"Princess!" I listen to a mellow but unfaltering voice from the distance when gentle pats fall on my motionless arm. "Princess!" At last, my eyes arduously take in every ray of light that flooded now the room before I can find the concerned visage of Claire. "It is past the time to wake up, the reception will begin in a minute!"
Her words oblige me to rub my eyes and lean my head into the softness of the cushioned bedspread. "Oh, the reception..." My eyes roll back inexorably as if I could already hear my Mother's reproach. "What a great stimulus to get me out of my treasured bed."
Claire lets out a laugh. "Don't tell me you do not feel the smallest hint of curiosity to find out who's staying in the palace for the week!"
"I already do." I sigh wearily. "Self-absorbed, pretentious, greedy, perfect royals. I can assure you it is nothing to be feverish about." Nevertheless, I rose from the bed. "If only I didn't, Claire." Another sigh escapes through my lips, this one hopeful.
Was it possible that they all have changed over night?
I get lost on my own thoughts - a pastime that has become quite constant in the past few weeks - as I stare into my reflected figure over the cheval glass. Hand-carved in gracious spirals of gold that led into a heavy crown above the frame, it encircled my unsettling iris when I felt the laces of the rather long frock girt mercilessly around my waist as if I could feel it cutting off the flow of my blood through the vessels of my flesh.
Claire hints me to hold up my hair, permitting her access to the prickled skin of my neck from where a cold metal is glided around my throat. The gleaming red stone that hangs from the necklace falls down onto my chest about an inch above the neckline of the dress.
"Do you still remember our special operation?" Her voice sounds gentle from behind my frame, drawing my gaze downwards on the mirror.
"How would I ever forget a matter of such great importance?" I smile hesitantly, reminded of the great plan we have developed over the years as a means to help me flee from excruciating events as I predict this one to be.
"Then the only thing you must fear is The Queen herself if you tarry any longer."
She was right. Worst than facing any royal gathering was facing the wrath of my own Mother.
"So I assume this is my cue..." I turn around to face Claire who immediately retaliates with reassuring eyes before I leave her behind the gilt doors of the bedroom.
I felt as if I was stepping into an entirely distinct palace walking under the gloriousness of the oblong heraldic banners of Aurelia. Regal tapestries exported from all over the world that represented all the nine reigns that today honor us with their presence were held thorough the large passages of the estate as a warm welcoming to all the guests we delightedly host in our home.
The festive joy from the floor below was evidenced by the pleased and elated glances from the servants walking back and forth the palace corridors, stating the great accomplishment of everyone's expectation toward the so anticipated day.
Following down the stairs to the Grand Hall where breakfast awaited to be served, all eyes follow my steps toward the center of the room making me feel as if I was walking into the purgatory. Nonetheless, I proceed to drag my chair and sit beside Jacobini who had finally found the time to find us this morning for the first meal of the day.
Lawrence sat surprisingly across the table as well, staring into the void as enigmatic as only he could. Not laying my eyes on him aside the time we spent together on our daily lessons made me wonder where he has been spending his time for these last few days. As he might be far from being the most loquacious Aurelian I might ever meet, I grew used to seeing him walking through the palace corridors with that mysterious semblance that I had learned to live with - even to like. For what the idea of feeling him so distant lately was becoming unsettling.
I even imagined he could have found a lover but then, again, it was Lawrence we were talking about. Brave and impassive Lawrence, hidden underneath the dark cloak he commonly drags along with him and which caused him to appear older than he truly was. Not that I would come to acknowledge his precise age since the knight has never celebrated the anniversary of his birth. Not ever since he came to live at the palace, at least.
The only purpose of his life I was fully aware of was teaching me everything he knew and protect me from whatever great dangers lurk in the shadows surrounding the borders of Aurelia. I must admit, he was good at what he did, the best to say the least. It is the reason why he was chosen among all the other knights to be my guardian. Not only he efficiently handles a sword but also his brain. He knew it all about truly any matter and sometimes it almost felt as if he wished for me to know twice of what he already did.
"What took you so long, Lydia?" Mother starts the unenviable argument. "Our guests will be arriving soon."
"My hair woke up in a bad day," I simply answer, not wishing to take the matter any further. "My apologies, Mother."
The glimpse of sarcasm on my words was as clear as the morning sky that crept in Aurelia but, fortunately, I knew she would not lecture me before a crucial event. It would cause wrinkles to stain her flautless face, she always says.
In the thirty minutes that followed, the tinkle of cutlery and The Queen's demands once in a while regarding the succession of events in the course of today's reception as well as the chores assigned to each one of the presents at the table and what must remain my utmost proper behavior thorough the day that follows were the only sounds filling the room.
I could not say I was too hungry at the time and it might have nothing to do with the fact that my dress would burst into small pieces of lace and silk if I ate anything at all. For what it seems, neither was my keen mother that suddenly places her fork and knife at the eleven o'clock position, signifying that breakfast was over.
The couturier and The King exchange a glance before swiftly replicating The Queen's gesture out of courtesy, still masticating the pieces of bread on their mouths.
"Oh, marvelous, I see that everyone has finished their meal." She promptly raises from her chair. "Crowley, have the railings been polished already?"
The housekeeper follows her expeditious pace through the hallway. "Twice, ma'am." We could still hear before they vanish from sight.
Jacobini excuses himself back to his chores as well and Lawrence walks outside.
"Did you not sleep well?" I lift my gaze toward The King, attempting to muffle a yawn with his hand as we make our way outside of the room.
