Characters: Derek, Kat, Peter (mentioned), Nadia (mentioned), Mrs. Petrova (mentioned), blind alpha (mentioned), female alpha
Summary: Set in 3x5 when Derek was attacked in his loft by the two alphas. When Derek’s being attacked, Kat escapes the prison world and Kai. She hears a commotion, so she goes to investigate what’s happening. Even though they’ve never met, she decides to help him. She’s descended from Travelers, so she uses her Traveler magic to kick their asses, saving his life. After she saves his life, will he live, considering the wounds he got are from alphas? What will happen between them?
Deratherine (Derek/Kat)
A/N: After trying to find this scene, I realized it’s not how I remembered, so it’s gonna be different from the show a little bit.
It was a dismal, rainy night, as Derek fought the two alphas on his own. Being himself, he’d rather do it on his own than to drag anyone into it that could get killed. Even though Peter was still in town, he wasn’t at the loft at the moment. Everyone else was trying to find a way to stop the alphas, but they didn’t know that Derek was being attacked at his own loft at the moment. One of the alphas had opened up a pipe from the ceiling earlier, so it was spraying water into the loft, so technically it was raining both inside the loft and outside. He’d gotten quite scratched up, but he was still fighting. He was an alpha himself. He’d go down fighting, instead of quitting and giving up. Giving up wasn’t in his nature.
After escaping the 1994 prison world, she suddenly found herself somewhere unfamiliar. She was human, since she’d died human. She was also descended from Travelers. The ascendant was still in her hand, as she looked around to see she was inside some building. Then she heard a commotion that sounded like fighting, but she knew it wasn’t normal. She knew what the sound of claws and what a werewolf sounded like. She’d had her fair share of encounters. Since she was curious, she put the ascendant inside her leather jacket and followed the sounds to a big sliding, wooden door. Then, when she opened it, she saw that it revealed a loft.
She walked inside the loft, not bothering to close the door, and went to stand in the middle of the loft. She assumed it belonged to the one that was getting clawed to death. Although to her it was rare for an alpha to have red eyes, she saw that all three of them did, which she knew meant that they were all alphas. What three alphas were having a feud or whatever over, she didn’t know and could care less right now. Nobody was here to help him, so, since she was there, she figured she might as well help the one that was being clawed viciously. Since she saw that one alpha was blind, she knew better than to make any sound. Instead, she concentrated, and silently did a spell. Then, an instant later, his heart was on the floor and was dead.
When the female alpha saw him dead, she let the injured wolf go and she turned to the human, angry at her. Then she approached her.
“You know, you’re not my first werewolf. You’re going to meet the same fate as him. You know, it’s not a fair fight if you’re keeping your opponent down, but then again, wolves can fight pretty viciously. Still, it’s not very nice,” Katherine told her. Then she snapped her fingers, as she concentrated, and the alpha approaching dropped with a broken neck.
Katherine took a moment to look at the bodies, before finally approaching the wolf that was on his back, injured.
A few minutes later, she was knelt at his side. Having many experiences with werewolves, she knew who he was when she was up close and personal with him. She knew what he looked like. After all, rumors spread fast through the supernatural community, so she knew things from when he was younger.
Derek looked at the girl next to him that had just magically killed both of the alphas.
“Who are you?”
“Katherine Pierce. Long story. I used to be a vampire until the cure for vampirism got shoved down my throat. Then I met my long-lost daughter only for my vampire daughter to die from a werewolf bite. Then I died, ended up in a prison world, and just escaped it tonight. You’re welcome, by the way,” she summarized for him. Then she looked at his wounds. She could tell that some of them were deep. She couldn’t tell if the deep ones were healing or not, but she knew that he needed her help.
Derek didn’t know vampires existed and had never believed in them, but he somehow believed her story. And he hadn’t expected a rescue tonight. He’d expected to get killed tonight.
“I’m Derek,” he introduced to her.
“How about we get you in bed so I can take care of your wounds,” she replied. “My mother was what this century would call a nurse back in my time. She taught me everything she knew, thinking I’d grow up to follow in her footsteps, so I know what I’m doing,” she added to assure him.
The next day, when he woke up, he was patched up and the bodies were no longer on the floor. There was also some takeout food on the table and the loft wasn’t as wet on the floor as it had been the night before. Also, he was starting to feel better.
Katherine walked into the loft, closing the door behind herself.
“I may not be able to stop you, but you really shouldn’t be going anywhere or moving for a while,” she told him, when he got out of bed and headed over to the table.
“I’ve rested enough,” he replied.
“You’re still in pain, though. You’re probably going to say that you’re fine, but we both know that you’re not. Give yourself time to heal. Take it easy for a while. You werewolves don’t heal as fast as vampires do,” she replied and reminded him.
“You think you know me?” he inquired of her. “We just met. You don’t know me. I don’t even know you.”
“I may not know you and you may not know me, but you’re starting to act a lot like vampire me and a vampire I turned. Damon. He’s got the same attitude as you when he’s been injured to the point of not being able to heal as quickly. He acts like he’s fine and tells everyone he is, but he’s not.” She set a bottle on the table in front of him. “Werewolf or not, you need something for the pain. Have some ibuprofen. It’ll take your pain away. And maybe the quicker you heal, you’ll actually learn to trust me. Now that I’m human and I know I’m descended from Travelers, which you’d know by the term gypsies, I only kill if I have to.”
After a few weeks, Derek finally healed and they got to knowing and trusting each other. Then, about a month after, they fell in love, despite being two total different species.