His were the only set of headlights on the road. Nothing but trees from either side of the road and the darkness within. His passenger was wrapped in a blue tarp on the bed of the truck, next to a old, rusty shovel. Marvin hoped and prayed that no cops would be interested in him.
Up ahead he could see something in the rode, so he slowed down. It was a man sharply dressed, just standing in the road facing away from him. Some escaped mental patient? He thought to himself. He honked once, not trying to make too much noise, as if the law a was hiding in the trees along with the owls. The person turned, and his shiny red eyes wept tears of blood. But he was smiling. He waved and approached him, like some sales clerk at a phone store. Marvin locked the doors of the truck, before the man knocked on his window. Red eyes fixed on him, he asked "Excuse me, sir, do you know where the restroom is?"
Marvin put his foot to the gas and continued on down the road. Looking in his rear view mirror, he saw the man turn and start walking in his direction. The truck was faster, and soon the man was out of sight.
He found a nice spot in the woods and began digging. When the hole was done, he walked towards Zebra. He blamed the stress he was having when he thought he heard the tarp shift and a raspy breath. I have not time for bullshit, just get this done, he thought to himself. After a few shovel fulls of dirt thrown onto the body, it spoke. "Watch the face." The dead man said.
But Marvin kept shoveling, "You're dead." He said. "He's dead, Marvin, get a hold of yourself."
"Yes, I am." The body agreed, "That makes you a murderer, right?"
Marvin took a heaping shovel-full of earth and dumped it over the head, and the voice stopped. Behind him, however, another came.
"This is what I was afraid of, Marv."
A woman's voice. Sherry's voice. Marvin turned and saw her.
"Is that really you?" He asked, but immediately rejected her.
"I'm hearing and now I'm seeing shit." He concluded.
"Everyone was afraid of you, and no one knew what to do."
"Stop." He kept shoveling.
"I tried to get to you, but it was a waste of time."
"Shut up." He struck the dirt harder and harder.
"Now you've finally lost it. Look, you've killed someone!"
"I said shut the fuck up!"
She was gone. And up above his head, the night sky was turning red, revealing black swirls of clouds looming before the moon that looked three times it's size. Around him appeared men and women, all finely dressed. All of them had the same eyes of the man on the road earlier this night. Through trees and shrubs they approached him, wide grins on all their faces.