No Plagiarism!KQBHkgz27p3IcENDGUquposted on PENANA Chapter Six - Malak8964 copyright protection172PENANAAQCEuR0cgT 維尼
176Please respect copyright.PENANAnDQg9eRbH8
8964 copyright protection172PENANA7Bm1aaGSPz 維尼
I don’t know why8964 copyright protection172PENANA8AhMOAb0mo 維尼
I welcomed her8964 copyright protection172PENANAnObe08uniS 維尼
I don’t usually talk8964 copyright protection172PENANAcHeSM6PhNY 維尼
To the newbies8964 copyright protection172PENANAMYymr9gNBa 維尼
No one knows them8964 copyright protection172PENANAFSrtyRqQ5o 維尼
No one can tell you what they’re like8964 copyright protection172PENANAnSu4kfyCvz 維尼
So you have to be8964 copyright protection172PENANAPiwWnA3wow 維尼
Careful8964 copyright protection172PENANAWfXAKEKEnl 維尼
And8964 copyright protection172PENANADiIsFKNhVC 維尼
Open minded8964 copyright protection172PENANAOsB5rVEcn3 維尼
The last newbie8964 copyright protection172PENANAcnffNbQNfj 維尼
I talked to8964 copyright protection172PENANAJeepQjpx32 維尼
Shattered me8964 copyright protection172PENANA95VNRv6t35 維尼
Into a million8964 copyright protection172PENANAodIQN0b13N 維尼
And one8964 copyright protection172PENANAqv4o5P02ra 維尼
Pieces8964 copyright protection172PENANAOnXUw0xLzj 維尼
But there’s something about her8964 copyright protection172PENANAJWakBObpov 維尼
Not that she looks so8964 copyright protection172PENANAmh8ZdeNlnc 維尼
Fragile8964 copyright protection172PENANAitGYnFWzjh 維尼
Like she could8964 copyright protection172PENANA128ekBG17J 維尼
Br e ak8964 copyright protection172PENANALjEWXJaA8M 維尼
Any second8964 copyright protection172PENANAEWwgGauscd 維尼
Not because she’s so8964 copyright protection172PENANAA8VtYTNxUi 維尼
So8964 copyright protection172PENANAMFt5gfRZHl 維尼
So8964 copyright protection172PENANAAM4ssheMV1 維尼
Pretty8964 copyright protection172PENANA1ZCbcnQSWM 維尼
Which she is8964 copyright protection172PENANA8m51fw2igO 維尼
But I don’t think she knows it8964 copyright protection172PENANAFQOXJjWcnt 維尼
Or cares8964 copyright protection172PENANAPjpwJAzQpa 維尼
But because8964 copyright protection172PENANAQEZv3fbbV2 維尼
I saw her8964 copyright protection172PENANA9IsDEUtfjD 維尼
While in my car8964 copyright protection172PENANAUxU3Uo3CCu 維尼
Sitting on a bench8964 copyright protection172PENANAPJBF33DlII 維尼
Looking sad8964 copyright protection172PENANAY9A0EJuwmU 維尼
Like someone8964 copyright protection172PENANApAXpo0nWYR 維尼
Had killed her puppy8964 copyright protection172PENANAalTmLVMlrr 維尼
But there was also a longing8964 copyright protection172PENANAPZmBnOlFtZ 維尼
In her gaze8964 copyright protection172PENANA4jcPW9ohNB 維尼
As she sat there8964 copyright protection172PENANASSrHwdMHyV 維尼
Watching the cars leave8964 copyright protection172PENANAhu2JbSeK81 維尼
And new ones come8964 copyright protection172PENANAuV3iffa5EE 維尼
I wonder8964 copyright protection172PENANAvtl7EL7Q6S 維尼
What she was thinking about8964 copyright protection172PENANAqeQw9Gh1bw 維尼
I wonder8964 copyright protection172PENANAAzMeYmrFEk 維尼
If she knows that I saw her8964 copyright protection172PENANA6ZrHdnrSVG 維尼
I wonder8964 copyright protection172PENANA33fVGNrwea 維尼
What brought her such a great sadness8964 copyright protection172PENANAWtFmjTWUeS 維尼
I wonder8964 copyright protection172PENANAo0UAMFh4ev 維尼
If I can help heal that sadness8964 copyright protection172PENANAlKl8O95PI2 維尼
“I’m good now.”8964 copyright protection172PENANAyup0VGohHM 維尼
She says8964 copyright protection172PENANA1jqyjSyjih 維尼
And I smile8964 copyright protection172PENANA2UST3tpzT1 維尼
A wide, genuine smile8964 copyright protection172PENANAIvZGfd4M7t 維尼
“I’m glad,”8964 copyright protection172PENANAgEpiPbBqaa 維尼
I wonder if she knows8964 copyright protection172PENANAmkSH9GHX9Y 維尼
That I know8964 copyright protection172PENANAwaDnRpwkW2 維尼
That she’s talking about something else8964 copyright protection172PENANAKZfoAhZRUT 維尼
“I’m glad.”8964 copyright protection172PENANAiAxHgLCkBh 維尼
Her eyes8964 copyright protection172PENANAOunKHIPP7G 維尼
Go to the floor8964 copyright protection172PENANARZlt759NRH 維尼
To the wall8964 copyright protection172PENANASBFF3qbebt 維尼
Over my shoulder8964 copyright protection172PENANAtPiMcGWM5n 維尼
But don’t meet my face8964 copyright protection172PENANAzpovjBAXgh 維尼
Like she’s embarrassed8964 copyright protection172PENANAAys53eLZeX 維尼
What does she have to be embarrassed for?8964 copyright protection172PENANAGjYfCrgOvt 維尼
I shake my head8964 copyright protection172PENANAe3XLAGrDlI 維尼
In my head8964 copyright protection172PENANAnSvF0xgxxn 維尼
A softer8964 copyright protection172PENANABGII2yKtUn 維尼
Smaller8964 copyright protection172PENANAW5DOpFMTFO 維尼
Smile touches the corner8964 copyright protection172PENANAsCOHfPaWOA 維尼
Of my lips8964 copyright protection172PENANAMeOpaZlzZ9 維尼
Her hair glass around her8964 copyright protection172PENANAf3E1nkDZGr 維尼
Like a black curtain8964 copyright protection172PENANAuvWGntQhby 維尼
Oh, so long8964 copyright protection172PENANAVLSUFLacbD 維尼
I wonder what it would feel like8964 copyright protection172PENANAR4hnLMdHvE 維尼
To comb her hair8964 copyright protection172PENANAGvZrYpmRaV 維尼
With my fingers8964 copyright protection172PENANAQxuvI6uYsj 維尼
I shake the thought away8964 copyright protection172PENANANRlhsUCbgz 維尼
I shouldn’t think things like that8964 copyright protection172PENANA0lhikZOXnk 維尼
I barely8964 copyright protection172PENANAoDXYRTruKz 維尼
Know her8964 copyright protection172PENANAXdq3RCHKAc 維尼
No one8964 copyright protection172PENANApTYy2gU4re 維尼
Knows her8964 copyright protection172PENANABz1i1OqMvH 維尼
So8964 copyright protection172PENANACrQSHADgDO 維尼
“Would you like to8964 copyright protection172PENANA5opqEPRTSL 維尼
Hang out sometime?"8964 copyright protection172PENANARKK3DFnwkY 維尼