My name is Rosalie Cullen, but my family sometimes calls me Rose. I never wanted this life, but I didn't have a choice. I never dreamed vampires existed, 'til I was changed by Carlisle. I would do anything to be human again.
When I was human, I lived in a small village. I was very rich and had everything I ever wanted, excluding babies. I was jealous of a friend of mine whom had kids and a loving husband. I wanted babies just like what she had.
In my century, the parents chose whom would be their girl's husband. My father chose for me a prince, and we soon got engaged and made wedding plans. We were going to have the most wonderful, perfect wedding, but everything changed that October night in 1819.
It was a cold and snowy night, as I walked home after spending time with my best friend. I hadn't realized how late it was. I had lost time and should've called my father to escort me home, but I felt that that would be a silly thing, since we lived only a few blocks away from my friend's house.
I walked past a bar and saw my fiancée. We were to be married the next day. I could clearly see that he and his friends were drunk. I didn't realize that he preferred to drink something stronger than Scotch. I hurried past, but they spotted me and ripped my clothes off. I won't go into detail, but they left me in the street bleeding. And as they walked away, one of his friends made a joke about him having to find a new bride. And as they did, I waited to die there.
Carlisle smelled my blood and came to investigate. He took me to his place and then changed me.
When I was turned, Edward didn't see me as a soulmate, even though I wanted him as one, so I gave up.
One day in the woods of Forks, Washington, I saw a guy getting mauled by a bear. I thought he was beautiful and I fell instantly in love with him. I felt that I had to save him, so I killed the bear, took him home with me, and asked Carlisle to change him for me. And so he did.
I didn't hate Bella when she was a mortal. It's just that, when she was a fragile human, she wanted to be a vampire, and I didn't think it was right. After all, if I had had a choice, I would've said no to being a vampire.
In the end, Edward, my big brother, changed her. She's my little sister now. Next to Alice, of course.
As a vampire, I don't have any special powers like Edward, Alice, Bella, or Jasper have, but I don't care. So my mortal life ended, but my immortal life has a happy ending. My mortal life is no longer, but in return, I got my soulmate; Emmett Cullen.