August 2, 2015
Dear Diary
Sighs! Sighs! Sighs!
You think that I would be so happy and excited now. I was now in Greece and I was on a decent holiday. I know that mom and Dad were not here, but I could survive that. The problem is that someone forgot my suitcase and even Sarah had two suitcases with her. She did not understand this, as she said the clothes in the other suitcase was her old clothes, and she would not ever be seen with them on.
Then aunty said that they would fit me. I looked at her and did not say anything. I was sure that we would be buying some clothes today. I shouted at her and said there was no way that I would wear girl clothes. I shouted that I was a boy. Then out of despair, I sat on a chair and started crying.
Aunty was very patient and waited until I was finished crying. She pushed a pacifier in my mouth and told me I could wear Sarah's jeans and shorts and no one would notice. She also said it would test the doctor's conclusion that deep down I considered myself a girl. No one knew who I was here, and it would have been a good test.
My brother got mad at this and asked me was I seriously considering wearing Sarah's clothes. Aunty was already putting dungaree overall shorts over some panties on me. The Dungaree had a flower sewn in the belly pocket. I looked like a girl. I wished at least that I had short hair.
Aunty said we would hang around the hotel today. I was afraid people would stare and laugh at me. I did not expect them all to think that I was actually a girl.
This was one of the strangest days of my life?
August 3, 2015
Dear Diary
I think Aunty has some secret power over me. Maybe she has hypnotized me!
When we woke up today, Sarah was getting dressed by herself. Aunty helped me take the diaper off started putting the clothes I had on yesterday. What was the matter with me? I did not argue or even question what she was doing! I did not even complain when I was wearing girl clothes. I even let her put a pacifier in my mouth!
We were going to the market to see how a street market was like in Greece. Before we went, aunty insisted that Sarah and I have some sun lotion on. It was the strongest one she had, and it looked like cement on our faces. I couldn't help laugh when I saw Sarah. The sun lotion made her so white- It was like she was a ghost.
Billy did not want to come. He said he had better things to do. I knew that this meant that he wanted to flirt with the girls.
The market was a strange place. Everyone was shouting and there were so many people. When someone saw us, they would praise aunty for having two lovely daughters. This made me blush. I also wondered why they were so nice and when we wouldn't buy anything they would get mad and curse us.
I will be honest. I forgot all about the clothes that I had on and I didn't get mad. It was only when we came back to the hotel, that Billy teased me as much as he could, Basically he was saying that he was embarrassed that his brother is a sissy. Of course, I started crying.
He told me that there was no hope for me when aunty was helping me with my diaper for bed. Billy thought it was funny when he asked what would be next... a crib?
August 4, 2015
Dear Diary
Mom's Birthday. She is far away in a deep sleep.
Today started in the worse possible way. I fell out of the bed and ended up on the floor. This was both painful and embarrassing, especially because Billy teased me yesterday about needing a crib. Aunty told me not to worry. I was sleeping in a strange bed.
Aunty and my sister wanted to spend the day beside the hotels swimming pool. I never understood why people went to a country far away and just stayed on some chairs at the hotel getting a tan. Aunty put panties on me and a white summer dress as well as fluffy ankle socks. Her reasoning was that we were hanging around the hotel and everyone thought I was a girl.
I didn't complain but said I would rest in the room. It was just me and Billy. He was going to hang out with a girl he met. However, he said he wanted to be a good brother and have a talk with me first. He reminded me that I was now a 13-year-old boy. If I looked in the mirror, I could see I looked like a 10-year-old girl. He asked me why I was allowing aunty to change me to a baby girl. Why did I not say no? He reminded me that we would be starting school in 3 weeks, and I would be teased and bullied if It was known that I was a sissy.
I walked down to the swimming pool. Billy was wrong. Aunty was not changing me to a girl. I forgot my suitcase. Aunty would never have changed my suitcase with Sarah's old clothes.
I didn't tell Aunty what Billy said. She was too busy putting sun lotion on us.
