My mind is only a word back but my heart is opposite to my mind like two things that cannot be united that's what happened to me at that time even this eye can only draw water but can't see what I have to do next, I can't this thing and make my choice again I question about what way I have taken this, brother frenxia just silent and crying seeing me who also cry and big brother back to me seems like he doesn't want to see the cries of two women he has loved since on the planet kyu , "whatever path you take mery, I will still follow you as an older brother who loves his sister" said brother frenxia, when I heard that I stared and hugged her tightly from those words I felt so strong love from her new know me for a few moments but consider me more than anything, my brother patted my shoulder and hugged me and whispered "I won't let my daughter protect me cry I will follow you my little lady ", I cry again remember something when my father and all the people of my planet ask me to realize the world that the gods want, the world that is right for those who want peace, the world who does not have hatred and the world is only filled with love for all its people, I also tried to release my hug from them then I stood up and wiped my tears with my hands closed my eyes and took a deep breath and then took it out I looked at those who still sitting in front of me, "I will continue this journey. I will not retreat even if only one step is for their sake, for their hope in me, their love will become a legend to me, their spirit will be my strength and I will destroy the king. That galaxi, I hope we will find four more power balls so that no one else will become a meri like me or brother next frenxia and priyar, I ... "suddenly the light from the ball of my strength shone brightly.
The light covered me but frenxia and priyar's older brother smiled at me like that would be fine and wouldn't hurt me, I felt all over my body feel very warm but I didn't understand what happened I closed my eyes and calmed my mind, until when someone called me "mery, mery, mery ...", I opened my eyes and I saw brother frenxia holding my hand, but my clothes turned into long white colored clothes and there was a transparent cloth around my shoulders and floated , I see the color of my hair turned white and the more made me not understand I saw brother frenxia as high as me, "what happened to me" asked me frenxia and priyar brother, they smiled, "you've become an eternal being just like us , you only die when the sword of darkness breaks the ball of strength, princess "priyar said to me with a smile," so I will never die "I said, they just nodded ak frenxia hugged me and said "finally you have become strong", I still do not understand the words frenxia brother to "what is brother and sister like this? How many years have you actually lived in this world? my.
Frenxia's sister took her weapon and she turned into a woman who had long brown hair and was bound neatly by a red ribbon, her body was wrapped in white bandages and flared pants and very wide but did not cover the sun and on the bottom of her legs wrapped around by bandages too, I see his eyes getting more scary when seen from the previous one, "how can my sister change like this, instead of brother changing my sister just like the time on my planet and on the planet Kyu alone" I said, looking at the oddity, "it's just To fight the lowly type of mery dear, this is the form of the power of the goddess Falas, the goddess of love and affection, "Brother Frenxia responded to my surprise.
Then I looked towards the place where I was standing I had seen him become a man whose attire was only worn by one side and not then wearing the same pants as brother frenxia but there was no motive and the ball of strength in his eyes was now clearly visible, "you will stuck in this form, I will explain everything to you princess, me and falas only 5 years apart and our age now is ... "joked priyar at me which made me even more curious. I just kept looking at priyar with a curious face that made him laugh without stopping, I also changed the look on his face because he laughed at me my curiosity turned into hate because of his nature because seeing me was angry he again made a serious look on me, " can, usually my princess is angry, hahaha "fad me, my hands that want to direct him to hold back when brother frenxia immediately hit him right on his head, I laughed because of his actions," falas what are you doing, it's good I will tell you everything, my first age and falas are actually similar but only differ for a few days, I and Falas are 150 years old and I am the same, our parents have died 100 years through the war against the king of Galaxi, we cannot tell more detailed because the princess also knew what had happened 100 years passed from the legend of the oldest on your planet, this shirt was not t shirt kimono clothes from the place of the gods and each stone holder has it in a different shape and color because of that the princess do not be afraid of what happened now to our princess also experienced the same thing as you were around our age 9 years old "Priyar said it was ringing in my head for a while because they were very far from me.
I also looked towards brother frenxia when priyar finished telling me that made me really unsure but when I saw brother frenxia who changed in form ready to fight and nodded showed it was true, my mind was increasingly unable to believe imagining them as people people who have fought and sacrificed entirely to a legend but with my situation now it seems like it's true, then brother frenxia back in its original form and priyar also returns in its normal form, I want to return to my original form but I still don't know how "You have to think that the clothes are detached from your body calmly and take a deep breath" said brother frenxia to me. I haven't had time to do it, Priyar left us both from the control room because I didn't want to care about it. I took my breath and did what the brother ordered frenxia to me. Soon my body took out the light and made it disappear when I saw it again after that light. but I have not used a single thread on my body, the first time I saw a lump on my chest suddenly the towel was still in front of me, when I saw frenxia's sister who did that, "close what belongs to Your dear, your body is not for show, "he told me.
