENANAhTfN8sHqcq
opposite. It was filled with malicious intent.
For Feng Ning, that gaze was simply unconcealed.
“Teacher Xi is here.”
The two girls stopped talking and stood at their position,360Please respect copyright.PENANAE46sO3YPpq
greeting Teacher Xi at the same time. Right now, Teacher Xi’s gaze was360Please respect copyright.PENANARnNYbUC7XR
exceedingly cold. She looked at Feng Quan.
“I didn’t remember having telling you something like that,360Please respect copyright.PENANAMlQBwFmIQF
Princess Quan.”
Feng Quan was stunned. It was then she realized that Teacher360Please respect copyright.PENANAecukEHoP9X
Xi was actually already present outside the room for some time but didn’t come360Please respect copyright.PENANAW8hFdASet8
inside. She frantically shook her head.
“No, it’s not like that. Teacher Xi, I’m only saying that360Please respect copyright.PENANAV30ok22LHk
Little Sister is very good and should show her brilliance more.”
“Is that so? From the way you spoke, I didn’t get that360Please respect copyright.PENANAEp5DhcD5uI
feeling.” Teacher Xi’s tone was cold. She could see Feng Ning was looking with360Please respect copyright.PENANASe0KhStyLO
a confused and dumbfounded expression, making one felt frustrated for the silly360Please respect copyright.PENANAsSalM2a0o1
young girl. How stupid of her.
Thus, Feng Ning simply listened from the side as Teacher Xi360Please respect copyright.PENANAPa9Ng0M2MR
scolded her older sister. All the while, she put on an innocent expression as360Please respect copyright.PENANAQisksnV33R
if she understood nothing and could be fooled by anyone who saw her.
Even though Feng Ning was bad at social interaction, her360Please respect copyright.PENANABPTXXRKc0h
soul was still that of an adult. She naturally knew how to put on an innocent expression360Please respect copyright.PENANA5dnTckHFXU
when it was necessary.
Mei mei = little sister
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Jie Jie = older sister