A boy my age started speaking with me. His name was Alberto. He told me how pretty I was. When he saw me blushing, he laughed. He told me that he was 13 and that was too old to be a boyfriend to a 9-year-old girl. Alberto hoped we could be good friends. I should have told him that I was a boy and his age. However, I did not know how to explain the dress.
Alberto and I hung around the hotel and explored the rest of the day.
August 5, 2015
Dear Diary
I do not mind that I have to wear diapers to bed anymore. I have come to the conclusion that my body was strange. I must be the only 13-year old that did not start puberty or was not growing. The tablets that the doctor gave me did not work either.
Today I had yellow cotton shorts and a t-shirt with a glimmer unicorn on as well as those fluffy socks and pink sandals. Aunty put my hair in a ponytail. I would have loved to spend the day with Alberto, but Aunty decided that we should visit the Acropolis.
The Acropolis of Athens is one of the most famous ancient archaeological sites in the world. Over the centuries, the Acropolis was many things: a home to kings, a citadel, a mythical home of the gods, a religious center and a tourist attraction. It has withstood bombardment, massive earthquakes and vandalism yet still stands as a reminder of the rich history of Greece. Today, it is a cultural UNESCO World Heritage site and home to several temples, the most famous of which is the Parthenon.
Greece may be poor now and have no money, but back then Greece was rich. It was an amazing place and I would not mind living in ancient Greece,
When we came back to the hotel, Aunty wanted to rest. She was suffering because she was sunburnt. She spent so much time putting suntan lotion on Sarah and me, that she forgot herself.
I spent a few hours at the playground with Alberto.
August 6, 2015
Dear Diary
I fell out of bed again. I also miss mom and Dad and wonder if mom notices that we do not visit and speak to her when she is in a coma.
Aunty spoke with the hotel staff and asked them if they do not have a cot because I was falling out of the bed. They only had a toddler crib, but because I was small, I would fit in it. This was bad news for me. I started crying again at how strange my life was. Aunty put a pacifier in my mouth and reminded me that the doctor did say I would start acting more and more like a toddler.
I tried forgetting about it by spending the day with Alberto. He was now a good friend. I did feel bad that I was not honest by not telling him that I was a boy who was wearing girl clothes on this holiday. I was just afraid he would think I was gay or a sissy. I decided that being honest would not help anything.
August 7, 2015
Dear Diary
Being on holiday is supposed to be fun. Today was a bad day!
It started with Billy teasing that his prediction that I soon will be in a crib was true.
Sarah was also mad at me. She said I was spending most of my time with Alberto and not her. I told her that she could find some friends she could be with. This did not make Sarah happy. She wanted to be with me.
I went and found Alberto suntanning by the pool. We spent an hour or so just talking and joking with each other. Sarah found us and asked us if she could be with us. I joked and said that no one wanted a pesky little sister around them. This made Alberto smile and admit that he always thought Sarah was my older sister.
Sarah was mad because I ignored her and called her pesky. She told Alberto that I was a boy that liked dressing up and acting like a girl. At first, Alberto laughed at this and said it could not be true. Then he asked me if I was a sissy? When I looked down and started crying, Alberto cursed and walked away.
I ran back to our room and told what happened. Billy shrugged his shoulders and said he did warn me. Aunty just said that Alberto could not see how special I was.
August 8, 2015
Dear Diary
Sarah must have been feeling bad. She asked me all morning if I would forgive her. I nearly did until she said that she honestly did not consider me as a boy. She considered me as her little sister. This made me depressed. I no longer knew who I was.
I tried finding Alberto. He walked away every time. Then he told me to look at myself. I was a boy in a summer dress. He made it very clear that he could not accept people that were sissies or not content how God created them. There was no way that he wanted to be my friend.
I walked around the hotel grounds, where a man suddenly asked me if I was a model. I said no and that I was not allowed to speak with strangers. He showed me his press badge and asked could he take a picture of me. I was not thinking right, as I agreed. So the man took some pictures of me standing in front of a huge rose bush.
We have a week left in Greece. I do hope that it will get better.
To be continued