"No! Not today, please!" She begs, running harder. It's now harder to run that they have circled the parameter of the apartment.
"You rascal!" Her killer shouts back, raising her stout arm. "Pay your debt! It's been 3 months since you did!"
"You are scarier than a horror movie!" She shouts back, running faster. "Give me time please!"
But she knew she'd never have that time when her landlady shouts her very deep battlecry. Maria runs toward the door, and the landlady, who never went out of the apartment, shouts in defeat--for now.
Maria quickly decides to walk to her boyfriend's house, to at least keep the habit of running away at bay. It was, after all, just a few blocks away. It was also the reason why she chose the immensely expensive apartment even if it would mean she'd have debts.
She didn't have to ring the doorbell or knock. Maria barges inside the house as soon as she arrives, announcing her arrival, "Hello? Rico?"
His house was half-messy, never going to clean nor messy. Rico always like things at the middle, and never went to extremeties. However, it always wondered her how he would keep things mild for the both of them--giving her the position of a lustful virgin and a thirsty girlfriend.
She went to his room, and opened the door. Maria smiles at the sight of a half-messy bed, and she giddily raises the sheets up.
But wished she never did.
Beneath the sheets were her boyfriend and a very sexy girl, naked and groaning from the sudden interruption. Rico opens one eye, and upon noticing her, opens both of them. "Maria!" He shouts, awake and astonished. "I-I-It's not what you're thinking of!"
She quickly grabs his baseball bat resting against the wall and raises it abover her head. Rico and his girl spring up from the bed and run away from her, as Maria catches them to outside.
It made her wonder why she always runs after problems, but at least, her debt can now be cleared.
All she has to worry is how to kill, albeit being killed.