Ch 4, Chips POV
Chips, Wheezy, and the Imp make it to the Devil's office. Chips and his friend by the door, and the imp in front of the boss's desk. Chips lean his back against the wall with his head down, his hat lowering over his face. He crosses his arms as he stands there listening as he impatiently waits to leave silently. Why aren't we going home yet? He should've told us to leave by now.
"So imp, do you know why you are here?" The devil places his elbows on the table, fingers folding together while his hands rest on his hands. The imp cowards in fear as he begins to stutter in his words "Uh - well s-sir, I-I thought that sp-sparing some mo-money would benefit the both of u-us?" The devil gives the scared imp a stern look as if he's not impressed with his answer.
"And do you realize how much of my money you've spent as you disregarded our contract?"
"Oh- give me a break sir! You said that I can use as much money as I want-"
"With the price of giving me your soul."
The imp takes a few steps backwards, scared and dumbfounded "There is no way I'm doing that!"
"You already have when you signed the contract. And no taksie-backsies." The devil grins mischievously. The imp begins to book for the door just as he begins to burn where he stood, shrieking in fear and horror.
Chips lifts his head to watch the blaze die down slowly as it reminds him of the candle back at the bar as too the candle is nothing but a glimmer of a dim blue light at the tip of the wick of the candle.
"Alright you two, you both may go now. I have no more business with you further on the night." The devil picks up the paper on his desk to read through.
"Thank you Sir, we will be going now." Wheezy opens the door behind him, leaving it open for Chips to follow behind him.
Chips and Wheezy walk along the sidewalk, making it about a block away from the casino in silence, well, mainly Chips. He has his head down still, staring at his moving feet. Wheezy pulls out a cigar and a lighter.
"What was that earlier?" Wheezy asks as he places the cigar between his teeth.
"No clue what you mean." Chips raises an eyebrow
"You know what I mean Chips. Don't play coy." Wheezy does a puff before continuing. "You're lucky the boss didn't notice your expression. He would've teased you if he did."
"Staring at the fire isn't gonna kill him so what difference does it make." Chips asks
"If you're thinking of Bri, it's best that you don't. I don't think she'll-" Chips interrupts Wheezy before he continued his sentence.
"If you think she's dead, she isn't." Chips stops walking before Wheezy does to turn to him.
Wheezy sighs. "I never said that Chips. I'm just saying she won't come back to us. Remember, she was from a high class family. I just believe that she didn't want to deal with kids like us anymore."
"You and I both know she wouldn't just leave us without saying anything. You remember that night, her home was a mess when we visited. If she didn't want to hang out with us, her home wouldn't be like that."
Wheezy averts his gaze somewhere else to avoid eye contact with Chips as he takes another puff from his Cigar. "Yeah.. I know."
"Then why say that? Do you think that saying something else instead of the truth will make it better for the rest of us? You and I know that doesn't work." Chips scolds Wheezy before walking further on forward.
"Wheezy, Chips? Is that you?"
A familiar voice behind them catches their attention as they turnaround, stopping in their tracks.
"Dice? Dice! heh heh, what are you doing here?" Chips asks as he keeps his cool while rubbing his hand on his hat.
"What the hell are you two doing here out this late? Where have you guys been?" Dice asks, placing a hand on his hip. "This is the third time that I had to find you."
"And you're not on the ground drunk this time. Less ways we can make fun of you." Wheezy changes the topic as he puff his cigar
"I'm being serious Wheezy, listen to me!" Dice exclaims in a anger manner. "Jimmy and I are worried. You two should've been at the bar hours ago." Chips avert his eyes at Wheezy as Wheezy averts his gaze somewhere else. "Where have you two been?" Dice demanding an answer from the two.
Wheezy, you said you'll improvise. Now's the time buddy. Chips begins to hesitate before Wheezy answers. "We were gambling at the casino." Chips is taken aback, staring at Wheezy in disbelief, unable to say how he feels.
"... what?" Dice blinks in confusion "Do you mean the casino nearby? Why were you guys going there?" He asks.
"I started playing a few games over there and Chips decided to come these past three times. It's my fault that I didn't say anything to you or Jimmy, we didn't know how you'll react." Wheezy states as he shrugs his shoulders.
Chips continue to stare as he calms down, glaring at the guy with a pout as he plays in the facade. "Outing us out like that? No fair.
"They'll know eventually. Dice and Jimmy are smart people." Wheezy reminded the two of them.
"And you two are the same." Dice adds before he sighs, rubbing the side of his cubed head. "Just make sure you two say something to us and not leaving us out in the dust."
"Sure thing, sorry."
"It's fine. Let's just get to the bar. Jimmy should be closing the bar in about an hour."