The next day, Isolabella was required to stay as a male the whole day, to keep Dante away from her.
The order came from her papa directly. He really knew what he did to give Astaroth to her because they could easily change her into a female and a male flawlessly in a matter of seconds. Very logically. Abaddon was a sneaky bastard and had definitely told his father about the incident, but he just never admitted it. Later on that day, Abaddon apologized to Isolabella. Telling her that he lost control and hurt her, she dismissed it saying it didn't matter,it didn't hurt her at all. But it never eased his mind. Instead, the whole day, he brought her snacks, begging her to whip his back so he would feel the same amount of pain. But of course, Isolabella just smiled at him and told him to get her more snacks instead.
Today, Isolabella was tiredly going to the men's locker room. Everyone knew it was her despite her appearance, so they were really nice to her. Even though she was in male form, they didn't go into the room until she went in and came out fully changed and then they went all in. Of course even in her male form, she was absolutely beautiful. The girls were confused and conflicted. They knew it was Isolabella, but the scent to attract every female sexually just naturally emitted from her in her male form. Of course it was due to her being a demon. High ranking devils all emitted a scent that attracted the opposite and the same gender. If the same gender was interested that way.
In Isolabella's case, she never specified being interested in girls, ever, but there was always a part of her that would look at girls just a bit longer, thinking that they are really pretty. Not pretty to have sex with, but just pretty because, well, they are pretty to look at. Like pretty dolls.
Astaroth groaned as they cracked their body. They made their way to the chemistry class. Abaddon wasn't there with them yet, he as well was taking a quick shower and a change of clothes after the intense combat.
He promised them he would be there quickly.
But the room was empty. It was just Isolabella. The girl sat down on their usual spot with Abaddon. His bag was with her, so she just helped herself with getting his books out to write notes on.
Even if her face screamed male right now. She was Isolabella nevertheless, so the alpha recognized her.
"Why do you use his book"
She quickly looked up, this time Dante was handsomely dressed in a pair of black jeans and a dark purple shirt that hugged his muscles. He looked as yummy as he did the first day to Isolabella.
She licked over her lips in her male form. Standing up to be on the same level as Dante, but it was hard. She was way shorter. She groaned to herself in frustration.
She felt his breathe fanning over her lips and her breath hitched,
"If you weren't a man right now, I would have kissed you without having that stupid brat around"
She scrunched her nose up adorably, probably looking weird at the moment,
"Don't call him that, D-Dante. He cares for me a lot" she frowned at her sentence because she felt like even if that was true, something seemed to be missing. She knew he cared a lot. He cared like her brothers did, but for some reason he would never admit it, and at the moment, Isolabella really didn't mind not having him admit himself as a sibling. In fact. She was glad.
She also mumbled "I'm technically not a male either"
Dante's yellow eyes swirled in amusement. He stalked towards her even closer, his chest rubbing against hers. Both Astaroth and Isolabella had to hold back a sigh of pleasure with his closeness.
He bent to her level and whispered in his deep raspy voice in her ear,
"Is that an invitation, little one"
Isolabella blushed, trying to hide her face with her hair, but her hair at the moment was not as long as it was in her human form.
"I didn't think a demon such as yourself was so shy"
She hated being called shy. And as a devil, being called shy was an insult. Devils were the polar opposite of shy and lived in the moment. They strived to achieve the best for themselves and occasionally, family. For that same reason, they were always villanised. If you gave a demon a choice between saving the whole universe or their loved one, the choice was obvious. They all thought, 'what has the universe done for us anyways'.
Isolabella looked up into his eyes and smirked in her male form. A sudden surge of pride and confidence blossomed in her chest. Her smirk widened as her eyes turned into a pool of red, as red as blood.
"You don't have the balls to kiss me, do you? Not in my male form at least. I can easily reach in and kiss you, but that would just not be right for you, kissing another man. Besides, I'm not that desperate, love"
Dante's eyes widened at her words, but nevertheless, he felt a shiver run down his spine at how it felt for her to whisper in his ear, to call him love even sarcastically.
Dante's jaw clenched at how sexy Isolabella looked despite the gender difference, he suddenly leaned down, his yellow eyes mixing with brown as he grumbled,
"You may not be desperate, but I am"
And before she knew it, his lips crashed onto hers. Her full plump lips danced against his red ones. He tasted like coffee and cigarettes.
Sparks flew all over them and between them. Without meaning to, Isolabella's seductive scent got stronger. And not her male one, but her female scent because it genuinely came from her. And at that, Dante growled, the kiss deepened as his thoughts went wild at how delicious her scent was. He wanted to rip everything off of her, take her on the spot, but of course he wouldn't do that, he wouldn't act on his werewolf urges, the urges that wolves got only for their mates.
But without meaning to say the words, Dante rasped in his deep voice,
"I want you under me, so badly."
Isolabella smirked against his lips, she turned him around and pushed him against the wall. Her lips still connected to his in a deep kiss, tongue in his mouth battling his.
She explored his muscled chest, feeling all of the lines on his abdomen and chest, she broke the kiss as her lips slowly traveled against his jaw, planting sloppy open kisses on it down to his neck, then latching on a spot, sucking on it, bitting it.
All the while, Dante rested his big hands on her hips. He felt his bulge pulsing through his jeans, begging to be let out to enlargen even more without the restricting jeans and his belt. He pulled her closer, his buldge pressed against her stomach and close to her pelvic area. She moved slightly and he hissed in pleasure at the slight movement. If she touched him on the spot. He would become undone right there, in front of her.
But she only stepped back and let go.
Turning back around and swaying her hips, going back to the spot that she was waiting for Abaddon at.
Dante, still in a daze, sat himself down on one of the chairs shaking his head as he got dizzy from what she had done to him, he had never been so turned on in his whole life by anyone. Not even once. But there she was. Even in her male form.
Before he started to speak, a phone rang.
Isolabella picked up right away, her eyes connected with Dante's as she rolled her bottom lip in between her teeth, her eyes roaming over his hunk of a form.
"Hi, Daddy"