Emma was told by the Pope to kill me. She had me tied down and was ready to stab me with the dagger of Saint Micheal and then she could not do what she was ordered. We were more than an angel and a demon, we were best friends. Emma could not kill her best friend and ended up taking her own life.
I held her body and cried. I did not consider this a suicide. The Vatican ordered her to kill me. They forced her to sacrifice her own life because she could not kill her best friend. In my eyes, the Vatican had her blood on their hands. The strange thing was that the Vatican thought that I was evil. Yet they were the ones that locked me up and wanted me dead. They were the ones that locked my mom up in some convent. They were the ones that had an angel's blood on their hands!
I was sad and in despair. I looked at the iron gates that were locking me in the cell and they suddenly sprang open. I started walking out through narrow passageways. I could see that every step I took left a footprint of fire. This fire spread as I walked. I made my way up to the surface and found myself in some corner of the Vatican. It was an old chapel. Some priests were there and held a cross up. The crosses did not make me weak. In fact, I was feeling stronger and stronger.
I remembered the nightmare I used to have of me walking out of a Church that was burning and falling down. This was now a reality as I walked out of this small church. It was crumbling down around me and in flames. I knew that some priests and nuns died during this, but I also knew it was them that helped hold me captive for a long time.
I became known all over the world. It was a huge scandal that the Vatican kidnapped a teenage girl and held her in a damp cell for so long. I told the press that they also kidnapped Emma and killed her. I know this was a white lie, but the press went wild when I told them. Never before has the Vatican been in such a scandal and hated by so many. It was like they lost whatever respect they had from people and the majority considered the Vatican as an evil organization.
I found mom, and let her move back to me. This gave the media more to write about. Not only did they kidnap me (and Emma), but they locked my mom away in a convent where she was isolated and tortured. The Vatican was hated more. I must admit that the Vatican did their best to tell the world that I was the daughter of Satan, but no one believed this.
I spent the rest of my teenage years living with mom. This was not easy as mom was not the same as she was. She was little more than a shell of her former self. She never spoke or wanted to do anything. Satan made sure that we had enough money so a nurse could take care of mom and I could go to the best schools.
Satan was a good dad. He visited me every weekend where we would be together. I never saw him do any evil or wish anything bad on people. He was like any normal dad. The difference was that he showed me what powers I had and how to use them. He told me that there were no sins but people being selfish. He taught me that God created humans, and they had so many flaws.
When I was nearly 30, I had my own TV show. It was a show that was seen all over the world and I was considered one of the most influential and powerful women in the world. The concept of the show was easy. People would come with life-threatening sickness or mental disorders that gave them a horrible life. I used my powers to heal them and then we would talk about how they could start living a happy life. This was probably the happiest period of my life as I was doing something Emma wanted me to do. I was using my demonic powers for something good.
I loved fame and the influence that it gave me. The world was by now a different place than it was when I was a child. The Vatican never recovered from the scandal of kidnapping me (and Emma). The Catholic churches were mostly were empty and if the Pope had anything to say, no one listened.
My dad was very proud of me.
Of course, there were still rumors that I was Satan's daughter and I lost count on how many tried to kill me. I was responsible for many deaths, but in reality, this was all done in self-defense. I was no longer afraid of being hunted and considered it a fact of life.
I shocked many when I admitted in an interview that I was the daughter of Satan. This shocked many people. My TV show was canceled. However I defended myself by asking when people prayed to God for better health or a happier life, they were ignored. I explained that when I healed people, that the power came through my demonic side.
I may have lost my show, but people were interested in the fact that I was the daughter of Satan. They listened to me when I explained the image of Satan and demons were created by the Vatican throughout history and helped by Hollywood. I was not evil. I helped thousands of people and this cannot be bad. I listened to people that had problems and helped them. This was more than what God has done!
I told people that Satan does not have 600 rules and we do not need to ask him for forgiveness. There was only one sin that people could commit and that was hurting another person. This gave me the opportunity to say God wanted us to think we were sinners. It was his and his Church's method of controlling us.
It took some years of explaining all this. However, people began to understand and accept what I was saying. The empty Catholic Churches were now being filled by the Church of Satan. This trend became quicker when more and more celebrities became Satanists.
I decided to run for president. I had fun campaigning and my promise would be freedom in people's lives and the way they thought. My campaigning was stopped when mom died. I did not grieve or feel sorry. I was happy that she was finally at peace after a life that was destroyed by the Vatican. I buried mom beside Emma's grave. This was a holy site within the Satanist Church and I often visited it trying to speak with Emma.
I would never get a friend like Emma was. I missed her every day!
I was now elected as the president and this was the dawn of a new day for the human race. The strange this is that a new Pope was elected on the same day I was elected as president. This pope was something new. He was young and popular and I could see he was a man of God.
I was doing good as a president. The country was rich and it was safe. People were happier. The only problem was that the country was never so divided. Half the people loved me and half the people hated me. This split towns and cities. It split communities and it split families. This was not so good. Just mentioning my name was enough for a family fight and even a riot. I did my best at being a president, but I could not control what people thought of me. I could not stop the division or the hatred in the country!
People could have everything that they wanted. The economy could be great and everyone had access to health and education. This was not enough. If a country as split then this was a ticking bomb. I could sit in the president's office every day and see the split between the Christians and Satanists become worse. We may have come a long way that Satanism was no longer something tabu, but Christians still thought we were evil.
The new Pope did not help this. He was extremely popular and the Catholic Church was experiencing a revival. This was despite me reminding people that it was them that kidnapped me and held me as a captive. The Pope replied in a charming way that this was the past. He warned people that I have deceived people in believing Satanism is good. He warned that Satan was the enemy of God and wanted to rule the Earth. People could see that Satan's daughter was now the president, so many believed the Pope that I was doing my father's work.
I could see how bad things became when Christians destroyed the burial monument of Emma and my mother. I Sat in my office all day in tears and sad about the terror attack. How could anyone destroy the burial place of the two people who were the best people that ever lived? It made me think that the world needed Emma. I needed Emma! She would know how to heal the growing hatred in the world.
The Pope did not help. He called on Christian countries to start a crusade that would get rid of Satanism!
So here I was with my military. Our country would go to war!
Little did I know that this war would be a long war, that would destroy the earth and cause misery and destruction. Little did I know that this war would wake God up and Jesus would come and defeat us.
Little did I know that when Jesus would defeat me, I would know that my father deceived me. I did his work to divide the humans that would lead to the final war. In my last hours, I was dying in pain while Emma was at my side holding my hand. Jesus looked down at me and said Evilness would be destroyed.
I looked at Jesus as he was hoping I would finally denounce my father and ask for forgiveness.
Emma held my hand and with my last breath, I said, “You are my best friend! However, I know who I am. I am Satan's Daughter!”
The End
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