That moment you spot the hottest person in school is when you know your in love. Its funny because their always popular or someone who sells drugs at the corner of your street. But this guy was everything, football player, with his beautiful deep green eyes and jet black hair. Was it destiny that I found him in this school of total wrecks or was it just that he transferred because I was here. No, it couldn't be correct since this school is top for its football team, as well as its music program. Which is going through the roofs.
I blink a couple of times and keep my eyes on him, before I knew it he had past me, we actually made eye contact. I blushed and looked away from his gaze, hearing a small chuckle from him he kept walking with his teammates. Dammit, he found me out, how. Wait, that was so noticeable, how can anyone not see me staring into their soul like I want to eat it. I shake my head and see my best friend waling towards me.
" hey you little whore, how are you " he chuckled and ruffled my hair to tease me
" shut up Derek, your the bigger whore " I pouted and crossed my arms looking away from him.
" haha, thats a given man. But seriously your late for track again. Not staring at Damien are we " he gave me an eye and just laughed
" oh please, like you care about my sex life. that's a first " I smirk and start to walk to the track field
" wait up Max, god damn you walk fast " he yelled and caught up with me
I giggled and swayed my hips with happiness as we walked onto the track, our teammates were already stretching like always. I placed my bag on the bleachers, Derek placed his next to mine. We give each other a glare and then walk to the track, we then nod heads as we wait for a countdown to begin. Everyday after school we would race against each other to see who could finish a lap in the smallest time. I was much faster then him, and so I was usually the one to win. And every time I would beat my lap time by like a couple of seconds. Once the whistle blew we were off, at the same time the track team started was also when the football team was practicing on the field. I glanced over at the field to see Damien playing games as always, I smirk to myself and ran a bit faster. My breath was coming out more as I urged myself to run better every time. Once I crossed the finish line, I saw some of the football players look my way. Damien waved at me, was this normal for a football player to do that to a guy like me. I shook my head at him and waited for Derek to follow my lead and cross the line, I looked at the track and he was a bit far behind by the looks a it. I shrug my shoulders as I walk towards the field, they were laughing and smiling, having a great time. Once Damien noticed I was standing there he looked down at me, literally he was towering over me.
" hey there, I saw you looking at me in the hall a bit earlier. Is everything okay " he asked rubbing the back of his neck
" oh.. I didn't think you noticed my evil planning on your death " I giggled as I heard them laugh
" well then, hopefully its a good one " he challenged me just then, oh my god why would he agree to this
" haha, i'll try my best " I smile and run back to the bleachers
That was amazing, we actually talked for once. He actually laughed at my joke, but now it does;t seem it is a joke. I think he does want me to think of something evil to do to him. Dammit, dirty mind stop this non-sense. I can not do "that" to him, he would hate me for the rest of my life, but it is evil of me. I placed a hand on my chin and thought for a moment as I see Derek had finished his lap. He walked towards me with two cups of water, he handed me one and sipped on his. I took the cup but kept thinking as I sipped at it, this was going to be fun and awkward.
Once the meeting was done, Derek and I had planned to go for some ice cream. Since he knew I loved doing that, and it just made me smile. I grabbed my bag from the bleachers and ran after him as he unlocked his Jeep. I jumped into the passenger seat and giggled, watching him back the car up. I turned the music and let it blare out of the car, I sang along to most of it as we drove into town. The ice cream shop was just past the town hall. Derek parked the car in front and locked it as we both jumped out of the car. I jumped in my skin as we walked into the shop, I looked around to see that we were the only ones there. I walk up to get a cup and look at the flavors they had this time, they looked all so good but I had to get my caramel. Finally we paid and sat down at one of the window seats, I started to dig into my ice cream, Derek was just watching me with a small smile on his lips.
