Chapter 68 - BOMB
As Cillian landed hard on the floor, his hand flew to his nose, which was now rapidly swelling. Blood dripped between his fingers, painting his pale skin an even more grotesque shade. For a moment, he just lay there, his eyes closed, the pain and shock of the sudden attack washing over him.
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Suddenly, the lights flickered erratically, plunging the room into near darkness for a moment before sputtering back to life. The sound of shattering glass echoed from somewhere nearby, followed by a chorus of terrified screams. The ship lurched violently, throwing loose objects across the room and sending Luxana stumbling to maintain her balance.
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Amidst the growing chaos, Cillian's eyes snapped open. His face was a mask of indifference, betraying no hint of pain or concern. Without a word, he pushed himself to his feet, seemingly unaffected by the pandemonium erupting around them.
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Luxana watched in confusion as Cillian calmly wiped the blood from his face with the back of his hand. His aquamarine eyes met hers for a brief moment, cold and unreadable, before he turned and strode purposefully towards the door.
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"Cillian, wait!" Luxana called out, her voice barely audible over the cacophony of alarms and panicked shouts now filling the corridors. But he didn't even pause, disappearing through the doorway without a backward glance.
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Luxana sat there on the floor, stunned and bewildered by Cillian's abrupt departure. The room continued to shake and tilt around her, mirroring the turmoil in her mind. What was happening? Why had Cillian left like that?
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Shaking off her stupor, Luxana scrambled to her feet and rushed to the door. She peered out into the corridor, expecting to see Cillian's retreating form. But the hallway was a scene of utter chaos - passengers running in all directions, crew members shouting instructions that were lost in the din. Of Cillian, there was no sign.
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Luxana stepped out into the corridor, her head swiveling left and right as she searched desperately for any glimpse of Cillian's familiar figure. But he had vanished, swallowed up by the pandemonium that now engulfed the ship.
And suddenly, amidst the chaos of people running haywire in the narrow corridor, I felt a forceful shove from behind. I stumbled, my balance faltering as the ship lurched beneath my feet. Just as I braced for impact with the cold floor, a strong arm wrapped around my waist, steadying me.
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Relief flooded through me as I regained my footing. "Cillian," I breathed, spinning around with a mixture of gratitude and urgency. But the face that met my gaze was not Cillian's.
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Instead, I found myself staring into a pair of startling red eyes. The man before me had light brown skin and burnt brown hair, with a prominent scar running across his left eye. His expression mirrored my own shock at our unexpected encounter.
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Who the hell is he? I thought, a tremor of fear running through me. I pushed myself out of his embrace, my heart racing as I turned on my heel and bolted down the corridor.
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But escape wasn't to be so simple. The sound of heavy footsteps behind me told me that the mysterious man had given chase.
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WHAT THE HELL? My mind screamed as I risked a glance over my shoulder, confirming my pursuer. What's up with this freak? Why's he running after me? The questions pounded in my head in time with my frantic steps.
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The crowd of panicked passengers became both obstacle and opportunity. I weaved through the throng, desperately searching for an escape route. My eyes landed on a cabin door, slightly ajar amidst the chaos.
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Without hesitation, I threw myself into the room, slamming the door shut behind me. My trembling hands fumbled with the lock, finally clicking it into place. I leaned against the door, my chest heaving as I tried to catch my breath, straining my ears for any sign of pursuit.
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And then, a flood of thoughts hit me:
PREVIOUSLY ON "MY LIFE AS A COSMIC JOKE": Picture me, getting the world's most awkward hug while surrounded by the Hot Topic Apocalypse Collection Fashion Show. Then BOOM - Kryll drops the "Cillian's Obsessed" bomb like he's announcing a two-for-one sale on tragic backstories!
BREAKING NEWS: Brooding kidnapper might have attachment issues! Next up: Water is wet, and the sky is blue! More shocking revelations at 11! Someone alert the Vatican - we've got a certified miracle of deduction here!
And this mission? chef's kiss PERFECTION. Was there a raffle? "Congratulations! You've won our Trauma Tuesday Special! Prize includes: One (1) kidnapping, several (7) dramatic encounters, and a complimentary magical migraine! Terms and conditions: Survival not guaranteed!"
Oh, let's talk about my BRILLIANT escape attempt! My teleportation got ghosted harder than a bad Tinder date. Thanks for the brain party that feels like a thousand tiny demons doing the macarena in steel-toed boots on my cerebral cortex!
