A short story by Alvin Atwater
Continued directly after story 11…
Demand, Love, Hate and Kindness. These are the four legal crests of the ancient Iyan tribe Mind Control. Hero, Seduction, Evil, and Colorless are the illegal crests created by a faction with a task of taking down their crappy dictators. Thanks to these shenanigans hundreds to thousands of years ago, Gemini and I are currently squared off, possessed by the gemstones, Hero, and Evil. And in case you’re a little lost here, I wielded Evil.
“You can’t stop me, Gemini,” I said as I somehow defied gravity, floating two feet into the air. Her family’s copies of Demand still swirled above me like a mini tornado. Evil, the brilliant black illegal Iyan gemstone shimmered repeatedly, a purple radiance outlining it.
“I will!” She was in front of me in an instant but whatever she attempted never happened because I sidestepped and walked toward Morgan. Morgan’s eyes widened but when they took a sudden swap to hope, I immediately knew to dodge. Green glowing light rushed past me, hitting the wall. Real impact. I bet that would’ve hurt. Too bad she couldn’t hit me. How do you like them apples? I turned around and there she was, smirk on face, green eyes nearly captivating me. She placed a hand on my chest. “Surrender.” Her voice was calm and cocky. I laughed, not too hard, just normal, but this little scrabble had me quite entertained. Then her palm began to heat up. Normally, a surrender would be a good idea, live to fight another day, that sort of thing. A blast she’d create can smack its prey to the wall like a flyswatter dealing the final blow to a pest. But…I thought of the humiliation and realized I wasn’t done with revenge. I rose into the air again. I didn’t have any intention of attacking the heroine. Waste of time but she was in the way. I snatched one of the blue gemstones, tapped it once. It changed colors. After a brief shimmer, I held a clear gem. The entire family looked at me with wide eyes. Hell, even I was surprised. I can do stuff like this? The black gem is awesome! Just then, my new gemstone shimmered like crazy. It grew so hot that I dropped it. Just like that, it shattered, so sad, but true. But…that was the plan. Come on people, Colorless should be gone, right? That moment of distraction was all that I needed because I commanded my floating Demands to make Gemini’s family block her. Also, do the Hokey-Pokey until they dropped. Captain Super Girl could not do a thing as I made my escape, evil grin on my face. Oh, how smug I was!
When I was out of the house of imbeciles and onto streets, I took a nice whiff of outside night air. I did cough a little from the gasoline but other than that, it felt refreshing. Now to destroy things.
“I knew I felt its presence,” a voice said from behind. I turned to see Amy, flanked by two of her pathetic goth club goons.
“Ah, Amy, what brings you here so late?” I said in my normal voice, projecting a good line of false innocence.
“Get him!” she commanded the lackeys. “The gem has marked him. His life’s in danger.”
I laughed, aimed a finger at the rushing buffoons, and in a casual voice said, “bang.” An invisible force pushed the idiots to the ground. Impressive right? Come on, you know it is. Sadly, Amy rained on my parade.
A super thick white outline of radiation surrounded her as she aimed a palm at me. Winds blasted from nowhere as if we were at the spawn point of a hurricane. Then some force bashed me to the ground, though it wasn’t invisible. I saw a glowing white orb, the size of a minivan hit me before disappearing. Bad sign. If Amy bought enough time for Gemini to get out here, I’d be doomed. And I don’t mean Hero Gemini. I mean regular Gemini, who will be in a deadly mood because of both Morgan and I. There was no doubt, her family would cancel Hero’s effects. And Gemini, she had real power. Remember in story eight when she kicked Amy out of my dream?
Evil wasn’t fully charged, there were locks deep within it, presumably set by Amy preventing the gem from lending me enough power to wipe the floor with her. I guessed that because it didn’t feel as powerful as last time and of course it coincides with Amy’s appearance. No. No coincidences there… Wait… I looked up and they were still there swirling. Sure, this would free the family but allow me to escape Amy. I pointed at her.
“Sit there and sing, It’s a Small World repeatedly.”
Two copies of Demand fell from the swirl, collided, and the rapid shimmer began. I quickly pushed them upward and far with invisible force. The explosion looked like fireworks. Unfortunately, Amy wasn’t in a trance. The white outline of power reappeared. I made a run for it. I had no time to wonder why Demand didn’t work on her. I just had to get away. Evil made it easy of course, the speed boost it gave me was supernatural. I freaking blurred across the streets without a care in the world. The cool night air felt so great as it licked my face. I was at the school in no time. If I was going to succeed at any kind of world domination or even city domination, I’d have to get my hands on the Iyan item stash within the archaeology clubroom. As I started my trek on the first hall, I bumped into a familiar blonde ex-cheerleader. Chelsea. Before I could react, she effortlessly snatched Evil out of my grasps. All of that amazing power, faded instantly. I almost wanted to cry—it felt so good.