" what is it Derek " i grumbled as I took another spoon full of ice cream
" its nothing, your just really happy when you get your ice cream " he noticed
" oh, ya yeah. I like it that much it just makes me smile " i nod my head in response
" that's good, i wish i could do that " he whispered the last part but I heard all of it
I kept quiet like i did't hear him, great now if I have a crush on Damien, Derek would kill me. Now this is one big mess, how am I going to break it to Derek that I like Damien more. But he does have a good point, so lets just think about it for now.
Once I finished my ice cream we headed to his house, he told me there was a party going on a couple doors down. He wanted to go, so I followed him like a lost puppy looking for attention. I've never been to a party before, when we walked in it smelled of weed and tobacco being smoked up stairs. Downstairs they all smiled of alcohol and dirty dancing, I didn't like it at all. I grabbed Derek's shirt and placed my head on his back, he knew what that meant, but he didn't do anything for it. I groan and place myself on the steps, watching people go up and down, with girls or without them. I glanced up the stairs and heard a girl yelling, she slammed the door open and ran downstairs. Then I realized who it was, Damien had tears falling his cheeks. He looked at me and just smiled, he sat next to me and just watched the others dancing.
" a break up " I asked
" yeah, she thought I was cheating on her " he glanced over at me
" oh, that hurts. I hate girls in my opinion, their just ask for too much that I can't handle. Guys are more my thing " i smile not realizing i admitted my sexuality without saying it.
" I thought you were gay, so do you have an evil plan yet " he whispered into my ear
" um, not yet " I push him away and blush like crazy
He chuckled and stood back up, he gestured me to follow him, but I felt like I would just go crazy around him. And what if we actually did it, that wouldn't be good with Derek and I. A sigh escapes my lips as I follow him slowly, I look into the room. It was lit up, fairy lights were all over it. The window had been opened, he was sitting on his roof out there. I closed the door behind me and looked around what looked to be his room, I didn't even know he lived this close to me. Once I got to his window i walked out and sat down next to him, he was looking up into the sky.
" so you did follow me " he smirked and kept his eyes on the stars
" yeah, guess so. and what star are you looking for " I asked
" the big dipper, I always have trouble finding it " he laughed glancing over to me for a bit
" oh thats easy, its right in front of you silly " i pointed to three stars lining up, he was amazed at how I remembered where they were in the sky
" Impressive " he nodded his head
" heh, I found most of them while being alone in my room most of the time. " i spoke and look down at many people walking in
Before he could reply to me we heard a siren blaring through the community. We looked at each other and freaked out. Damien then ran downstairs and yelled the cops were on their way so get the yell out. I laughed and just sat there as everyone raced to their cars, even Derek left without me. Was he already that drunk? I shook my head and laid back on the roof, looking out into the sky. What am I doing here, this is Damien's house were talking about. I heard footsteps as I looked back, he was laughing so hard that he collapsed onto his floor. I laughed a bit as well and stood up walking to his side, my hands on my hips.
" haha thanks... um whats your name again " he asked as he sat up
" oh right, my name is Max " I smile and lend him my hand
" nice name " he nodded and took my hand
Before I knew it he had brought me into a embrace of his own, it felt weird, but I did like it. He then let go of me and rubbed the back of his neck. I knew the evil plan that won't kill him but might actually kill him. I clapped my hands but I was very nervous to do something like this towards someone who's straight as a rainbow. I shift my feet on the ground trying to gesture him to come close to me.
" what is it " he asked as he was a foot away from
" heh, nothing much. Just this.. " I muttered as I went onto my tip toes and wrapped my arms around his neck, placing my lips on his
He did't even do anything, he just let me kiss him. I let go as we made eye contact, I blushed and moved away from him. Yup, he's going to kill me definitely now. I looked back at his expression and found that he was smiling and blushing as well. I did;t think he would like that, he sighed and sat on his bed. He patted the sheets and gestured me to sit next to him, what was going to happen next. Was he going to admit he liked me as well, or was he going to yell at me for being a faggot. I slowly walked towards him and sat next to him, just waiting for the response I didn't want to hear come from his lips.