"W-What?!" I quickly quieted him down "Shh!" I pulled away from him
"Why are you hiding your identity?! You should let her know!" He protested quietly
"That's none of your business!" I glared at him, I was a bit taller than him. By 3 inches. I went to go serve people food, I looked over at him. Blushing a bit.
"Come on, you know you can't stay mad at me for long!" He tickled me after I finished putting all the food out. "Chihiro!" I giggled, he was like a worker for me except we established a relationship a few months ago.
"Come on!" He kept tickling me and I eventually surrendered, holding onto him.
"Happy gay month!" Gonta shouted at us, we bursted out laughing.
"Fine, I won't stay mad at you for long." I sheepishly said, smiling softly as he lifted my mask down and pecked me on the lips.