I stood there in the middle of the night and shouted up at the skies for Zenko to get me. I didn't care if he sent me to the mad doctors that would experiment on me. I didn't care if I was back at the enclosure. At least I would know that I was wanted and loved. Despite how much I shouted and how much I wished for a spaceship to show, the sky was empty. I knew that Zenko would not be coming back to me and he probably thought that I was dead.
I slumped under a tree as I had to think. Maybe everything was my fault. I had a good home and maybe I expected too much from my parents. I am sure they loved me, but they must have been unsure how to show it. They expected a lot from me, but maybe this was to make sure that I would have a good life when I left home. They must have cared for me to worry about my future. It could be that it was me that expected too much. Maybe giving hugs and goodnight stories are just in movies.
I have also experienced something that only a handful of people have. I lived at Galaxy Zoo. This was a break from the pressures that I had on Earth. I learned how to play and have fun. I learned what it was like to be loved and cared for. I was adored by the visitors and Sandra and Zenko gave me so many hugs. This was an experience that I would never forget. It has changed me in some ways and I could use this to be a better person.
I decided to go back home. It was important that I stopped feeling sorry for myself and gave my parents a chance. I had to realize that they were worried about my future. I decided that I would study and get good grades in school. I would make sure that I always looked good, even if this meant brushing my hair for an hour. I would prove to them that I could be a success in what I set my mind to. I am sure they would be proud of me.
Everything was going well for a few days until our religion teacher was talking about creation. Someone asked her if there was life in outer space. She started explaining that there was only life on earth. God created us so there was no need for him to create other life forms. Hollywood has corrupted the idea of Gods creation by things such as Star Trek and Star Wars. This made me smile at first, but it was getting more and more annoying as she went on.
"What your saying is not true!" I said
The teacher looked at me and asked me if I was an expert on the subject. I told the whole class about space aliens kidnapping me and my life at Galaxy Zoo. There was some snickering and laughing as I told them that I was a pet in the zoo. The teacher told me to sit down. I was by no means finished. I started explaining all the species that I have seen and what they looked like. When I sat down, I wanted to be invisible. I was happy that the secret was out. I was also mad at myself for telling everyone. They would most likely consider me weirder than they already did.
I wished that it would all just be forgotten. This was not going to happen. Everyone was telling each other that I thought that I was kidnapped by aliens. I could see that they all thought I was insane or just trying to get attention. It was at times like this that I wished that I had a friend. Someone who knew me and knew I was telling the truth. I did not say another word all day.
When I came home, mom was waiting for me. She told me to sit down. I was wondering if I was in trouble. She seemed very calm. She was very silent and this was like torture. My mom never asked me to sit down and have a talk. I did not say a word and just bit my lips. I wanted her to get on with what she wanted. The silence was killing me.
" I have spoken with the teacher," she said, "and it seems as if you told your whole class about the spaceship. I should be mad at you for doing something that you were told time and time again not to do. I will be honest, I am deeply worried about you. I do think you believe that you were kidnapped by aliens and were at some zoo in the universe. That is so sad. Go to your room. When your father gets back, we will speak on how you can be helped."
I went to my room and sat in my usual corner. This was a strange chat with mom. She was mad at me, and yet in a nice way. She did not yell and scream like she usually does. She was very calm and nice about it. It was almost as if she cared. This was something that I was not used to. It made me think that my parents did believe me that I was abducted. I sat in the corner full of hope, that my parents were now showing a side of themselves that I never knew. They were showing that they cared. Maybe our family was finally getting feelings and we did not have to prove how good we are to others.
It was a nice feeling that I could sit there and smile. It made me think about the last few weeks at home, where I was not happy. Maybe this was a negative vibe that affected the way my parents felt. It could be that they only have seen me as a negative and grumpy child. Since I decided to try and be happy, I have been smiling more and did not whine as much. Now my parents could see a better and different side of me.
Dad finally came into my room and told me that he heard what happened at school. He could not hide that he was disappointed. He told me that we could discuss it as we went for a drive. This got me excited as he probably was taking us someplace to eat while we talked about it. I quickly got my coat and went out to the car.
Nothing was said as we drove the car. Mom and Dad did not even speak with each other. I now stopped smiling as we were not driving to town but we were heading towards the countryside. This was not the ride that I was expecting and wondered where we were going. I suddenly lost all the hope I had and wondered if my parents were hiding something from me. When I asked where we were going, they would just say to have patience. By now, we were on the road for an hour and deep in the countryside. I looked out the window and started to worry.