Then - BECAUSE TIMING IS AN ART - enter Cillian, fresh from his "How to Be Mysteriously Annoying 101" masterclass. "Wence has begun his move." OH I'M SORRY, IS MY BRAIN HEMORRHAGE INTERRUPTING YOUR AUDITION FOR "Most Cryptic Line in a B-Movie"? Should I reschedule my mental breakdown for after your monologue?
And just as I'm writing the first chapter of my upcoming bestseller "How to Accidentally Join a Supernatural Cult and Other Party Fouls," the ship decides to do its best "Titanic: The Remix" impression. Enter Walmart Brand Villain with his designer scar and red eyes that SCREAM "I have a tragic backstory and it's longer than War and Peace!"
Now I'm playing "Tag: Apocalypse Edition" through corridors full of people who apparently learned crowd management from a herd of caffeinated sheep. In HEELS. Because nothing says "ready for disaster" like four-inch stilettos!
Final destination? A locked cabin. ALONE. Absolute 10/10 survival instincts! Maybe I should start taking reservations?
"Dear Potentially Murderous Entities: Now accepting appointments for dramatic confrontations in Cabin 666. BYOB (Bring Your Own Backstory). Dress code: Brooding and Mysterious. Extra points for unexplained scars and unusual eye colors!"
If anyone needs me, I'll be here writing my memoir: "From Bad to Worse: How I Turned Ship Safety Protocols into a Dating Show From Hell" or maybe "The Bachelor: Supernatural Edition - Where Every Rose Has Its Thorns and Every Guy Has Commitment Issues!"
P.S. Is it too late to trade this adventure for a nice, quiet nervous breakdown in the Bahamas? No? Just checking!
P.P.S. If I survive this, I'm never setting foot on another boat. Give me nice, safe, boring land where mysterious men with red eyes can't corner me while I'm having an existential crisis. Is that too much to ask for? APPARENTLY YES!
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I inhaled deeply, my face scrunching into a pout at the sheer absurdity of the situation. Just when I thought things couldn't get any crazier—
The deafening sounds of explosions ripped through the corridors, followed immediately by a cacophony of terrified screams. Elderly, young, children—their voices blended into a horrifying chorus of panic.
WHAT SHOULD I DO? The thought raced through my mind, fear and worry coursing through my veins like ice. I exhaled slowly, steeling myself. These people needed help, and apparently, I was the only one crazy enough to run towards the danger.
Determined, I yanked open the door and—
OH SWEET MERCIFUL UNIVERSE, THE FREAKING FREAK WAS RIGHT THERE! His confused eyes bore into mine, and I swear he was so tall I could practically see the top of my head reflected in his pupils.
EH, HUMAN BEING, WHY ARE YOU FOLLOWING ME WHEN YOU LOOK AS LOST AS I FEEL? I wanted to scream, but my voice seemed to have taken an impromptu vacation.
Oh boy, oh boy. He's RIGHT THERE. Like, breathing-down-my-neck RIGHT THERE. I did NOT think this through. Why is he built like a redwood tree? Why do I suddenly feel like a very confused and mildly terrified garden gnome? Is this what potatoes feel like when they try to intimidate streetlights?
Stay cool, Luxana. You're a warrior, remember? A very small warrior currently having an existential crisis, but a warrior nonetheless. Maybe if I glare hard enough, I'll spontaneously grow a foot taller. It's worth a shot, right?
"AH! I- I-" I stammered eloquently, my eyes darting everywhere but his face. Smooth, Luxana. Real smooth.
Cold sweat trickled down my back as my brain screamed, WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK DO I DO NOW? A nervous smile crept across my face, probably making me look like a very confused chipmunk.
Another explosion rocked the ship, and suddenly everyone was running and screaming. Sirens wailed, announcements blared, and yet this human sequoia was still just... standing there. Staring. Like a very confused, very tall statue.
Nope. Not dealing with this. I shoved past him, plunging into the panicked crowd. I had a bomb to find and a Cillian to murder for abandoning me. My feet screamed in protest—note to self: maybe don't wear stilettos to a life-or-death situation next time.
The ceiling to my right started to crack and crumble. I veered left, my heart pounding in my ears. And then—because clearly the universe decided I hadn't had enough fun yet—a woman roughly the size of a small car came flying at me.
We went down in a tangle of limbs. THE HELL— I thought, struggling to breathe under what felt like a metric ton of panicked human.
"Mo-move! Ple-please," I wheezed, my lungs competing for space with my rapidly rising panic.