“Sorry handsome but you’re more predictable than the weather on a hot and sunny day.” She placed Evil into a mini-safe and smacked it close. A brief headache spike made me drop to one knee. Chelsea helped me stand. “Geeze, you get drunk on that power and can’t handle the hangover.”
I shot her a blank glare before saying, “well excuse me for losing myself in something that felt so good its indescribable.”
“Oh really? I bet I can give you something that feels way better.” She began to lean over. I sighed.
“Wrong genre, I have a girlfriend, and just what are you doing here so late anyway?”
“Did you not hear anything I said.” Chelsea folded her arms. “Amy told me to wait here and lock away that stupid gem at all costs—she knew you’d come here.”
I blinked. “I kind of want to hurry home before they arrive. Pretty sure everyone’s pissed off.” I chuckled.
Chelsea laughed. “What’d you do?” Her hazel eyes were bright. She was filled with hysterical laughter after I finished the story. Hell, even I couldn’t help but laugh too—the entire family visit turned out to be a hilarious disaster. We were sitting on the hall floors at this time. I forgot to make sure Chelsea was an arm’s length from me, so when Gemini walked in to see us laughing together, she paused. I didn’t flinch or make any moves that could make me look suspicious.
“And the star of our hilarious conversation arrives,” I said as I stood. I thought that would be enough but when she gave Chelsea an icy stare, Chelsea returning it, I realized something I didn’t know stirred in between them. I thought about the events of story four, its bickering, and that night: the ending of story ten. These two were friends on the surface…but also love rivals. And who’s the prize? Of course, it’s me. Of freaking course. Another goddamn triangle, this time involving those two. Nope. I wasn’t going to let them drag me into their feud any further. This hit a huge pet peeve of mine: do not disturb my peace! Two timing would make everyone hate me—especially the girls. I saw pretty-boy douchebags try this many times and fail miserably. I had no intention of being lobbed in with them.
“Stop,” I said in a fiery-calm voice that melted those icy stares into worry. “I will not let you two throw away your friendship over some crap like this.” I gave Gemini a hard glare. “I was sure that you trusted me a lot—so much that something like this wouldn’t even pop on your radar. And you of all people wouldn’t start a fight with your best friend. Even if she did like me. I was sure that you knew I couldn’t be swayed like every other guy around. I guess I was wrong.” I shrugged and began to storm off but suddenly felt an iron grip on my arm. I turned to see tears…falling from her face nearly endlessly. That impenetrable personality revealing the shielded girly-girl heart inside. My anger shattered and I pulled my crying girlfriend into a reassuring embrace.503Please respect copyright.PENANAa812mkp1pZ
Chelsea sighed but didn’t say anything. I wasn’t sure if she intended to back off but at least for now, the triangle wouldn’t strengthen.
Of course, the two made up, sharing a crying hug between themselves. I made damn sure of that.
When Monday rolled around, everything almost geared back to normal, the therapy of the weekend cooling off tensions. Of course, Gemini and I spent it together like usual, laughing, dating, playing videogames competitively, and living it up like usual. Neither of us mentioned her family or my outburst which potentially had the ability to lead to a split. Amy did visit but that was pretty much it for the weekend.
Kate was in a fired-up mood that afternoon at the mystery club. She slapped the black folder containing the most difficult case onto the table and said, “I hope you’re ready.”
“I guess,” I said. “Brief away pres.” She shot me a blank glare before opening the folder.
“So the case goes like this. One night, a junior from our neighbor city’s high school named Preston Cold decided to meet with an unidentified girl he often chat with through an online paranormal community. According to left behind notes, they were to visit Hearts Out, which is an asylum that was shut down about nine years ago. The two were never seen again. Gone. Preston’s camera was found on the lobby’s floor, useless evidence though. It has about twelve photos on it, all pure white except the last one which looks like an outline of someone eyes deep within the white but that’s it. The asylum was searched by authorities, records were searched—Preston’s laptop browsing history and emails, chat traffic, and online accounts. There is no lead to the missing students, not even the slightest hint. This case is only less than two years old and cold but Dad gave me enough unclassified information to give it a shot. I’m struggling so far but that’s why you guys are going to offer your expertise.”
