So this one is something that people slightly need. There are two ways (that I know of) both work, and one is just easier.494Please respect copyright.PENANAQQ0ix8FN72
Long way - For this one you go into their profile and then press the button that looks like an envelope (phone version) or the button that says message. If you have already messaged that person just go into your inbox and and click on your chat.
For phone: from there you should see three dots in the corner press that and press block.
For laptop: Near the person's user there should be a settings wheel (it's grey) press that. Then a button appears saying "block" press that again. A red cone should appear next to their name.
Short way - this only works for people who comment on your stories. If they comment under that comment there should three buttons. "Reply", "Delete" and "Block user". You want to click that last one. A menu should then pop up and just say yes.
That's it! Pretty simple! I hope you don't have to use this though.