And then, because this night clearly needed more excitement, I heard the unmistakable roar of fire. The woman on top of me went limp, and I managed to wiggle free, scrambling to my feet.
I sprinted towards the sound of the flames, my mind racing.
-Cruise; The Atrium-
The once-majestic Atrium had devolved into a scene of unimaginable horror. The air, thick with acrid smoke, burned the lungs of those still conscious enough to breathe. Visibility was near zero, with only the hellish glow of flames piercing through the inky blackness.
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The grand staircase, once a symbol of elegance, now resembled a waterfall of fire. Each step crumbled and melted, the expensive marble bubbling and warping under the intense heat. The gold-plated railings liquefied, dripping like molten lava onto the screaming passengers below.
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Everywhere, the sounds of terror and agony filled the air. A child's high-pitched wail cut through the roar of the flames, abruptly silenced as a burning beam crashed down. Elderly couples, their wrinkled hands clasped together in one final, desperate embrace, huddled in corners as the inferno closed in around them.
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The ship's metal framework groaned and twisted, the heat causing it to warp and buckle. Each creak and pop was a harbinger of imminent collapse. Sparks rained down from above, each one a potential death sentence for those whose clothes were already smoldering.
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In the center of the Atrium, the massive crystal chandelier swayed ominously. Its once-pristine crystals now glowed an angry red, distorting the light into nightmarish patterns across the chaos below. With each pitch and roll of the ship, chunks of crystal and metal broke free, becoming deadly projectiles in the smoke-filled air.
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The carpets, soaked with spilled drinks and worse, had become a treacherous swamp of fire. Those who fell found themselves trapped, the flames hungrily devouring their flesh as they screamed for help that couldn't come.
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Amidst this apocalyptic scene, I stood, overwhelmed by the sheer scale of the disaster. The Dragon Flames within me resonated with the inferno, making my skin feel as if it were about to burst into flames itself. Every instinct screamed at me to flee, to save myself from this hell on earth.
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But as I watched a mother desperately shielding her infant from the falling debris, I knew I couldn't abandon them. With trembling hands and a racing heart, I began to reach out to the flames, praying that my power would be enough to stem this tide of destruction.
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The task before me seemed impossible, the situation too far gone. But as the ship gave another sickening lurch and the screams intensified, I knew I had to try. Even if it cost me everything, I had to fight against this inferno with every fiber of my being.
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As I stood amidst the inferno, the flames seemed to dance in sync with my heartbeat. I knew I had to act fast, to guide these desperate souls to safety. With a deep breath, I reached out with my power, feeling the fire respond to my will.
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I began to shape the flames, creating pathways through the smoke and debris. The fire parted, forming clear corridors that led to the exits. I directed it with precision, ensuring that every step was safe, every route clear.
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"Follow the paths!" I shouted, my voice carrying over the roar of the flames. "Stay low and move quickly!"
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As the passengers scrambled towards safety, I turned my attention to the structural integrity of the Atrium. The grand staircase was crumbling, threatening to collapse and block a major exit. I focused my energy, using the flames to reinforce weakening supports. Metal melted and glass fused, creating temporary buttresses that held against the weight of the burning debris.
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A group was trapped on an upper balcony, the flames closing in. I acted swiftly, crafting a bridge of solidified flame that connected them to a safer area.
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"Cross now!" I yelled, maintaining intense focus to keep the fiery bridge stable.
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The heat was overwhelming, sweat pouring down my face as I pushed my limits. I knew I couldn't maintain this level of control indefinitely.
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In a final, desperate move, I summoned a massive wave of flame that swept through the Atrium. It absorbed smaller fires, drawing them away from the remaining survivors. As it moved, it released waves of controlled flame that extinguished pockets of fire throughout the space.
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With the last of the passengers evacuated, I directed the flames to consume the lingering fires, leaving behind only smoldering embers. Exhausted and on the verge of collapse, I surveyed the devastated Atrium. The destruction was extensive, but thanks to my actions, many lives had been saved from this inferno.
"HAAAH..." I exhaled heavily, my head hanging low. The effort of controlling the inferno had drained me, but I was still standing. Pride at saving so many lives mingled with exhaustion in my veins.
Suddenly, a sickening crack echoed beneath my feet. Before I could react, the floor gave way, and I plummeted into darkness.
I landed hard on a metal grating, the impact knocking the wind out of me. As I gasped for air, I took in my new surroundings. I had fallen into what must be the lower deck - a maze of pipes, tunnels, and industrial equipment. But this was no ordinary engine room.
To be Continued...