I walk down the catacolms in this strange, new body. It is not my own, I know that much. The clothes are odd. They seem thin, yet very well crafted. They are unique colors I have barely seen on clothes before-do most live like royalty in this day and age? I do not know.
The people from above looked like this body. They gave odd looks and spoke a highly distinct tongue. I don't look for them, though. I look for the dead.
They were once my people, after all. As far as I remember, my bones were put in the catacolms where I stand now. But, they are empty. The lines of cheekbones and round skulls touching the ever-still dirt and dust is still present. The catacolms still contain their musty, bleak air. The torchlight doesn't even show the true darkness this place contains.
"Brothers!" I shout on the old tongue, hoping they will hear me. Am I all alone? Have I taken this body, only to be never greeted by them? I start to weep in my strange body. Atleast humans of the future can still do that.
I wonder, nervously, if I am doomed to be alone. An ancient fossil from the past, dug up only to realize that it's kind is extinct. "Brothers! I come to ressurect you!" I chant in the darkness.
Suddenly, I feel a deep chill go through my bones. The ground starts to shake. They are awake.
I have this sudden urge to run forward, deeper into the depths. If I cannot find the skulls here, perhaps they are there, calling for me. I run, my legs moving back and forth in a divine feeling I hadn't felt for hundreds of years.
I arrive in complete darkness. The flame from my torch has depleted, yet I see shining bright lights in the darkness, eached paired like eyes.
"Brother." A voice calls. I feel something sharp touch my back. It is bones. "You are all-"
"Skeletons. You are the last in flesh." The skeleton replies, divine light gleaming from the wholes in his skull where his eyes would've been.
"Am I dead, then?" The skeleton gives a quiet nod. "It seems so. You happen to carry a false body. I don't know what will happen to your soul when you give the body up."
"How have you been hidden here?" I ask. "At night, when the catacolms close, we come alive. Few have seen it, which is the desired outcome."
I stared at my feet, speechless. I was reunited with my brothers, but at what cost? What would possibly happen to us now?