Slowly, she stepped onto the water, enjoying the cold, little waves--it was like a massage to her. She entered a little farther. Cordelia let the water made her daffodil yellow tulle dress float.
When she finally entered the water fully, her head also completely inside the water, she closed her eyes and started breathing, smiling slightly.
She felt her skin starting to change. It was a natural process and it was very refreshing--it felt as if you were reborn. Her skin tingled everywhere and she let the water control her.
Cordelia just smiled gently, for she felt safe at her only home--the water. It only allowed her to transform when the moon was out. After all, she was the Moon Princess.
A few seconds later, she finally opened her big blue tosca doe eyes and saw that she had completely transformed. Her green mermaid tail had appeared and so had her large blue wings that resembled a bat's wings.
Her tulle dress had disappeared, replaced with what looked like a bra, but it wasn't. It was the blue scalpy part of her skin that was shaped like a bra, but it really was just skin.
After transforming, Cordelia always mysteriously let out this light from inside of her. Her body always shined a bright blue light for some unknown reason. Sometimes, she thought it was a bit dangerous because humans might see her, but later on, she discovered there was nothing she could do about it.
"I'm free," she mumbled. She readied her wings to take off as she swam up the water in full speed.
The moment her half-upper body, she quickly flapped her wings. "Full speed ahead," she told herself.
Cordelia loved swimming and flying in full speed like this--it gave her a sense of freedom that no one or nothing else could give her.
"I'm free!" she cheered really loudly, suddenly shining brighter than ever.
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*sob sob* This one sucks, doesn't it? *sob sob* I tried! *sob sob*
-J. x