It took me a couple of 1-hour writing sessions and another phonecall to Matilda to finish but in the end I was overall happy with the result. As I leaned back in my chair, I decided to give it one last proofread before submitting it to my boss.
Christmas. A time for peace, mistletoe, presents and most importantly, a time with your family!
You might think that everyone enjoys Christmas - after all, who wouldn't? Everyone gets presents, good food and a chance to be loved. Except, that isn't really the case for everyone.
Take homeless people, for instance. We are all aware about them. Some donate more money during the festive season, while some go the extra mile and buy a coffee or even a hot meal for them!
However, we are all blissfully ignorant about another rising social issue - something that I like to call "LGBT People" . LGBT stands for Lesbian, Gay (both words for someone who is attracted to those of their own gender), Bisexual (something we'd call a person attracted to bother sexes - capable of falling in live with both male and female) and Transgender (a term for people who believe themselves to be different from the gender they are born with).
While a few of us might have heard these words before, we still choose to ignore this very important issue in society today. Some of his don't ignore this issue, but react badly to it, while others are more forgiving to the situation.
The fact matter is, gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people are treated differently to other "normal" people. Why? Simply because they're different.
A friend of mine, who would rather not be named, told me that when she revealed to some of her friends that she was lesbian, she was abused and called "alien" and "inhuman'. Of course, she was much unsettled by this.
There are so many people out there who feel that they have to hide their secrets in order to be accepted in society. But do we want this? Do we want people to feel as if they have to act a certain way to be accepted?
The answer is, of course, no.
We need to stop abusing those who are different from us - maybe in race, gender, or sexuality - and make them feel loved this Christmas. And why not extend it to the rest of the year too?
Surely, if we overcome our differences and work together, we can make the world a different place - a better place for everyone.
I smiled to myself. Yeah, I thought. That'll do.