I put my pen away after writing notes and thoughts pertaining to the mystery. I caught the gazes of Gemini and Brandon. We nodded. This was not only a professional-level case but one that sounded impossible for normal people and normal methods. We spent a lot of time with Iyan artifacts. Something like this sat in the line of all of that. Cases were divided among the entire club, everyone split into groups. The most difficult cases ever went to one particular group that was never present. Solve-Ops. Too bad they weren’t here to help. They probably wouldn’t lend the hand anyway, stuck-up douchebags. Before Gemini and I were promoted to officers, we belonged to that group. Good times, I guess. Maybe.
“This sounds like it’s going to be a pain in the ass,” Brandon said, voicing all of our thoughts. He looked at Kate. “How long is it going to take for the archaeology club to finish editing the documentary?”
Kate sighed. “Let’s stay relevant please. They filmed several sights, museums, interviews, and even got a professional animator to do special scenes. It may take them another month or two to perfect the film.”
Before Brandon could speak, Kate’s phone rang. She gasped at the caller ID, raised an index finger at Brandon and then scurried outside the classroom.
“So, do you want to lead this case, Mr. Pain-in-the-Ass?” Rachael said to Brandon.
“Not really,” Brandon said. “This case sounds like some over-told urban legend at best.”
“Could you imagine being the team to solve it,” Gemini said as she stood up. “We’d be famous.” I sighed—could see the stars flashing in her eyes already. She continued. “We’ll go to that asylum tonight! No objections.”
That woke me up—felt my body stand before I could get out the words. “I don’t think so,” I said.
“Why? Are you scared?” she pinched my cheek. “Don’t worry, I’ll protect you while you rest your crying face in my bosom.”
I shot her a blank glare. Brandon and Rachael laughed.
“I’m not scared,” I said, “but I’m not cancelling my own plans just to—”
“Oh please,” Gemini interrupted, “besides watching Unsolved Mysteries, the only thing you’ve got going on is tutoring test failures.”
“I…forgot about that—screw it, the asylum it is—”
“I don’t think so,” Rachael intervened. “Teaching first, asylum some other time. Last time you bailed, we got stuck with some senior who not only made us feel stupid but mocked us at every opportunity he got. He also released us super-late, ELEVEN at night!”
“Oh Rachael.” Grinning evilly, Gemini walked over and placed her arms around the obviously scared girl. “You know we’re going as a group, no ifs, ands, or buts about it.”
I shook my head slightly as Rachael paled. She tried a ‘but’ anyway. “But—”
“As a club officer, I now designate this as an official task benefiting the school. That means I can write your substitute tutor an excuse to why you were absent and policies say you get up to three no-questions-asked excuses from club authorities.”
Rachael looked as if she deflated. Brandon simply shook his head, his lack of comments protecting him from judgment.
“If you’re all done crying, let’s meet at Matt’s house at ten tonight,” Gemini said. “And bring your flashlights.”
Later that night, everyone met up at my front door.
“Shhh,” I hissed, “if you wake Uncle up, I’m screwed.” I quietly locked the door and off we went into the cab. Yes, Gemini got us a cab. One moment, the drive was a normal scroll through the city. The next transformed into a stride through creepy woods that surrounded us like shadowy snakes. We stopped in front of a building that resembled an old hospital with its busted windows, vines surrounding it like a Boa constrictor squeezing life out of its prey. All of our gazes shot to Gemini. Rachael beat us to the verbally spoken thought.
“Are you serious?” She folded her arms and glared.
Gemini smirked. “It’s all for the case.”
The taxi driver, some creepy old man, slowly turned to look at us. Surprisingly, his voice was completely normal. “You kids are brave, stupid, and crazy. I’ll wait for you but I need half of the payment now just in case you don’t come out.” He grinned. Gemini handed over the cash. “Because I’m the unfortunate adult here, you’ve got one hour in there then come back out. Gemini, I know your father and trust me, he’d be very displeased to hear about this.”
“Yeah, yeah,” Gemini said. “We’ll be right out. Later.”
Everyone reluctantly got out of the cab. Well, Gemini wasn’t reluctant. The driver shut off his engine but not before we took out our flashlights and turned them on.
“Do we really have to do this?” Rachael whined.
“Of course,” Gemini said with glee. “My cab fee wouldn’t appreciate being wasted. Now come on.”
We walked to the front doors of the asylum, pushed them open with surprisingly little effort, and like that, we were in the anti-hospital environment. It really did look like a regular hospital minus the dust, darkness that not even our flashlights could penetrate, roaches, and all other unseen creeping things. You know, minus those things. Gemini, who lead five minutes in, turned to us.