"Your Mother spent the night pulling the sheets while murmuring some nonsense about a tapestry. I could not get a wink of sleep," he answers with a sympathetic smile while observing the engaged woman from afar. "Fortunately, she seems radiant today."
"She certainly is," I agree.
In no time, the palace testifies the first arrival throughout the long day that has to come. Even before the sound of heavy wheels spinning through the path could be heard by the sentries, we were already standing in the centre of the Hall to greet the newcomers with due ceremony. The Queen has presented herself with a regal posture and a practiced smile covering her rosewood lips as The King went for a similar pose except for the fur collar mantle that embraces his sturdy frame, conferring him a glorious presence.
Meanwhile, I could already have the first glimpse of the sleek carriage as we awaited. The onyx coating the contemporary vehicle reflects the sunlight, conceding an almost fantastic appearance. The hand-crafted gold was ostentatiously displayed on top of the roof and embracing the handle as well as the cushioned interior that becomes quite notable once the door is opened by one of the dozens of men standing in the front of the palace in their elegant black and white suits.
A woman wearing a formal dress in tones of pearl and a cloth of satin around her forearms walked up the few stairs leading to the entrance of our home. A pretentious smile - as scintillating as the expensive jewelry the woman adorns her ears, neck and fingers with - spreads on her face as her small eyes meet us. On her side was a man dressed in light formal clothes as well and a funny mustache twirled on the tips of the dark auburn hairs resting beneath the wide nose.
The Queen subtly presses my shoulder to be assured that I am smiling, only to find me daydreaming about the concluding of this day, for what I felt compelled to force my lips to twist into a dazzling smile.
"King Henry." The woman curtsies in reverence, yet her accent sounded quite unnatural. "Queen Evangeline." She curtsies once more as they greet her with a nod before her eyes fall on me. "Oh, Princess, darling, you have grown into such a beautiful woman! You look exactly like your Mother if I may say so myself." I greet her, even though I did not recall her face from any of the events I previously participated. "Allow me to present you my son, Marquess George of Nallum. I am certain that you two will get along just magnificently."
Both of the Marquesses take a step aside revealing a boy - a shorter version of his father, for certain. It was inevitable to say he truly belonged to that family based on the auburn hairs tickling the boy's forehead. A bit younger than me, it seemed, he was dressed in a cream royal jacket that followed down to the satin blue pants he was wearing.
Bending his knee, he takes an azure blue flax popping from the pocket of his jacket and, beckoning for my hand, he bows, lowering his head until his thin reddish lips touch the back of my hand. His eyes rest on mine when he lastly offers me the flower. I am obligated to smile back and politely accept the gift.
With his back already straightened like the forged blade of a sword, his eyes follow toward my Father. "It is a honor to meet you, Your Majesty." He bows before glancing at my Mother. "Queen Evangeline, your name makes justice to your beauty."
"Oh!" My Mother places her hand against her chest, delighted with the compliments. "Isn't he lovely, Lydia?"
"Charming." I try to sound as elated as I was expected to.
"We have arrived earlier, it seems. This new carriage we bought flies so fast that we barely notice the time." The man laughs after taking a look around the empty room aside of the fancy footmen walking with platters well-balanced on the palm of their hands, all filled with some hour d'ouvres that I am certain my Mother spent way too much time picking one by one.
"On the contrary, you have arrived in perfect time."
We hear another carriage approaching the palace.
"Please, you must try these canapés. They are truly divine." Mother leads them toward one of the butlers. "Chef Dumond himself presented the former cook of the palace with the secret receipt." I overheard them.
As the time went by, I watched the previous empty tiles of the floor becoming flooded with expensive shoes concealed by the elegant dresses and lavish suits. I had to force the corners of my lips upwards through the eminent pain on my cheeks by the time.
"... and it is inevitable to say that I feared for my dear life when I found myself alone, with all those swords pointed toward me, and allowed only to count on my bravery to save myself from the thirty wrongdoers who surrounded me in that cold, gloomy night. But I would not quit the fight, so I grip my hand on the hilt of my sword - one tailed in gold that belonged to my great-grandfather Benedict Oswald III - and fight them until their last breath," Count Herbert proceeds to retell that story over and over again, each time, making himself look more heroic than the previous time. Let me say that we started with the simple number of five wrongdoers that have multiplied themselves thorough the time as by magic.
"That is... fascinating." I take the glass I was holding to my lips, secretly praying that a sudden earthquake shook me away from this room.
"Count Herbert," The delighted voice of my Mother's joins the conversation. "I have heard of your endures thus far. If people had half the courage you hold, it would be a safer world indeed." She offers him an endearing smile.
"I take your words to the heart, Your Majesty. Sadly, not many people have the fortune to come into this world with such gifts as myself."
"Indeed, a tragic fate. Now, if you excuse us for a moment, I wish a word with my daughter."
The Count nods in agreement as her arm is already tangled on my own. But I wouldn't complain this time. After all, she saved me from what was in fact a disastrous conversation.
"Mellwand is one of the wealthiest kingdoms in the entire world," She makes the statement while guiding me through the oblivious royals, leading me into confusion.
"I am well aware of-"
"They developed so swiftly both with their hard-work and their investments that they prosper as no other kingdom does," She interrupts me, barely listening to me. "They export supplies, materials and fabrics worldwide with the best of the quality, of course. Fortunately, we have put on our good relationships with the rulers for a long time." The Queen comes all of a sudden to a stop.
"Lydia, meet Prince Gerard of Mellwand."