The man dissapears. I run into the subway. "Dont- STOP LAKEN," Evan screams, grabbing my arm. I push him away. I open the door. "Stop right there," an employee says. I point the gun at her. "Get down and I wont hurt you," I say. The employee puts her hands up and kneels down. I walk to the table where Naomi is. "Hey Laken," she looks up, "why do you have a gun?" I grab her by the throat and put the gun against her head. "LAKEN NO," Evan yells, hes next to me now. I dont care. I pull the trigger. Naomi screams. I see a flash of red. I chuckle. Then I start to cry, I realize what I have done. The rest of that night is a blur. I hear the dialing of a phone, then sirens, then and only then do I see flashing lights. I should be running but I am frozen. Evan is pulling my arm. I snap out of it and try to run but I feel cold metal on my wrists. "Let me go," Evan tells them. He is in handcuffs too. I let them lead me to the cop car, while Evan struggles to get free. We are thrown in the car and we start driving away. I press my face against the window. I know I have done something very wrong. I am very sorry Naomi.