“Here’s the deal,” she said. “Have a look around and take notes without touching anything. I’m sure the police had raided this place up and down like a million times but that doesn’t mean they found everything. Look for anything that’s out of place.”
“I really hope we’re not splitting up,” Rachael whined. Gemini grinned. “No! Absolutely not! Do you not watch the movies, Gemini?”
“Two teams,” Gemini said. “Matt and I, Brandon and you. Take notes and we’re done. Be back at this spot in fifteen.”
Before Rachael could object any further, Brandon cut her off. “Let’s just get it over with. All of the bad stuff usually happens around Matt, so be grateful you’re not his partner.”
I shot him a blank glare though he did have a point—way to throw me under the bus, douche-friend.
When Brandon and Rachael walked off, I turned to Gemini. “Shall we go, Indiana Jones?” I said with a tiny bit of sourness in my voice.
“Sure am, grumpy pants,” she replied, kissing me before we started walking.
You know, I didn’t expect to find much through the maze of dusty hallways, broken windows, and suspicious puddles. And we didn’t. Not a damn thing. No good notes to be taken, just darkness, eerie silence, and stale air. That is until someone laughed. Gemini and I spun to see, wait for it, nothing.
“Okay, if we both heard that, I’m not crazy,” I said. For the first time since we’ve been at this crap hole, there was worry on her face. “Ready to go, ghost buster?”
A voice that wasn’t hers answered from nowhere and everywhere. “Go? I’m pretty sure you and your girlfriend there are snooping.” The voice sounded male, not even creepy, just the generic conversationalist.
“Alright, enough of this. Who are you?” I said. Gemini seemed to melt into my display of braveness, hiding a little behind me. Someone wearing a black hoodie appeared a few yards ahead of us. He matched my height of six feet but due to the darkness, I couldn’t see any details. Well …there was a huge detail. His eyes were glowing red like lava lamps. The irises that is—something right out of a Japanese anime. The flashlight did no justice at revealing him but I wasn’t going to let this be a wasted trip. I pulled out my phone and snapped a quick-flash photo and shoved it back in my pocket without looking at it. The boy laughed as if I cracked humor in a dull conversation.
“You’re clueless, aren’t you?” he said. “You have no idea how much power you’re radiating. You feel like a volcano or maybe like the ever-present sun. But she knows, doesn’t she? Right, Gemini?”
My head snapped to look at my paling girlfriend. “Gemini, do you know this guy?”
I felt myself pale too when she whispered, “Black Star.”
“Seriously?” I said softly.
“They’re…here,” she said softly, her voice shaky. “Nobody has seen their current leader…except us.”
I turned back to those red, shining lightbulb eyes. They were like endless lava, maybe blood flow.
“Come back to our group, former leader,” the boy said. “No need to be taking crap from ordinary people. And bring your nuclear power source rookie with you.”
“You can piss off, buddy,” I said.
“Matt.” There was real warning in her voice. The boy simply chuckled, his amusement refusing to decline.
“We’re here in town and I think we’ve found someone of interest. What a find indeed. I’ll see you around, former leader, future member.” He simply vanished. Not that teleporting was anything new to me. I’ve dealt with plenty of Iyan magic in my days.
“You’ve got some explaining to do,” I said to my tired-eyed girlfriend.
“Let’s just get out of here,” Gemini said softly. She sent a text to Rachael and we were off. Rachael was only ecstatic to get the hell out of the asylum.
“Did you find anything good” Brandon said eight minutes into the drive back, “besides noises, doors shutting by themselves, or dusty books with blank pages.”
I sighed. “Sounds like you two had a great time.”
“Screw you,” Rachael said.
“So what did you find?” Brandon made damn sure my subject change didn’t come to be.
“You don’t want to know,” I said.
“I’ll tell them,” Gemini surprisingly said from minutes of gloomy silence. “Tomorrow. I’ll start from the beginning. Who they are and why he knows me.”
“Gemini,” I started to say but she cut me off, determination in her eyes.
“It’s only fair. It sounds like all of you may be getting involved with them now whether you want to or not and it’s all my fault. The least I could do is pull you out of the dark about them.”
“Who are you talking about?” Rachael asked. “Gemini, what happened in there?”
“The Black Star group,” I answered. The bad feeling I got about that group made me want to find a corner to hide in.
They finally shown themselves. At least their leader did—personally greeting us. Somehow, he knew we’d be there. He knew where Gemini and I would be….He knew about the trip. Just what is going on here?
To be continued…503Please respect copyright.PENANA49411yOmsh