Kotori had her arms crossed across her chest and her cheeks puffed out.
「Kei-chan is a better cook than me already...... No fair! I wanted to cook for Kei-chan! Not Kei-chan cook for me!」
「One of those days will come. I'm sure you will cook for him one day. And when that day comes, he will eat your cooking and say it will be the most delicious thing he has ever tasted!」
「I know it! Now let's eat. We don't want to waste Keita-kun's effort for us right?」
Kotori takes a little bit of everything and eats a spoonful.
「*mugu mugu* Oishii~!!」
(Maybe letting him cook for me isn't that bad...)
After eating, Chiharu comes by to serve them ice cream.
「Here you go~ Don't worry, you don't have to pay for this. It's a special service we do here.」
「Yay! Ice cream!」
Kotori scarfs it down not knowing what cruel fate she's going to encounter.
「Ah! Kotori don't!」
Her mother tried to stop her, but it was already too late.
Kotori was hitting her head in an attempt to relieve herself but the pain persists.
Keita comes by and guesses,
「Brain freeze?」