I had every reason to worry. We arrived at this big estate in the middle of nowhere. There was a huge sign that said it was "The St. Fatima mental institution". We drove on a long entrance road where we saw a huge building that looked like a smaller version of Downton Abbey. I still did not understand why we were here and I did not realize what sort of building this was. I was very confused. What was happening?
Everything went so fast. Mom and dad took my hands and nearly dragged me into the building. Inside I could hear some screaming and some moans. The floors were marble and everything smelled so clean. Otherwise, it was like an old hospital that was on TV. A stern-looking nurse came and lead us to the ward that I would live in.
I would live in?
Dad was telling the nurse that my mind must have been messed up as I was telling everyone that space aliens abducted me. The nurse just nodded and admitted that I needed help. She showed me a bed and said this would be mine. It was at that moment that I realized what was happening. My parents have taken me to a mental institution! I started crying and screaming that I did not want to be here. Mom and Dad showed no emotions as the nurse explained to me that I needed help. I continued to cry on the bed and beg my parents to take me home. I promised them that I would never mention the Galaxy Zoo again.
They did not listen. Mom was telling the nurse that there was no history of mental illness in the family. Then mom used a lot of time explaining why I could have become sick and everything they did as parents to help me. I did not recognise a lot of the help that she insisted that they did. Mom was also quick to point out how embarrassing that this was for them as parents, and they could not help to feel somewhat ashamed of me. After I heard my parents tell of how ashamed they were, I just stopped listening.
My parents left without even hugging me. The nurse told me I could wait here and someone would show me where we ate later. This gave me a lot of time to think. I was mad at myself for thinking that my parents suddenly cared for and loved me. Why did I even think that? Was it wishful thinking? I knew exactly what they thought of me now. They thought I was insane and deserved to be locked up. They never wanted a daughter. They had no problem in letting this mental place take me off their hands. My parents were ashamed of me. They did not even hug me when they went! I would remember this the next time I would consider if they loved me or not.
This institution also scared me. The nurse that I met showed no compassion and I even wondered if she liked me. She allowed my parents to speak the way they did. There was nothing to see in the institution. It was one hallway after another hallway. I could not even speak with the other children. They were like zombies and walked around in their world. The one nice place I found was a nice garden with spring water and lots of pretty flowers. I sat there a lot as it seemed to be the only nice place at the institution.
The next day there was a group meeting. This was very strange. The children were about my age but some had problems. One boy whose name was Rory explained that he was always depressed, another girl thought she was an angel and she could not find her wings. Another girl talked of the voices in her head that were telling her what to do. When it came to me, I had no problem telling them that I was abducted by Aliens and lived at Galaxy Zoo. I was here because no one believed me.
The doctor did not believe me. After the group meeting, he called me to his office and explained how complex the human brain is. He told me that he thought I believed that I was kidnapped by aliens, and this can be a symptom of a confused brain. My brain was telling me that I wanted to be more special than I was and I wanted more attention. He never asked for my opinion and he just went on and on telling me how insane I was. I looked out the window and could see a squirrel playing around. At this point, I did not care what the doctor said. The only thing that I heard is that I would be getting medicine that would help me. He gave me a tablet straight away.
The tablet made me drowsy, so I spent the rest of the day in the small garden. At one stage, a boy that I met at the group session sat down beside me. His name was Rory. He smiled and told me that I found his secret garden. I spoke with Rory for hours and could not understand why he was here. Despite that he was sad, he seemed to be one of the nicest boys that I ever met. We promised each other that we would be friends and help each other survive the place.
This worked for a while. However, the medicine that I took was affecting me. I could not think and I could hardly speak. It was like I was always on some pink cloud and didn't care about anything anymore. I couldn't speak with Rory as all I did was sway my body back and forth and stare into empty space. I did hear him sigh once and say that they now had me drugged as well. I did not know what he meant. I was happy that he remained my friend and helped me because as time went on, I could do less and less.
Mom came to visit me. I was spaced out and when she spoke, it sounded like echoes from a ghost. When I spoke, I just slurred some words out. Mom did not seem to notice my drugged condition. It was quite the opposite. She told the nurse that it was good that I was getting better!
After mom came, Rory told me that he believed that I was kidnapped by aliens and admitted that he would love to live at Galaxy Zoo.
I looked at him in a spaced out and confused manner.
"What is Galaxy Zoo?"
The next chapter is coming that will conclude this story