🛑TW: Rape Threat? (Not really just has like a slight mention nothing sexual) Slight Cursing, Murder Mentioning (like someone gonna get arrested for murder but no actual murder)
I need to get home. Walking down the dark ally with the occasional flickering of lights. I’ve taken this path countless of times but why now did it feel weird. It’s the shortest way home and I need to get to my little Maggie.
“What’s a fine lady like you doing in such a dingy side of town?” A homeless man to my right asks. He smiled a toothy grin while the grime on all his clothes seemed to move. I gag at the thought of how this man lives.
“It happens to be none of your business,” I say quickly fastening my pace. Though I can’t go much faster with these stupid heels digging into my heels. I pass by the abandoned hotel that’s a popular spot for the low gangs. Oh Maggie please don’t be mad mommy will be home soon.
“Did I say you could just walk away without giving some compensation to a poor old guy?” The homeless man said standing up following me. He continues to yell things at me saying if I didn’t turn around and give him money he would do unspeakable things to me. I turn back and see him catching up on me so I take a second a pull my heels off then sprint.
“Get back here you little shit!” He yelled in what I could presume was him starting to run. I pick up my pace as I try to steady my breathing thinking back to my track days during Highschool. Hearing his laugh getting closer and closer I start yelling for help. The alleyway is almost at its end she could see the midnight road with all the traffic. I use all my strength to run there when I see what I hope is a police officer at its end.
“Help! There is a man behind me chasing me! Please help!” I scream while I run every muscle burning as I can barely breath. The man turned to me seeing the situation and pulling out what looks to be a… a gun! He has a gun oh my god! Please don’t shoot me please don’t shoot me. As I get closer I see it is a police officer thank the lords. I turn to look back and I see the homeless man still running after me. There’s a police officer for Christ sake leave me alone! I make it to the end of the ally and to the police officer. The homeless man goes for a lunge to grab me as the policeman grabs my arm and pulls me behind him. He points his gun at the man having his handcuffs in hand.
“You Adrien Valdarian are being arrested for substance abuse, gang violence, and the murder of Catherine Valdarian. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in court. You have a right to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney one will be provided for you. Do you understand the rights I have just read to you?” The policeman says grabbing who I presume is this Adrien Valdarian he speaks of. I stand shocked the man who was chasing me killed someone? What if he killed me? The officer puts handcuffs around Adrien and stuff him in the car down the street. He comes back to what I think is check on me or get some sort of statement.
“Miss you sure are lucky to have gotten away from such a man. Did he hurt you at all?” The officer asks. I nod my head no still in disbelief of what just happened. From now on I think I will steer clear of the ally. He tips his police cap to me and walks away. Wait where’s my briefcase? Oh it’s in my hand. I chuckle a bit then start walking to the direction of my apartment. It’s been a long day I just wanna clean my feet and check on Maggie.