My face suddenly flushed and pulled the towel over my whole body, I was very lucky because my sister and frenxia who were in front of me as fellow women and priyar had also left us alone. I went back to the room with brother frenxia, he gave me his clothes to wear without thinking, I just put on the clothes to the bathroom next to our room when I wore it I looked towards the glass in the bathroom when I looked at him I saw a beautiful white-haired woman with red lips and flushed cheeks with white skin, I just kept feeling happy with what happened to me not wanting to linger I was wearing clothes that were given to me.
When wearing clothes that are in harmony with my body from the window in the bathroom there is a planet that we have approached the planet has a lot of water and a little land, I rushed to wear my clothes and get out of the bathroom and when I came out frenxia brother left I and Priyar rushed towards the control center I saw it from the door of my room, I rushed to the control room following Priyar and brother Frenxia, when I arrived in the control room I saw them staring at each other but from that look they were like arguing for fear of happening something I also strengthened my steps to stop their gazes when I heard my pounding, we just stared at each other for a few moments.
"Princess, we don't need that planet. There are many pirates who won't know us," Priyar said worriedly to me, "we won't go there, because there are only two planets in Galaxi," Brother Frenxia said. do not understand what really happened between them because I see this dispute seems to only pick up suaru I also said "we will go to the planet", without further ado brother frenxia told us to sit me see the face of priyar very afraid but somehow whatever we will see I am ready to accept it, we glide towards the planet as it passes through the planet's atmosphere I have seen endless expanses of the ocean and there is only one small island in the middle of the ocean the blue of the ocean is very beautiful but it seems our presence on the planet this was welcomed with the most surprising thing, namely the cannon from a small ship in the sea.
Attack by attack was received by our ship but because a very strong shield our ship did not get anything meaningful, brother frenxia immediately landed our ship directly above the sea, our ship floated against the waves from the warships from our attacking ships, " do we need to attack them miss? " franx said. Frenxia's sister nodded in agreement that our ship had turned into a very good fighting ship from the corner of the ship out lots of cannons and lots of weapons that could throw lasers, "wait for franx it seems they are afraid of your weapon" said priyar when franx turned our ship into a fighter and made the ship that attacked us stopped, brother frenxia stood up and walked out while walking he took his sword and transformed himself into his perfect form when he opened the door of our ship he walked through the water like he didn't have weight on the water. Priyar did not remain silent with the things done by brother frenxia he stood up and took the weapon running towards the exit "princess wait here never leave this place and I will enter the ship mode into the invisible mode of this ship's lock with strong lady" Priyar said to me and then he jumped into the water and walked on it too like brother frenxia when he was in perfect form.
I also run what is ordered priyar I lock the door that they passed just now and ran towards the glass that led to them when brother frenxia walked he was like a fire that would never go out must pass the water once and priyar he was like trees in the forest because of the air cool blows to the direction of the ship, I notice the two of them who keep on going until strong winds hit our ship the shocks are getting stronger, I keep trying to see the two of them from the direction of the ship vaguely I see a woman in strange clothes carrying two swords leaping towards the sea and running on the water, frenxia's brother ran away from the shark. Their clash collided, "miss, can you see clearly?" franx said to me, "no franx, I want to see them more clearly" I replied, who still kept staring at their battle from a distance, "please miss looking at this screen, I will show their pictures and sounds" franx added, I saw towards the screen I have seen clearly that fierce deadly battle even the sound of their swords clashing was heard clearly by me too, I saw the condition of brother frenxia was fine and the woman seemed very overwhelmed against brother frenxia there I said to say " he is my older sister "," what do you want from this planet ?, are you still not satisfied with the whole planet you took away with your hands, the useless king worshiper "said the woman's voice from me on the screen," hey we are not members of the king What you call that damn thing, "said the woman," don't lie, "the woman snapped, her attack continued with brother frenxia but the stronger he attacked, but like the attack had no sense of brother frenxia.
The woman relentlessly attacked brother frenxia even though at first glance the face showed fatigue but did not want to stop and brother frenxia also only held back his attacks normally, their strength was too far different as that was what I saw in the battle between frenxia's sister and the woman, friction from the sword both are very great even the wind did not dare to boil because of that one-sided battle. Suddenly Priyar fired his weapon right at the woman even made the woman bounce and float on the water, I ran out of the ship turning my shape into my perfect shape and ran on the water to where the woman floated. Priyar and brother frenxia was even surprised to see me pass them and run towards the woman, I saw her body was not hurt or bleeding "calm princess, I just fired an anesthetic that can make a power stone holder faint for a few moments" said priyar from a distance, brother frenxia also began to approach me and the woman. He also patted my shoulder and called priyar by using his hands without thinking long priyar came and lifted the body of the woman who was weak. Priyar took him to our next ship that followed him.