I sigh sitting outside hidden away in the bushes. Behind the windows of the first floor corridor at the back of school, quite near from the gym.
'Stupid.' I grumble, 'Stupid. Stupid.' I repeat twice knocking my head. 'Stupid. Stupid. Stu--' As I am about to repeat it thrice someone finishes it for me, 'Stupid,' I freeze up, but then regain my composure. I look up only to freeze again. Speaking of the devil.
Araki Shuji grins at me, looking down right at my orbs whilst he leans his cheeks onto his palm against the window sill.
'Why... what...? What are you doing here?' I bit my lips that's quivering from the shock.
'I happen to see you?' He grins with a princely look, however, I feel that it's only his mask. My brows furrows when he jump out from the window taking sit next to me.
'Okay?' I try to reply nonchalantly.
Then we just sat there in quiet until the bell rings.